It's the young Shaman named 'KaKo' who is speaking:
"So the strange crocodile that is likely yours that I saw in my dream almost two days ago started to speak and through many words he asked me if I would rather have him chase after me wearing something like a freaky pair of manageable dinosaur-bird-like wings that would be able to raise me up and allow me to fly into the sky, knowing and accepting the fact that he himself would be flying to chase after me, or would I prefer to willingly be chased by him while both of us are naturally on all fours!?" Before KaKo could continue to tell the scenario including his late dream, he is once again interrupted; hearing his own words being repeated and resounded one more time into a precious chorus, mingling different village Shaman Elders' voices that are indeed questioning each of KaKo's words. All of these precious Shaman Elders are seemingly already bending down and straightening back up again behind KaKo; their deeply thoughtful silhouettes still chorusing KaKo's words one more time...hmm!?
KaKo stays silent, watching Chief 'Diso La SanKa's' face; the WE-Village Chief's sweaty face that is divided into two bright glowing colors of green and gray today; but just as suddenly as these Elders start to sing and murmur, these Elders' heads that are chorusing each of KaKo's last sentences of the day, they abruptly go silent again. Therefore feeling the pressure from the silent assembly of eyes, KaKo knows the seen and unseen ones are about to hear from him again, so once again he continues with his words and story valiantly, "Yes to be on all fours or solidly winged that is what was asked of me, meaning, I must fly like a bat or run like a cautious and suspicious four-legged animal would do when roaming around any dangerous reptilian surroundings. For I was simply racing and playing a wild game in which my body and part of my crocodilian spirit was bursting out of me and rejoicing to have me racing, resulting in my actions and behavior relating better and better to the one that was following me!" Once again some Elders' mouths are already chorusing, newly casting back out KaKo's long last sentence,"...resulting in my actions and behavior relating better and better to the one that was following me...", into the air...allowing KaKo to breathe. In his silence KaKo is feeling the atmosphere bearing plenty of humidity as a lot of perspiration is being spread from other people's bodies that are near him. This being an inevitable new silence inside of this WE-Village Chief's interiors, KaKo can continue to tell his late dream, a dream relating to the WE-Village Chief's massive old single-eyed crocodilian creature, the only big one that is inevitably outside somewhere, still growling from time to time too, isn't it?
“So in that dream of mine I tried to explain to this speaking croco-beast that appeared to me that I willingly preferred to be chased by him on all fours and he asked me why? So I continued explaining to him that I would start to run on all fours like any four-legged creature would do and if he is fast approaching behind me and close to catching me, by sheer willpower I will then stand up like a real human being on my feet and start to run with more confidence about my speed. So I kept on telling him that if at any time he will try to catch me, forgetting or not that our racing game isn't meant to be hurtful, I will stand up and start running in that survival mode of mine which simply means I know how to twist my human body and push these two human feet of mine to run faster than his crocodilian legs, thus he won't be able to catch me!” Once again KaKo went silent, interrupted by six or seven Shaman Elders' voices saying, "thus he won't be able to catch me!" again and again. So after their last murmurs had been calmed down as well, after another long silence young Shaman KaKo continued to speak, “So as I told him even if both of us try to repeat that race experience twice, thrice or more than a hundred times the speaking crocodile that is likely yours who needs to have me as a new trusted partner to play with in these dreamlike atmospheres we are in, will not be able to catch me because every time he will come nearer to seize me I’ll do the same meaning, I will stand up on my own two feet and start to run, zigzagging from time to time; yes zigzagging, so as I run faster than him he will never catch me; nor will he seize, by his thoughts' power alone, this extended black shadow of mine laying here!" The young Shaman KaKo seemed to encourage a bit of his own short entangled shadow to extend some more when he finished talking.
Outside the WE-Village Chief's real old pa' single-eyed crocodile was, is and forever will be an unmistakable symbolic guard; one slowly and heavily scratching the ground to advance, scratching as long as he wants and doing whatever he has to do. An old crocodile still crippling on all fours, approaching when something happens to build any tiny crowd of people, mingling their eyes and moods of the day when questioning or not any of the designed disrespectful WE-Village youths of the day too...remember!?
Will we now have to see some alerted winged-bodies of dreamers being chased in some parts of this WE-Village's sky? Probably yes; and just as young Shaman KaKo has to solve an enigma in his late dream too. We might see some of the dreamers' bodies, only the ones with wings, as purchased ephemeral visitors' bodies running away as they try to muster up enough of their own remaining energy to keep flying and flying. So the question about this option is how can they keep resisting and save their most vital edible body parts when they are unable to see themselves, supernaturally or not, flying endlessly in the sky...hmm!? Therefore following KaKo de SoulShoe-Village or even following this designed first supervisor of the day, at any time we might meet that amazing well-known massive crocodile's grayish-black shadow following each of their respective footprints, as their most trusted partner of the day...hmm!? A trusted partner crawling on all fours as it approaches them...or approaches any atmosphere of their dreams too...hmm!?
Young Shaman KaKo is really preparing himself now to hear many different Elders' voices chorus all types of old and new choruses from now on.
He stops telling his story one more time, knowing he has to be calm and quiet until someone, especially his first supervisor the WE-Village Chief, or any of the Shaman Elders' faces glowing around him, incite him to speak again.
So after all of these eminent Elders calm down again, one of their most intriguing collective nodding of silent heads vigorously incites young Shaman Kako to keep speaking so one more time he continues, “As I was sticking to my reasoning in front of your speaking crocodile dear Chief 'Diso La SanKa', it seemed to me that while opening his jaws he started to laugh, yes to laugh, as his nostrils were palpitating like a small pair of jagged wings, hence the title ‘When The Crocodile Starts To Laugh’ because he was really laughing, laughing loudly as if he couldn't stop. Then during our race I could feel the whole of his protruding old single crocodilian eye that was following the pace of my footsteps on the ground, slowly and progressively fading away, becoming just a round vision behind me and becoming the last single crocodilian purple colored laughing moon-eye that I had ever heard or saw in any of my dreams!" After exposing and telling all about this massive crocodilian purple moon-eye emanation following him and fading away laughing, KaKo silenced himself again in front of all.
The WE-Village Chief like everyone else is trying to see from the two possibilities KaKo has had and has been challenging in his late dream about old Mister single-eyed croco-beast that we all know, how the choice of accepting to have his two feet moving while planted firmly on the ground, with his natural body wingless by the way, seems to be much more efficient than having a winged body with his or her senses unprepared to live out an endless race in front of any untiring flying winged-crocodile!
The massive old single-eyed croco-beast has successfully infiltrated KaKo's dreams too and this is important in all Shaman's standards of seeing things. To be seen as a powerful type of speaking crocodile with a purple single-eye and palpitating winged-nostrils, one that young Shaman KaKo would never have dared touch or to introduce one shaking hand into any of...of those reptilian orifices, their most moving orifices but not yet their most dangerous ones...hmm!?
About five eminent Shaman Elder's silhouettes are still twisting all of their body parts to get down low but each one stands up to approach 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief, to stick an ear close to his cheek or mouth. Yes the WE-Village Chief is in his line of conduct to attack but is still being watched by all kinds of young and old male and female Shaman eyes, Shaman from at least three to four different villages that are still sitting there waiting. So as the Chief will be seen silently listening to each of these five eminent Elders approaching him, he will continue to breathe and the more profoundly and silently he does so, the less audible he will be to anyone; now remember this is still the best way for 'I-SanKa-La-Diso', Chief of this Warrior Equilibrium Village, to concentrate in front of all eyes. He is silent as usual with his two eyes and ears half-open while he is watching and listening all around him...isn't he...hmm!?
Some other Elders' shadows are sitting on wooden seats; others are laying on different animal skins, already concentrating to the best of their abilities, while others with younger bodies are twisting and kneeling on simple vegetal made carpets, with their square jagged pieces and angles, that are lying on the ground in front of all eyes too.
Many of these young and old Shaman's bodies are gesturing from time to time as whether to lift up or put down whatever they have come with inside here today to be shown at their Shaman assembly! They are ready to speak with or without showing their most powerful fetishes or titles of the day...hmm!?
As to reset all kinds of other crocodilian noises now that can be heard inside of this WE-Village Chief's interiors, being a native of WE-Village or not, all of these young and old Shaman's shadows who have been invited and allowed to be in this new meeting of the day are waiting for the Chief only, inside his living room, to give his final words of advice might be deserving of them. Being the youngest in the crowd of Shamans, KaKo is silently waiting when suddenly the WE-Village Chief starts to sing, and this is an important signal for young Shaman KaKo's public session to end. As abrupt as it seems, it is simply time to leave! A long strange growling crocodilian resonance is powerfully arising from the WE-Village Chief's throat, managing the end of the session... and this is the signal KaKo's mind has been waiting for, a signal ending one important part of the session today introducing what he had to say about the WE-Village Chief's single-eyed crocodile that was found in his latest dream; and since KaKo has dreamt about him now, he feels he has said and done what is required of him to do up until now. Being the youngest Shaman student of the day and the only dreamer who has been allowed to tell his latest dream, Kako has decided to take some more time to think as the WE-Village Chief's first long growls are suddenly followed by many others.
Yes all of the singers, both male and female voices accompanied by their Elders voices, together as one are respectively chorusing to Chief 'Diso-La-SanKa's' mysterious growls before they begin to stand up one by one. As each one's silhouette continues or not to sing the confusing chorus which helps the WE-Village Chief's murmurs and wails calmly disappear, they begin to silently jump over each others seats, preparing to leave this living room through the tri-colored veil covering the Chief's main doorway.
So after their silhouettes cross through the Chief's tri-colered veil, one by one they are picking up all of their shoes and bags or any other things left outside on the WE-Village Chief's terrace. Therefore after settling themselves down each one is preparing to climb down the three or four large crackling wooden stairs to reach the ground level of the earth of this WE-Village Chief's open compound where the large, authoratative single-eyed crocodile is waiting; its massive crocodilian silhouette still very far from them, unmoving. What is this massive crocodilian shadow, the one we all know, actually up to? What is this single-eyed crocodile waiting for, when its so visibly unmoving or when its slowly moving in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!?
The WE-Village Chief like everyone else is trying to see from the two possibilities KaKo has had and has been challenging in his late dream about old Mister single-eyed croco-beast that we all know, how the choice of accepting to have his two feet moving while planted firmly on the ground, with his natural body wingless by the way, seems to be much more efficient than having a winged body with his or her senses unprepared to live out an endless race in front of any untiring flying winged-crocodile!
The massive old single-eyed croco-beast has successfully infiltrated KaKo's dreams too and this is important in all Shaman's standards of seeing things. To be seen as a powerful type of speaking crocodile with a purple single-eye and palpitating winged-nostrils, one that young Shaman KaKo would never have dared touch or to introduce one shaking hand into any of...of those reptilian orifices, their most moving orifices but not yet their most dangerous ones...hmm!?
About five eminent Shaman Elder's silhouettes are still twisting all of their body parts to get down low but each one stands up to approach 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief, to stick an ear close to his cheek or mouth. Yes the WE-Village Chief is in his line of conduct to attack but is still being watched by all kinds of young and old male and female Shaman eyes, Shaman from at least three to four different villages that are still sitting there waiting. So as the Chief will be seen silently listening to each of these five eminent Elders approaching him, he will continue to breathe and the more profoundly and silently he does so, the less audible he will be to anyone; now remember this is still the best way for 'I-SanKa-La-Diso', Chief of this Warrior Equilibrium Village, to concentrate in front of all eyes. He is silent as usual with his two eyes and ears half-open while he is watching and listening all around him...isn't he...hmm!?
Some other Elders' shadows are sitting on wooden seats; others are laying on different animal skins, already concentrating to the best of their abilities, while others with younger bodies are twisting and kneeling on simple vegetal made carpets, with their square jagged pieces and angles, that are lying on the ground in front of all eyes too.
Many of these young and old Shaman's bodies are gesturing from time to time as whether to lift up or put down whatever they have come with inside here today to be shown at their Shaman assembly! They are ready to speak with or without showing their most powerful fetishes or titles of the day...hmm!?
As to reset all kinds of other crocodilian noises now that can be heard inside of this WE-Village Chief's interiors, being a native of WE-Village or not, all of these young and old Shaman's shadows who have been invited and allowed to be in this new meeting of the day are waiting for the Chief only, inside his living room, to give his final words of advice might be deserving of them. Being the youngest in the crowd of Shamans, KaKo is silently waiting when suddenly the WE-Village Chief starts to sing, and this is an important signal for young Shaman KaKo's public session to end. As abrupt as it seems, it is simply time to leave! A long strange growling crocodilian resonance is powerfully arising from the WE-Village Chief's throat, managing the end of the session... and this is the signal KaKo's mind has been waiting for, a signal ending one important part of the session today introducing what he had to say about the WE-Village Chief's single-eyed crocodile that was found in his latest dream; and since KaKo has dreamt about him now, he feels he has said and done what is required of him to do up until now. Being the youngest Shaman student of the day and the only dreamer who has been allowed to tell his latest dream, Kako has decided to take some more time to think as the WE-Village Chief's first long growls are suddenly followed by many others.
Yes all of the singers, both male and female voices accompanied by their Elders voices, together as one are respectively chorusing to Chief 'Diso-La-SanKa's' mysterious growls before they begin to stand up one by one. As each one's silhouette continues or not to sing the confusing chorus which helps the WE-Village Chief's murmurs and wails calmly disappear, they begin to silently jump over each others seats, preparing to leave this living room through the tri-colored veil covering the Chief's main doorway.
So after their silhouettes cross through the Chief's tri-colered veil, one by one they are picking up all of their shoes and bags or any other things left outside on the WE-Village Chief's terrace. Therefore after settling themselves down each one is preparing to climb down the three or four large crackling wooden stairs to reach the ground level of the earth of this WE-Village Chief's open compound where the large, authoratative single-eyed crocodile is waiting; its massive crocodilian silhouette still very far from them, unmoving. What is this massive crocodilian shadow, the one we all know, actually up to? What is this single-eyed crocodile waiting for, when its so visibly unmoving or when its slowly moving in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!?
The Shaman Elders and the younger male and female ones are singing and one by one are disappearing behind the tri-colored veil covering the Chief's main doorway today. As they are leaving to respectively confront the crocodilian beast outside it is recommended to young Shaman KaKo that he just sit still right where he is and keep listening to and singing with all of the other voices until the very last singing group of Shaman Elders' shadows disappear, and not only from this vast sitting-living room either. Consequently under the colorful lights of the crepuscular of the day this important part of the session involving young Shaman KaKo's initiation, amongst many other Shaman students, is most definitely ending for each of them. Therefore standing up and advancing to reach their belongings outside, along with some Elders they continue harmonizing their goodbyes through their long collective growls, hissing and singing voices.

As usual some children on the lookout for an event, and not just from beyond the walls and trees of the WE-Village Chief's compound either, are silently observing this latest amazing singing group of five Elders which after waiting for one another are now rapidly gathering to create a circle of five people's heads with ten extended arms gesticulating around and above ten bodies shoulder to shoulder their collective heap of dancing and singing human bodies are approaching and daring to cross over the old single-eyed crocodile's body or tail if possible. All of the youths eyes can see that by the end of that highly audacious dance over in front of the massive single-eyed croco-beast belonging to the Chief, the last five Elders' shadows are eagerly pushing one another now to leave the WE-Village Chief's compound once and for all, finally ending their most risky Ngando' dance of the day...hmm!?
Now this is more than captivating to any youth's eyes and young person's reflection to see that at some strange incomprehensible precise long or short times, this massive crocodile's grayish shadow can stay immovable and still rest calmly despite the rumble of peoples' footsteps resonating all around his ears and into the hollowness of his protuberant single eye. Yes of course that old Mister PaPa single-eyed croco-beast belonging to 'Diso La SanKa' just lies there in the middle of his playground, in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound, perfectly able to control his growling as he remains motionless. It's as if the warnings from some peeping birds and the bruising on some trees' leaves inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound are just helping this massive croco-beast guardian to count...growl...then count and growl again; seemingly concentrating to recount any next steps to pass by him...hmm!? Yes getting ready to eat or jump after the next coming steps from any living creature's feet daring to crossover him...again...hmm-hmm!?
So now it is just like the WE-Village Chief wants it to be, to be alone again with KaKo, the son of (muna) 'Kali-You' and (na) ‘The Bones of Tears’ of I-Konè; just to be all alone with KaKo de KaKo in his vast living-sitting room. Therefore now through some traditional and ancestral rules he can finally begin speaking to him about how to become the most helpful and unforgettable courageous Shaman that he can ever be and wants to become; so under the decreasing orange-colored sky of the afternoon, on this same day or not, it appears that Kako will simply have to wait before he is informed about all of the final levels of initiation he will be taking sooner or later!
'Always wait for any I-Man Chief in his native village or not to speak first'...isn't this so...? Silently to himself KaKo is simply concentrating on this determined motto he has imposed on himself throughout this important day that he must continue to follow. He is also concentrating to enhance the power of his own sense of hearing as the WE-Village Chief is still murmuring, seemingly accompanying the last Elders' voices slowly fading out. The crocodile outside seems to be in a resting mood so for now the new silence and murmurs from the Chief, who is alone with KaKo, seem to be spreading around outside too. Even the usual noisy kids around seem to have joined their parents to settle down in each family's compound, and though their bursts are unpredictable, there are no more hisses and growls coming from this old 'Pa'Diso' crocodile at the moment.
After finally silencing all of his different growls and long deep murmurs of the day this WE-Village Chief begins to speak normally again by asking a question, a ticklish question as many would have predicted, to the young Shaman KaKo, "My dear KaKo, you muna Sister-Kali-You na Missodi ma Ewess’a-Konè! Before this specific 'crocodile laugh' you've talked about and tried to imitate was heard around your dreaming ears, what is the other dream that is significant or not that you have had about a crocodile? Hmm...!?" (All of these new brief surprising echoing growls that are being emitted are all rising from KaKo’s throat now...hmm!?)
Surely KaKo is suddenly concentrating hard again...but he still cannot remember. To concentrate about just one isn't easy.
He knows and it is obvious that he has already dreamt about some crocodile eggs hatching and some crocodile teeth appearing likely where he had been sleeping. Thus trying to rapidly figure it out, he thinks it might be where he and some baby crocodiles, that are a totally different size from this massive crocodile belonging to the WE-Village Chief, had been circling around some eggs that had...what...what...hmm!? They had eyes and distorted little croco-mouths and teeth pointing out of each egg and the more curious he was about seeing them hatch, the more the newborn crocodilian red bodies were paddling down the hyena-colored sand and straightening themselves up to come towards him; their heap of red legs and tails moving out of the sand as they strangely growl while approaching to meet him!
If KaKo is given a Shaman test, a croco-Shaman public test we might say, will it tell us when he first realized how some old dreams’ scenes about crocodiles had appeared to him? Especially during these last days of his initiation in WE-Village, will he realize how important all of these old and new images exposing any crocodile’s shadow inside of his own mind will have some worth to him from now on...hmm!? Silently concentrating he still cannot entirely remember how or why in one of his dreams he and a little red glowing crocodile might have been turning in a circle around a heap of other crocodile eggs until they started to hatch, and then more than two or three other baby crocodiles with some powerful small viable crocodilian red bodies finally noticed him and started to follow him.
He was advancing in that one special dream too, running with a sort of red crocodilian head suspended above his shoulders that was wobbling abnormally from right to left. KaKo was seeing himself transported by his own feet, rightly able to move his painful running body away from all danger and save the crocodilian mask on his head from all those friendly or not so friendly little red crocodile shadows which have been calling out to his crocodilian head and senses do what...hmm!? Now if the question is to remember how old KaKo was or what emotion he was feeling that invaded him the most when dreaming that dream or to know how this forgotten but newly uprooted one special dream ends or where or in which specific phantasmagoric world all of it is happening, he merely can't recall or clearly rebuild any other dream about any strange dislocated images of crocodiles or baby crocodiles in his mind, but wouldn't it be the same for anyone's memory after losing its way and sight out of any sphere containing some images of his or her own dreams from time to time!?

As usual some children on the lookout for an event, and not just from beyond the walls and trees of the WE-Village Chief's compound either, are silently observing this latest amazing singing group of five Elders which after waiting for one another are now rapidly gathering to create a circle of five people's heads with ten extended arms gesticulating around and above ten bodies shoulder to shoulder their collective heap of dancing and singing human bodies are approaching and daring to cross over the old single-eyed crocodile's body or tail if possible. All of the youths eyes can see that by the end of that highly audacious dance over in front of the massive single-eyed croco-beast belonging to the Chief, the last five Elders' shadows are eagerly pushing one another now to leave the WE-Village Chief's compound once and for all, finally ending their most risky Ngando' dance of the day...hmm!?
Now this is more than captivating to any youth's eyes and young person's reflection to see that at some strange incomprehensible precise long or short times, this massive crocodile's grayish shadow can stay immovable and still rest calmly despite the rumble of peoples' footsteps resonating all around his ears and into the hollowness of his protuberant single eye. Yes of course that old Mister PaPa single-eyed croco-beast belonging to 'Diso La SanKa' just lies there in the middle of his playground, in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound, perfectly able to control his growling as he remains motionless. It's as if the warnings from some peeping birds and the bruising on some trees' leaves inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound are just helping this massive croco-beast guardian to count...growl...then count and growl again; seemingly concentrating to recount any next steps to pass by him...hmm!? Yes getting ready to eat or jump after the next coming steps from any living creature's feet daring to crossover him...again...hmm-hmm!?
So now it is just like the WE-Village Chief wants it to be, to be alone again with KaKo, the son of (muna) 'Kali-You' and (na) ‘The Bones of Tears’ of I-Konè; just to be all alone with KaKo de KaKo in his vast living-sitting room. Therefore now through some traditional and ancestral rules he can finally begin speaking to him about how to become the most helpful and unforgettable courageous Shaman that he can ever be and wants to become; so under the decreasing orange-colored sky of the afternoon, on this same day or not, it appears that Kako will simply have to wait before he is informed about all of the final levels of initiation he will be taking sooner or later!
'Always wait for any I-Man Chief in his native village or not to speak first'...isn't this so...? Silently to himself KaKo is simply concentrating on this determined motto he has imposed on himself throughout this important day that he must continue to follow. He is also concentrating to enhance the power of his own sense of hearing as the WE-Village Chief is still murmuring, seemingly accompanying the last Elders' voices slowly fading out. The crocodile outside seems to be in a resting mood so for now the new silence and murmurs from the Chief, who is alone with KaKo, seem to be spreading around outside too. Even the usual noisy kids around seem to have joined their parents to settle down in each family's compound, and though their bursts are unpredictable, there are no more hisses and growls coming from this old 'Pa'Diso' crocodile at the moment.
After finally silencing all of his different growls and long deep murmurs of the day this WE-Village Chief begins to speak normally again by asking a question, a ticklish question as many would have predicted, to the young Shaman KaKo, "My dear KaKo, you muna Sister-Kali-You na Missodi ma Ewess’a-Konè! Before this specific 'crocodile laugh' you've talked about and tried to imitate was heard around your dreaming ears, what is the other dream that is significant or not that you have had about a crocodile? Hmm...!?" (All of these new brief surprising echoing growls that are being emitted are all rising from KaKo’s throat now...hmm!?)
Surely KaKo is suddenly concentrating hard again...but he still cannot remember. To concentrate about just one isn't easy.
He knows and it is obvious that he has already dreamt about some crocodile eggs hatching and some crocodile teeth appearing likely where he had been sleeping. Thus trying to rapidly figure it out, he thinks it might be where he and some baby crocodiles, that are a totally different size from this massive crocodile belonging to the WE-Village Chief, had been circling around some eggs that had...what...what...hmm!? They had eyes and distorted little croco-mouths and teeth pointing out of each egg and the more curious he was about seeing them hatch, the more the newborn crocodilian red bodies were paddling down the hyena-colored sand and straightening themselves up to come towards him; their heap of red legs and tails moving out of the sand as they strangely growl while approaching to meet him!
If KaKo is given a Shaman test, a croco-Shaman public test we might say, will it tell us when he first realized how some old dreams’ scenes about crocodiles had appeared to him? Especially during these last days of his initiation in WE-Village, will he realize how important all of these old and new images exposing any crocodile’s shadow inside of his own mind will have some worth to him from now on...hmm!? Silently concentrating he still cannot entirely remember how or why in one of his dreams he and a little red glowing crocodile might have been turning in a circle around a heap of other crocodile eggs until they started to hatch, and then more than two or three other baby crocodiles with some powerful small viable crocodilian red bodies finally noticed him and started to follow him.
He was advancing in that one special dream too, running with a sort of red crocodilian head suspended above his shoulders that was wobbling abnormally from right to left. KaKo was seeing himself transported by his own feet, rightly able to move his painful running body away from all danger and save the crocodilian mask on his head from all those friendly or not so friendly little red crocodile shadows which have been calling out to his crocodilian head and senses do what...hmm!? Now if the question is to remember how old KaKo was or what emotion he was feeling that invaded him the most when dreaming that dream or to know how this forgotten but newly uprooted one special dream ends or where or in which specific phantasmagoric world all of it is happening, he merely can't recall or clearly rebuild any other dream about any strange dislocated images of crocodiles or baby crocodiles in his mind, but wouldn't it be the same for anyone's memory after losing its way and sight out of any sphere containing some images of his or her own dreams from time to time!?
So after a few seconds of reflection KaKo prefers to take it easy and he prudently begins to answer the WE-Village Chief saying, “Hmm, dear Chief 'Diso-La-SanKa', I cannot remember exactly where I had been rolling around in branches and leaves with a crocodile in this one specific dream, but what I can recall and say about it is this, something like an obliging chalky smell from a crocodile on a red chalky earthen riverbank stuck in my nose and mind for several hours after I woke up in my village, and it was like I had been running around a lot of strange crocodile eggs in the process of hatching, and by their sheer willpower they were choosing to call on my crocodile mask like it was my crocodilian head and follow my steps in that dream!" KaKo takes some time to breathe in silence for a short while and then continues saying, "and for now I can't remember any other dream from its beginning to its end that I might have had about crocodiles to tell you about my dear Chief Pa' 'Eye de SanKa'-oooh!"
After KaKo silenced himself the WE-Village Chief looked at him deeply before easing up any new growl or roar that is boiling up inside of him or not, then after a new short silence between them and seeing the croco-beast's shadow outside, these words burst out of the WE-Village Chief's mouth, "So talking about life, real life, as you know KaKo, Son of Sister Kali-You and I-Bones of Konè's are now about to take another step of the last three levels of your initiation, doing all of this according to the ancestral rules unifying many ancestral Shaman and non-Shaman villages. So concerning these last three levels, two of them will be leading to the last level which will be concluded in your own village and you already know that each of them will be set up under different supervisors' eyes...hmm!? So I am and will be the first supervisor of these last three steps or levels of yours to overcome." The WE-Village Chief stops talking about what he means, and except for the strange murmurs as unpredictable growls arising from his throat again, he turns from being incomprehensible to being voiceless again. Unsurprisingly KaKo stays silent too. So both of them are just blinking their eyes again and again until the first supervisor of the day continues to speak some words to young Shaman KaKo who is watching him and becoming more and more willing to analyze the flamboyant density or radiance of the green and gray colors that are deeply dividing the Chief's decorated face into two parts today...remember...hmm!?
"So as you understand my dear friend KaKo, I'm here today to help you and to tell you about what your first fulfillments are, and your clan of Shamans from SoulShoe-Village will be waiting to hear from you after you overcome the beginning and the end of your second stage or level of initiation in good ways." He pauses to growl and moan briefly again, able to sound like a very short resounding crocodilian laugh...what a laugh...hmm!? The young Shaman KaKo is speechless, under pressure to listen carefully about what will be coming next; he knows and feels it is his last day in this WE-Village.
He also knows that during the first meeting inside of the WE-Village Chief's living-sitting room he had some days ago with all of the Shamans, including two or three from his native village who have since gone back to their village and left him inside the WE-Village, a lot has been defined about the last three steps or tests he shall have as challenges with each of these supervisors by his side.
He knows that if all challenges and studies are overcome wherever he might be, he will definitively become one of them; and like his Shaman peers, apart from becoming an efficient healer serving his people and curing his sick kinsmen met along his way, any kind of Shaman celebrity will allow him to travel far to knock on and enter many other people's doors, having to check sick and healthy people from many other known and unknown villages he might reach. He will always stay focused on his own Shaman business as being a mission to cure, to the best of his ability, sick people while carrying on some of his own Shaman Elders' teachings, words, stories and families' names too.

Now dear friend-Shaman-traveler, barefoot or not, a lot of growls and movements or ordinary actions coming from giant winged or non-winged crocodiles from different stories-enigmas or dreams from different villagers can all be mingled. Will this help more people, other than just the kids from Warrior-Equilibrium Village, understand more about young Shaman KaKo's choices and way of life inside or outside of his native village...or confuse them? So what more can we say about KaKo's native village now, if not to say we can feel KaKo getting ready to go look for any task that he can find to do to try to solve other people's problems. Yes KaKo de SoulsShoe-Village or ShoeSoul-Village feels ready to take on and live out any kinds of tests leading him and then returning him to where he first came from...and sooner or later traveling from there again as a final designed and accomplished young Shaman able to honour and respect not only the people of his own clan but the Shaman Elders of all other clans too. The simple fact is, naturally he misses his native ground, a place where he was born and where he lived without a wife or kids.
At this present time, now that he has dreamt about this WE-Village Chief's massive crocodile and can consciously remember that he himself, Son of Sister Kali-You and I-Bones of tears of Konè, has heard and is able to solve a mixture of an enigmatic crocodilian speech ending in a kind of distorted roaring laughter from apparently that same croco-beast still outside, he feels more and more comfortable in this WE-Village to challenge all of the next steps of his initiation...the subject matter of the day! Yes he really feels like he is totally ready to take on and endure any kinds of tasks needed for his initiation until finishing them to the best of his ability. He feels ready for the next two steps and is expected to safely return to his own village to take the last one.
After KaKo silenced himself the WE-Village Chief looked at him deeply before easing up any new growl or roar that is boiling up inside of him or not, then after a new short silence between them and seeing the croco-beast's shadow outside, these words burst out of the WE-Village Chief's mouth, "So talking about life, real life, as you know KaKo, Son of Sister Kali-You and I-Bones of Konè's are now about to take another step of the last three levels of your initiation, doing all of this according to the ancestral rules unifying many ancestral Shaman and non-Shaman villages. So concerning these last three levels, two of them will be leading to the last level which will be concluded in your own village and you already know that each of them will be set up under different supervisors' eyes...hmm!? So I am and will be the first supervisor of these last three steps or levels of yours to overcome." The WE-Village Chief stops talking about what he means, and except for the strange murmurs as unpredictable growls arising from his throat again, he turns from being incomprehensible to being voiceless again. Unsurprisingly KaKo stays silent too. So both of them are just blinking their eyes again and again until the first supervisor of the day continues to speak some words to young Shaman KaKo who is watching him and becoming more and more willing to analyze the flamboyant density or radiance of the green and gray colors that are deeply dividing the Chief's decorated face into two parts today...remember...hmm!?
"So as you understand my dear friend KaKo, I'm here today to help you and to tell you about what your first fulfillments are, and your clan of Shamans from SoulShoe-Village will be waiting to hear from you after you overcome the beginning and the end of your second stage or level of initiation in good ways." He pauses to growl and moan briefly again, able to sound like a very short resounding crocodilian laugh...what a laugh...hmm!? The young Shaman KaKo is speechless, under pressure to listen carefully about what will be coming next; he knows and feels it is his last day in this WE-Village.
He also knows that during the first meeting inside of the WE-Village Chief's living-sitting room he had some days ago with all of the Shamans, including two or three from his native village who have since gone back to their village and left him inside the WE-Village, a lot has been defined about the last three steps or tests he shall have as challenges with each of these supervisors by his side.
He knows that if all challenges and studies are overcome wherever he might be, he will definitively become one of them; and like his Shaman peers, apart from becoming an efficient healer serving his people and curing his sick kinsmen met along his way, any kind of Shaman celebrity will allow him to travel far to knock on and enter many other people's doors, having to check sick and healthy people from many other known and unknown villages he might reach. He will always stay focused on his own Shaman business as being a mission to cure, to the best of his ability, sick people while carrying on some of his own Shaman Elders' teachings, words, stories and families' names too.

Now dear friend-Shaman-traveler, barefoot or not, a lot of growls and movements or ordinary actions coming from giant winged or non-winged crocodiles from different stories-enigmas or dreams from different villagers can all be mingled. Will this help more people, other than just the kids from Warrior-Equilibrium Village, understand more about young Shaman KaKo's choices and way of life inside or outside of his native village...or confuse them? So what more can we say about KaKo's native village now, if not to say we can feel KaKo getting ready to go look for any task that he can find to do to try to solve other people's problems. Yes KaKo de SoulsShoe-Village or ShoeSoul-Village feels ready to take on and live out any kinds of tests leading him and then returning him to where he first came from...and sooner or later traveling from there again as a final designed and accomplished young Shaman able to honour and respect not only the people of his own clan but the Shaman Elders of all other clans too. The simple fact is, naturally he misses his native ground, a place where he was born and where he lived without a wife or kids.
At this present time, now that he has dreamt about this WE-Village Chief's massive crocodile and can consciously remember that he himself, Son of Sister Kali-You and I-Bones of tears of Konè, has heard and is able to solve a mixture of an enigmatic crocodilian speech ending in a kind of distorted roaring laughter from apparently that same croco-beast still outside, he feels more and more comfortable in this WE-Village to challenge all of the next steps of his initiation...the subject matter of the day! Yes he really feels like he is totally ready to take on and endure any kinds of tasks needed for his initiation until finishing them to the best of his ability. He feels ready for the next two steps and is expected to safely return to his own village to take the last one.
It's the named 'Diso-La-SanKa, meaning the ‘Eye of SanKa’, the honorable surprising Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium Village who is speaking, (after he'd finished murmuring of course)!
"Hmm! Hmm! My dear friend young Shaman KaKo, as I am one of the three supervisors following your initiation, listen to me carefully from now on and do all you feel can be done if I ask something of yooouu", then another series of growls begins to arise from his throat. "Yes! Up to Yooouu...Mister WE-Village 'Eye-SanKa-Chief'", the young Shaman KaKo thinks to himself; willing to know more about all of the challenges he will have to face he is concentrating, nodding his head up and down slowly and watching the tops of his feet and toes. 'Diso-La-SanKa', the WE-Village Chief is still reinvigorating himself with another series of murmurs and growls which KaKo's mind and ears are inevitably mingling with the ones being emitted from outside where the well known old single-eyed crocodile is roaming freely and still growling. So still wondering about all of the intriguing growls resounding around him, young Shaman KaKo is now trying to anticipate what the next two Shaman supervisors will do; having his senses on alert or not, he has to think about it of course...hmm!?
Suddenly the Chief stops murmuring, and raising his warm intriguing voice again he continues by speaking clearly, "My dear young friend KaKo of ShoeSoul-Village, are you listening to me...hmm! Hmm!?" He then calmly speaks into KaKo's ears, "One of the Elders from WE-Village has taken these shoes of yours you have taken off and placed in front of my terrace door before carefully cleaning them, according to the first choice and task you will have to do, and now I think he has lain them in the middle of my compound where the crocodile supposedly roams around...! Now listen KaKo de KaKo, it seems as if the first clan of Shamans who were here with me and you want you to know that your first choice of the day will be about knowing if you are ready to go outside and pick up only one of your shoes without getting a brutal reaction from the mighty ‘Crocodile-Spirit’ outside...hmm!?" The Chief was pointing to one of his open windows and a square of sky up above as he continues, "Keeping in mind that I am the first supervisor from the clan of Shamans committed to you, please KaKo of SoulShoe-Village come back and lay that one shoe you will choose on this small black square of carpet in front of me...hmm!?" KaKo is puzzled and perplexed but he knows he has to act. The WE-Village Chief's eyes are narrowing; barely open the WE-Village Chief's lips finish moving after saying, "Now that you are getting ready KaaKooo-oh de KaaKooo-oh, feel free...hmm!?" So without blinking or speaking anymore, still having one hand in the air, he keeps pointing some few inches away from where he is sitting; silently watching a feline standing up by young Shaman KaKo who is deeply inside of himself now...hmm!? Yes KaKo knows he has to do something, but he has to stand up first and act as if it has been asked of him to do...right!? If this is a part of his initiation of the day, it seems good and safe to continue as this is coming directly from Chief 'Diso-Ka-SanKa', his first supervisor, isn't it? Hmm!? Outside the massive gray crocodile seems to have quieted down, but much more of his invisible massive crocodilian shadow seems to be waiting and preparing for any visible challenging approaching presence, and it is just a matter of time to see if KaKo's silhouette and belongings...oops, KaKo's silhouette and pair of yellow-papaya shoes will be having a new meeting with him...hmm!?
KaKo is standing up and slowly jumping around like a cat. He is totally concentrating to hear all of the growls coming from outside, from outside of the WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room...where he has been sitting on the ground like a nest he is about to leave, at least for some long seconds or minutes anyway. Therefore inside of his first supervisor's house, with its open wooden terrace, it appears to be the only safe refuge for him from the massive crocodile outside that he is about to challenge again...but as he advances to reach what has to be reached to leave this WE-Village Chief's house, his ears and mind are slowly filled with some other kinds of growls! KaKo silently walks over, carefully purring out his native village's name before drawing aside the tri-colored veil of rattan, which is covering the WE-Village Chiefs' door today, to go outside...merely to bring back one of his shoes!
My dear friend-Shaman-traveler the big crocodile is suddenly growling again feebly from somewhere outside; but as KaKo's eyes look intensely at each different parcel of this large yard belonging to the WE-Village Chief, sparsely filled with short but dense trees' foliage in front of him, he cannot see any massive crocodile's interminable dark and dangerous shadow crippling or extending its legs and crocodilian body along the ground after escaping from behind one of the five or six tree trunk's shadows, approaching to reach him or not...hmm? He is looking for him but still cannot see the big crocodile. He may have been wondering, where is that 'Croco-Spirit' that his first supervisor talked about, when suddenly as he jumps down from the terrace outside, the WE-Village Chief's whole living room that he has left behind seems to be vibrating; vibrating behind him. So moving forward to accomplish what he has to do, KaKo, the son of SoulShoe-Village, has to walk some fifty meters ahead to pick up one shoe from the most flashiest pair of shoes that he has ever owned!
Now to see it more clearly, according to young Shaman KaKo's ears, it is like he is hearing many different growls without seeing who or what is approaching and emitting them. He knows the WE-Village Chief is not the only one maneuvering from deep down in his throat, alone inside of this living-sitting room; and he feels the single-eyed crocodile is feebly roaring from somewhere adjacent to the walls around the WE-Village Chief's house. As he continues to advance it is just like the Chief said, his yellow shoes that are lying on the ground right in the middle of the compound seem to be flashing...waiting for him and flashing, maybe feeling impatient from being left out! These are KaKo's last pair of newly bought yellow-papaya shoes of the day...hmm!?
"Hmm! Hmm! My dear friend young Shaman KaKo, as I am one of the three supervisors following your initiation, listen to me carefully from now on and do all you feel can be done if I ask something of yooouu", then another series of growls begins to arise from his throat. "Yes! Up to Yooouu...Mister WE-Village 'Eye-SanKa-Chief'", the young Shaman KaKo thinks to himself; willing to know more about all of the challenges he will have to face he is concentrating, nodding his head up and down slowly and watching the tops of his feet and toes. 'Diso-La-SanKa', the WE-Village Chief is still reinvigorating himself with another series of murmurs and growls which KaKo's mind and ears are inevitably mingling with the ones being emitted from outside where the well known old single-eyed crocodile is roaming freely and still growling. So still wondering about all of the intriguing growls resounding around him, young Shaman KaKo is now trying to anticipate what the next two Shaman supervisors will do; having his senses on alert or not, he has to think about it of course...hmm!?
Suddenly the Chief stops murmuring, and raising his warm intriguing voice again he continues by speaking clearly, "My dear young friend KaKo of ShoeSoul-Village, are you listening to me...hmm! Hmm!?" He then calmly speaks into KaKo's ears, "One of the Elders from WE-Village has taken these shoes of yours you have taken off and placed in front of my terrace door before carefully cleaning them, according to the first choice and task you will have to do, and now I think he has lain them in the middle of my compound where the crocodile supposedly roams around...! Now listen KaKo de KaKo, it seems as if the first clan of Shamans who were here with me and you want you to know that your first choice of the day will be about knowing if you are ready to go outside and pick up only one of your shoes without getting a brutal reaction from the mighty ‘Crocodile-Spirit’ outside...hmm!?" The Chief was pointing to one of his open windows and a square of sky up above as he continues, "Keeping in mind that I am the first supervisor from the clan of Shamans committed to you, please KaKo of SoulShoe-Village come back and lay that one shoe you will choose on this small black square of carpet in front of me...hmm!?" KaKo is puzzled and perplexed but he knows he has to act. The WE-Village Chief's eyes are narrowing; barely open the WE-Village Chief's lips finish moving after saying, "Now that you are getting ready KaaKooo-oh de KaaKooo-oh, feel free...hmm!?" So without blinking or speaking anymore, still having one hand in the air, he keeps pointing some few inches away from where he is sitting; silently watching a feline standing up by young Shaman KaKo who is deeply inside of himself now...hmm!? Yes KaKo knows he has to do something, but he has to stand up first and act as if it has been asked of him to do...right!? If this is a part of his initiation of the day, it seems good and safe to continue as this is coming directly from Chief 'Diso-Ka-SanKa', his first supervisor, isn't it? Hmm!? Outside the massive gray crocodile seems to have quieted down, but much more of his invisible massive crocodilian shadow seems to be waiting and preparing for any visible challenging approaching presence, and it is just a matter of time to see if KaKo's silhouette and belongings...oops, KaKo's silhouette and pair of yellow-papaya shoes will be having a new meeting with him...hmm!?
KaKo is standing up and slowly jumping around like a cat. He is totally concentrating to hear all of the growls coming from outside, from outside of the WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room...where he has been sitting on the ground like a nest he is about to leave, at least for some long seconds or minutes anyway. Therefore inside of his first supervisor's house, with its open wooden terrace, it appears to be the only safe refuge for him from the massive crocodile outside that he is about to challenge again...but as he advances to reach what has to be reached to leave this WE-Village Chief's house, his ears and mind are slowly filled with some other kinds of growls! KaKo silently walks over, carefully purring out his native village's name before drawing aside the tri-colored veil of rattan, which is covering the WE-Village Chiefs' door today, to go outside...merely to bring back one of his shoes!
My dear friend-Shaman-traveler the big crocodile is suddenly growling again feebly from somewhere outside; but as KaKo's eyes look intensely at each different parcel of this large yard belonging to the WE-Village Chief, sparsely filled with short but dense trees' foliage in front of him, he cannot see any massive crocodile's interminable dark and dangerous shadow crippling or extending its legs and crocodilian body along the ground after escaping from behind one of the five or six tree trunk's shadows, approaching to reach him or not...hmm? He is looking for him but still cannot see the big crocodile. He may have been wondering, where is that 'Croco-Spirit' that his first supervisor talked about, when suddenly as he jumps down from the terrace outside, the WE-Village Chief's whole living room that he has left behind seems to be vibrating; vibrating behind him. So moving forward to accomplish what he has to do, KaKo, the son of SoulShoe-Village, has to walk some fifty meters ahead to pick up one shoe from the most flashiest pair of shoes that he has ever owned!
Now to see it more clearly, according to young Shaman KaKo's ears, it is like he is hearing many different growls without seeing who or what is approaching and emitting them. He knows the WE-Village Chief is not the only one maneuvering from deep down in his throat, alone inside of this living-sitting room; and he feels the single-eyed crocodile is feebly roaring from somewhere adjacent to the walls around the WE-Village Chief's house. As he continues to advance it is just like the Chief said, his yellow shoes that are lying on the ground right in the middle of the compound seem to be flashing...waiting for him and flashing, maybe feeling impatient from being left out! These are KaKo's last pair of newly bought yellow-papaya shoes of the day...hmm!?
Advancing inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound KaKo is looking a little suspiciously at his own two shoes; and even if any crocodile definitively has to dance or circle around his two shoes or even one of them at least, he knows he doesn't have to wait all day or until the end of the night or even the end of this crepuscular in WE-Village to see this happen. Being as agile as he can be he steps forward to rapidly touch and pick one up. Yes, pick up only one of his shoes and bring it back with him; as that is a part of what he has been asked to do. He really knows he doesn't have much time to wait until the mighty ‘Crocoeuuh...dile's Spirit’...shows himself...hmm!? It is always better to pick up any 'Croco-Spirit' that is trapped inside one of your shoes than to try to trap it inside your hat maybe...or deep inside your...what? Let's say, when standing up and shouting or calling out to tell any WE-Villager or anyone else trying to guess which one of your shoes might have any purple or non-purple WE-Village's 'Croco-Spirit' trapped inside, making it feel more comfortable and will be best to know first in which one of your shoes you want this 'Croco-Spirit' to be more efficient inside of...!?
As for now this mighty 'Spirit' of the Chief's single-eyed crocodile is slow in bringing forth any of his terrifying growling, attacking creeping body parts in front of young Shaman KaKo, who has had enough time to visually select between his two shoes laying right in the center of the Chief's front yard; and he is choosing to pick up his left shoe from the ground. Oh what a heavy load this left shoe is to carry...isn't it...hmm!?
Young Shaman KaKo cannot visualize himself waiting any longer to get back into the WE-Village Chief's living room; a sitting-living room whose veil covering the main door appears as if it's the only safe rectangular tri-colored tail, from a huge unmoving house-comet's stabilized trajectory, that can or must be reached at any cost. As there is no time to waste he is almost running to get back inside; already weighing the inevitable new potentially powerful swaying of his yellow left shoe in his right hand.
As for now this mighty 'Spirit' of the Chief's single-eyed crocodile is slow in bringing forth any of his terrifying growling, attacking creeping body parts in front of young Shaman KaKo, who has had enough time to visually select between his two shoes laying right in the center of the Chief's front yard; and he is choosing to pick up his left shoe from the ground. Oh what a heavy load this left shoe is to carry...isn't it...hmm!?
Young Shaman KaKo cannot visualize himself waiting any longer to get back into the WE-Village Chief's living room; a sitting-living room whose veil covering the main door appears as if it's the only safe rectangular tri-colored tail, from a huge unmoving house-comet's stabilized trajectory, that can or must be reached at any cost. As there is no time to waste he is almost running to get back inside; already weighing the inevitable new potentially powerful swaying of his yellow left shoe in his right hand.
With efficacy he has taken one of his shoes and almost feels safe from any intimidating crocodilian growls and roars from outside when, from this living room he is about to attain, he realizes he hears some strong baby crocodiles' long moans as calls...calls coming from the WE-Village Chief's interiors. Therefore it is as if he only has to pull aside this same rectangular tri-colored veil of rattan he is approaching again to find many baby crocodiles slowly moving near the WE-Village-Chief's massive disproportionate head and body's shadows that will possibly be shimmering on the floor…hmm!?
Trying to rearrange his mind’s ears KaKo is readjusting his hearing one more time today, but these sparsely distinct baby crocodiles’ calls and growls are suddenly followed and covered up by another much more brutal and long powerful growl arising from...from somewhere...somewhere belonging in the WE-Village Chief's sphere of life too of course! Young Shaman KaKo can't believe all of what his own ears are telling him. With his yellow left shoe in hand, he is carefully advancing with more than one question in mind. Is the WE-Village Chief imitating other vigorous growls so unexpectedly resonating in his sitting-living room? Also, what can be said about the ten or twenty baby crocodiles' calls his ears have already perceived since he left the WE-Village Chief's interiors, which he is still prepared for their safety!?
KaKo's mind is still on alert; the WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room is really vibrating as a result of a mixture of different hisses and growls coming from...from different angles around his house and compound. "Amongst all these growls there must be at least one real big baby crocodile who might be calling out for help or getting ready to attack without any mercy on anyone's shadow approaching him," KaKo thought. He now must climb the three steep wooden stairs to get back to the WE-Village Chief's main terrace again before he can dare touch the tri-colored veil covering the main door of the Chief's house, and he is still some six or seven or eight or nine or even more than ten years light speed away from knowing what will happen to him, now that he has made his choice...hmm!? He has acted quickly when going to pick up one of his shoes, from the time he stood up until he came back to safely touch the red, black and green decorated veil of rattan, waving from an energetic wind outside, that is covering the WE-Village Chief's door today...hmm!? KaKo's steps are quick, bringing him safely back from the center of the WE-Village Chief's compound to enter this same Chief's vast sitting-living room with his bright yellow-papaya left shoe in hand. He knows and feels he is quick, but to feel in the course of time things can become more crocodilian or not, there might still be some serious underestimated questions about how time might work on someone's mind respectively entering this Warrior-Equilibrium Village Chief's encircled compound; so it is! So shall it be! Let it be in due time when we mention its crocodilian course in light speed years or not...hmm!?
Now dear friend-Shaman-traveler, through all the growls his ears are hearing and besides the fact that he has not seen the massive crocodile's shadow anywhere on the ground leading him to his flashing shoes, we might ask ourselves this question, who can say how time will work on anyone's mind after hearing some alarming growls coming from any kind of crocodiles...hmm!?
"Amid all these growls there must be at least one real baby crocodile that I have heard who might be twisting its body getting ready to escape or attack," thought KaKo again. His ears are still busy; so without forgetting about this massive single-eyed crocodile's presence whose growls are being heard in the air too, Kako knows his ears are not playing tricks on him. He knows the old massive crocodile is growling from somewhere behind the WE-Village Chief's compound, ready and able to stretch out its four legs and come back into the front yard as quickly as it might need to as well. As for all the other growls being heard KaKo is still perplexed. He can identify the WE-Village Chief's voice imitating perfect crocodilian roars and growls, but it is hard to tell them apart from the baby crocodile's cries he is hearing, and this is bothering his mind.
All at once, with one jump, he is climbing the three large wooden stairs to reach the Chief's wooden terrace again. He has definitely turned his back away from the five or six visible trees' shadows in the Chief's front yard, but still out in the open air young Shaman KaKo is advancing to finally reach what has to be pushed aside so he can enter the WE-Village Chief's house again.
KaKo knows he is agile; he knows he is quick, and he cannot really understand how this single-eyed crocodile, that is still invisible, can be hissing so strongly now from the WE-Village Chief's living room that he is about to attain, with so many other small crocodile babies growling around there too...hmm!? Something is amazingly different...and inevitably or not, KaKo's mind has to find out and confirm from where exactly these new brutally outspoken growls from this crippling croco-beast's shadow are resonating from...but even though he is twisting his neck and shaking the little crown of dreadlocks upon his head to see in all directions around him, he is also opening his two eyes wider than the size of two palpitating crocodilian nostrils or two very small mango stones, but he still cannot see any shadow of the single-eyed crocodile appearing to grasp either of his feet or crippling on by much faster!! Let us not forget dear KaKo de Kaaa'Kooo-oh that none of the mango stones seen exploding out of some mango's flesh, that fell a long time ago or not, were ever seen drying anywhere in this WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!? So turning his head again to advance, as he is about to touch the WE-Village Chief's veil of rattan in front of his eyes, he can still hear the strange persistent mixture of strident and profound deep growls that are arising, with a mixture of some profound human growls. All of the mixtures of crocodilian sounds KaKo is hearing are still evolving as to repaint each wall of the WE-Village Chief's intense interior atmosphere as well...hmm!?
This whole thing means that KaKo is still out in the open air and has not yet touched the red, black and green veil of rattan that is waving in the doorway, this disturbing mixture of crocodilian noises surrounding KaKo's ears are now seemingly increasing their vibes throughout the entire WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room he is about to attain. Therefore the question about where the Chief's big crocodile is hiding, is abruptly intensifying in his mind again until suddenly dying out like a short-lived crocodilian fire-cracker exploding. Finally after walking a few more powerful elongated agile steps, he eases his movements and decides to swear in the name of his native village, as that has to be done first before he can touch and push aside the tri-colored veil of rattan again and...and still silently exploding or not in his mind, all the growls heard dying out were accompanying his return to this living-sitting room again. Thus he pushes aside the veil of rattan and decides to enter without a word, with his left yellow-papaya shoe in his hand, advancing to regain his same spot on the floor. As amazing as it appears to his ears young Shaman KaKo is surprised by the sudden quietness that is surrounding him or invading him after stepping once again into this WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room. Still trying to control himself and prevent any crocodile growls' explosions in his mind, KaKo silently walks over and respectfully sits down again, calmly laying the sole shoe in his hand on the little black square of carpet just as the WE-Village Chief has asked him to do; to bring one of his yellow-papaya shoes and place it right in front of him...and that might just be right here in front of you too...hmm!? As you are still called and accepted as my invisible dear friend-Shaman-traveler...hmm!?
Trying to rearrange his mind’s ears KaKo is readjusting his hearing one more time today, but these sparsely distinct baby crocodiles’ calls and growls are suddenly followed and covered up by another much more brutal and long powerful growl arising from...from somewhere...somewhere belonging in the WE-Village Chief's sphere of life too of course! Young Shaman KaKo can't believe all of what his own ears are telling him. With his yellow left shoe in hand, he is carefully advancing with more than one question in mind. Is the WE-Village Chief imitating other vigorous growls so unexpectedly resonating in his sitting-living room? Also, what can be said about the ten or twenty baby crocodiles' calls his ears have already perceived since he left the WE-Village Chief's interiors, which he is still prepared for their safety!?
KaKo's mind is still on alert; the WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room is really vibrating as a result of a mixture of different hisses and growls coming from...from different angles around his house and compound. "Amongst all these growls there must be at least one real big baby crocodile who might be calling out for help or getting ready to attack without any mercy on anyone's shadow approaching him," KaKo thought. He now must climb the three steep wooden stairs to get back to the WE-Village Chief's main terrace again before he can dare touch the tri-colored veil covering the main door of the Chief's house, and he is still some six or seven or eight or nine or even more than ten years light speed away from knowing what will happen to him, now that he has made his choice...hmm!? He has acted quickly when going to pick up one of his shoes, from the time he stood up until he came back to safely touch the red, black and green decorated veil of rattan, waving from an energetic wind outside, that is covering the WE-Village Chief's door today...hmm!? KaKo's steps are quick, bringing him safely back from the center of the WE-Village Chief's compound to enter this same Chief's vast sitting-living room with his bright yellow-papaya left shoe in hand. He knows and feels he is quick, but to feel in the course of time things can become more crocodilian or not, there might still be some serious underestimated questions about how time might work on someone's mind respectively entering this Warrior-Equilibrium Village Chief's encircled compound; so it is! So shall it be! Let it be in due time when we mention its crocodilian course in light speed years or not...hmm!?
Now dear friend-Shaman-traveler, through all the growls his ears are hearing and besides the fact that he has not seen the massive crocodile's shadow anywhere on the ground leading him to his flashing shoes, we might ask ourselves this question, who can say how time will work on anyone's mind after hearing some alarming growls coming from any kind of crocodiles...hmm!?
"Amid all these growls there must be at least one real baby crocodile that I have heard who might be twisting its body getting ready to escape or attack," thought KaKo again. His ears are still busy; so without forgetting about this massive single-eyed crocodile's presence whose growls are being heard in the air too, Kako knows his ears are not playing tricks on him. He knows the old massive crocodile is growling from somewhere behind the WE-Village Chief's compound, ready and able to stretch out its four legs and come back into the front yard as quickly as it might need to as well. As for all the other growls being heard KaKo is still perplexed. He can identify the WE-Village Chief's voice imitating perfect crocodilian roars and growls, but it is hard to tell them apart from the baby crocodile's cries he is hearing, and this is bothering his mind.
All at once, with one jump, he is climbing the three large wooden stairs to reach the Chief's wooden terrace again. He has definitely turned his back away from the five or six visible trees' shadows in the Chief's front yard, but still out in the open air young Shaman KaKo is advancing to finally reach what has to be pushed aside so he can enter the WE-Village Chief's house again.
KaKo knows he is agile; he knows he is quick, and he cannot really understand how this single-eyed crocodile, that is still invisible, can be hissing so strongly now from the WE-Village Chief's living room that he is about to attain, with so many other small crocodile babies growling around there too...hmm!? Something is amazingly different...and inevitably or not, KaKo's mind has to find out and confirm from where exactly these new brutally outspoken growls from this crippling croco-beast's shadow are resonating from...but even though he is twisting his neck and shaking the little crown of dreadlocks upon his head to see in all directions around him, he is also opening his two eyes wider than the size of two palpitating crocodilian nostrils or two very small mango stones, but he still cannot see any shadow of the single-eyed crocodile appearing to grasp either of his feet or crippling on by much faster!! Let us not forget dear KaKo de Kaaa'Kooo-oh that none of the mango stones seen exploding out of some mango's flesh, that fell a long time ago or not, were ever seen drying anywhere in this WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!? So turning his head again to advance, as he is about to touch the WE-Village Chief's veil of rattan in front of his eyes, he can still hear the strange persistent mixture of strident and profound deep growls that are arising, with a mixture of some profound human growls. All of the mixtures of crocodilian sounds KaKo is hearing are still evolving as to repaint each wall of the WE-Village Chief's intense interior atmosphere as well...hmm!?
This whole thing means that KaKo is still out in the open air and has not yet touched the red, black and green veil of rattan that is waving in the doorway, this disturbing mixture of crocodilian noises surrounding KaKo's ears are now seemingly increasing their vibes throughout the entire WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room he is about to attain. Therefore the question about where the Chief's big crocodile is hiding, is abruptly intensifying in his mind again until suddenly dying out like a short-lived crocodilian fire-cracker exploding. Finally after walking a few more powerful elongated agile steps, he eases his movements and decides to swear in the name of his native village, as that has to be done first before he can touch and push aside the tri-colored veil of rattan again and...and still silently exploding or not in his mind, all the growls heard dying out were accompanying his return to this living-sitting room again. Thus he pushes aside the veil of rattan and decides to enter without a word, with his left yellow-papaya shoe in his hand, advancing to regain his same spot on the floor. As amazing as it appears to his ears young Shaman KaKo is surprised by the sudden quietness that is surrounding him or invading him after stepping once again into this WE-Village Chief's sitting-living room. Still trying to control himself and prevent any crocodile growls' explosions in his mind, KaKo silently walks over and respectfully sits down again, calmly laying the sole shoe in his hand on the little black square of carpet just as the WE-Village Chief has asked him to do; to bring one of his yellow-papaya shoes and place it right in front of him...and that might just be right here in front of you too...hmm!? As you are still called and accepted as my invisible dear friend-Shaman-traveler...hmm!?
“So it is this one you choose…hmm?” The WE-Village Chief needs a Shaman confirmation. "Yes, I've chosen the left one of my shoes here!", KaKo answers. So now that KaKo has both of his ears inside of the Chief's same private crocodilian sphere and atmosphere we can only expect that he will accurately hear where the next hisses or any other deep growls will be coming from...and surely not only from outside alone, or from the bare but well decorated interior of the WE-Village Chief's house either...hmm!?
Young Shaman KaKo's eyes are fixated on his bright shoe that the WE-Village Chief's hands have touched, weighed and laid once again on a dark black square of carpet on the ground; and KaKo is concentrating with all fingers closed as he silently and calmly waits, likely analyzing the shape and color of this yellow-papaya left shoe again and again...and are we feeling a bit of suspicion when looking at his shoe, like he is, arising more and more from just being inside this WE-Village Chief's crocodilian atmosphere? An uncommon strange atmosphere in which winged and non-winged speaking crocodiles can secretly meet and start growling at the same time while aligning themselves outside the WE-Village Chief's compound on any day and at any given time...hmm!? As all of KaKo's thoughts are still mixing the remembrances of some growling and hissing noises from animals heard in his different dreams to what his ears are still hearing coming from outside of this WE-Village Chief's private place, so how can his senses be any better alerted than they are right now...emulated and ready explode!?)...hmm!?
If only his other similar powerful bright shoe, or that form of his yellow right shoe outside, can tell everyone to ease up the paralyzing pressure while having to deal right now, by itself, with that large shadow of a crocodiles' form approaching…yes really, heavily approaching; and surely KaKo's yellow right shoe is still as quickly evacuating its smell and amply throwing out all kinds of little flying insects along with the last five courageous lonely ants still fearlessly zigzagging and breathing freely all around the perimeter of the middle of the WE-Village Chief’s compound…hmm!?
This right shoe laying on the ground outside belonging to young Shaman KaKo was probably overjoyed to be able to plead in it's own way when hearing that mighty 'Croco-Spirit' approaching but then...but then what...!?
All of a sudden KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe laying on the ground outside begins to hiss and speak in such a strange distorted hissing kind of way, so freely spreading an understandable ‘SoulShoe Language’ from its hollowness. Yes this bright yellow right shoe is about to speak freely as if to finally introduce some terrible questions, more than many other right shoes might so willingly be asking too, when involved in this kind of hush-hush crocodilian situation. And what if any shoe, left or right, left alone in the WE-Village Chief's compound began to ask aloud some underestimated but important questions about how many owners had worn them when about to what? To die? To die...hmm!? If so, it might be the right time, and will it be the last opportunity, to hear that abandoned shoe laying there begin to speak about it's own life too? And it might be the last opportunity to hear it wail it's life story about a left shoe that has been amongst many, or it's shoe's life about how it has been such an efficient right shoe throughout its entire journey until coming to rest in this last honorable known place...the WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!?
And now what if that lonely and seemingly abandoned shoe asked about any birthplace or any place of death related to he or she who can or will naturally transport or bear from one simple place to another any purple-colored 'Croco-Spirit' of the day, being inside of it or not...hmm!? And...and...
And what will you think if each shoe from any pairs of shoes that have at least stepped on some of SoulShoe-Village's important paths or have slid down and swallowed some sticky coated bits of this same SoulShoe-Village's shimmering black clayish muddy riverbanks' soil have acquired through any short or long initiation a sudden begging growling 'shiny' shoe tongue of its own, able to let that (suddenly coated-tongue) shoe spread a kind of personal and understandable 'SoulShoe-Shoe Language' all of it's own too? We might have to see some sliding pairs of shoes start to growl and plead their most important causes, instead of growling them incomprehensively, and turn some other people's eyes to laugh or reflect hard along young Shaman KaKo's native villages' paths, so the question will be: will hearing those pleads from people's pairs of shoes as justifiable unavoidable pleads for change in a benefit to save or ease up the pressure of a daily life in some other probably well known villagers' shoes' lives for example, allow us to at least try to follow this 'SoulShoe-Shoe Language' or dialogue taking place here to justify each of our calls or growls around this WE-Village Chief's compound as well...hmm!?
And now what if that lonely and seemingly abandoned shoe asked about any birthplace or any place of death related to he or she who can or will naturally transport or bear from one simple place to another any purple-colored 'Croco-Spirit' of the day, being inside of it or not...hmm!? And...and...
And what will you think if each shoe from any pairs of shoes that have at least stepped on some of SoulShoe-Village's important paths or have slid down and swallowed some sticky coated bits of this same SoulShoe-Village's shimmering black clayish muddy riverbanks' soil have acquired through any short or long initiation a sudden begging growling 'shiny' shoe tongue of its own, able to let that (suddenly coated-tongue) shoe spread a kind of personal and understandable 'SoulShoe-Shoe Language' all of it's own too? We might have to see some sliding pairs of shoes start to growl and plead their most important causes, instead of growling them incomprehensively, and turn some other people's eyes to laugh or reflect hard along young Shaman KaKo's native villages' paths, so the question will be: will hearing those pleads from people's pairs of shoes as justifiable unavoidable pleads for change in a benefit to save or ease up the pressure of a daily life in some other probably well known villagers' shoes' lives for example, allow us to at least try to follow this 'SoulShoe-Shoe Language' or dialogue taking place here to justify each of our calls or growls around this WE-Village Chief's compound as well...hmm!?
"Growl!...But now hear my question! Growl!... And tell me right now! Are you a new kind of nourishing food shoe? And are you here to be eaten by me or be swallowed by that other little young extendable 'natural-watta-mamy' crocodile?"
"Still swearing in the name of these old trees' shadows watching you and me here, I know only you dear approaching crawling creature! And I still believe like that so-called dear invisible left 'SoulShoe' twin brother of mine will believe from inside there that you are and that you have within you the unbeatable 'Croco-Spirit' whose egg has hatched near this WE-Village Chief's cradle; as I know that you won't eat me anyway!"
"And why not?..."
"Because by trying to get inside of me by using your tail first, you will disappear from here! Believe it or not, you will merely disappear because I'm your most tempting 'Croco-Shoe Transporter' of the day!"
"Because by trying to get inside of me by using your tail first, you will disappear from here! Believe it or not, you will merely disappear because I'm your most tempting 'Croco-Shoe Transporter' of the day!"
"Okay! Growl! But hear me out, you growling right 'SoulShoe' of KaaaaKoos', as I recognize your smell and I believe in you! So when traveling out of here without knowing if or when I will meet your twin brother at your side or not, I accept to travel with you anyway; yes, so keep on growling! You are the growling yellow right 'SoulShoe' of the day who deserves to be known by others speaking in their dreams like me! Growl and I'm growling in response as well as if to say it's okay to be slowly circling around you my dear yellow right 'SoulShoe' friend of KaaaKooos' of the day, because I can see you are not that pale talkative long wooden white-haired shoe food strangely grasping and hanging on to each one of the four hoofed animals' legs passing by who likes to laugh and run away while watching me go to sleep hungry around here from time to time...hmm!? And I'm still growling okay because you are the only kind of...of...rightsoulshoeuh...I haveeuh ever seen talking to me this way..ooh-eeuh..hmm!?
So it may be by reducing the size of his tail and any strange sized backbone elements shielding him that an old invisible 'Croco-Spirit' crippling on might be seen entering inside of any shoe presented to him, like this one was doing belonging to young Shaman KaKo of SoulShoe-Village...hmm!? And just imagine how and what KaKo's yellow right shoe is also able to loudly growl for its own sake too after it's presentation is over or not in front of any other kinds of WE-Village's purple 'Croco-Spirits' encountered along it's way. To encounter one such WE-Village purple 'Croco-Spirit' partner along it's way that just as easily is able to accept and enter it's talking and hissing hollowness and then be transported far away...hmm!?
So inside of young Shaman KaKo's yellow right shoe's hollowness something is happening...hmm!? A shoe to see therefore as a traveling yellow-papaya shoe inside of which any procreative mighty 'Croco-Spirit' can be heard breathing and therefore as well visiting any strangely colored grounds to find or not to find beautiful unimaginable purple squares of wet forests soils he might want test, slide down over, analyze, tame and then try to conquer as a vital invigorating agricultural space where anyone as a transporter of wisdom or not can feed himself or herself and disappear within it for a long while if need be too...hmm!?
So it may be by reducing the size of his tail and any strange sized backbone elements shielding him that an old invisible 'Croco-Spirit' crippling on might be seen entering inside of any shoe presented to him, like this one was doing belonging to young Shaman KaKo of SoulShoe-Village...hmm!? And just imagine how and what KaKo's yellow right shoe is also able to loudly growl for its own sake too after it's presentation is over or not in front of any other kinds of WE-Village's purple 'Croco-Spirits' encountered along it's way. To encounter one such WE-Village purple 'Croco-Spirit' partner along it's way that just as easily is able to accept and enter it's talking and hissing hollowness and then be transported far away...hmm!?
So inside of young Shaman KaKo's yellow right shoe's hollowness something is happening...hmm!? A shoe to see therefore as a traveling yellow-papaya shoe inside of which any procreative mighty 'Croco-Spirit' can be heard breathing and therefore as well visiting any strangely colored grounds to find or not to find beautiful unimaginable purple squares of wet forests soils he might want test, slide down over, analyze, tame and then try to conquer as a vital invigorating agricultural space where anyone as a transporter of wisdom or not can feed himself or herself and disappear within it for a long while if need be too...hmm!?
Now just remember that it's not all about how much to reduce in size when finally entering any shoe from SoulShoe-Village trying to cover or not all of your head or croco-mind after all as well, but by being in a reducing movement inevitably linked to its increasing contrary movement that will be preparing you to get out of this same kind of an inevitable transporting magic shoes' hole; let it be when falling into that ample flashing yellow shoe belonging to a Shaman student from SoulShoe-Village...hmm!? Now if that is about to happen...of course...with your size reduced while still inside of that same bright yellow shoe, you might be intensifying or challenging your highest fears or the highest peak of bravery with your crocodilian growling or patience of...of...then...all of a sudden at the end of your most important day of initiation...when getting out of that shoe from KaKo's native village at last, and still being unseizable or uncatchable, you finally decide to leave this WE-Village or this WE-Village Chief's compound for awhile too; yes, you might be seen advancing and continuing forward until reaching its borders..and, without necessarily having to look back, finally leave or escape from this WE-Village's environment and its inevitable day in and day out crocodilian atmosphere...hmm!? But shouldn't you really be testing one of your new pairs of shoes today? Or buy a pair during these coming days? Or might we all wait and ask what the color, size and shape of your new shoes will be...hmm!? And if not seen testing one new pair right now, won't you be testing at least one anyway along your journey? Only admitting how deeply one of your brightest colored pairs of chosen shoes are already testing you too when leaving your homeplace today...hmm!? Advancing while grasping or pending so desperately on one of your body parts as well...!? You might be seen advancing until both of you reach the right place such as a quiet safe clearing where you can have any kind of soft dialogue or any kind of endless real talk that you might want to have while sitting or laying on the ground as you start to remember and think about how it came to be that you had fallen inside of...of...that shoe's hollowness...inside someone elses shoe's hollowness so early on...hmm!? Also having been a former shoe-headed person early on and in your first movements of the day, almost being unprepared to live alone without any supervisor or any friendly crocodile's shadow by your side...hmm!? Just before you shift this 'SoulShoe' to another suitable one in your personal traveling bag and decide to leave the WE-Village's environment...remember? Finally arriving to quiet down and lay down here, to have or to enjoy one of these first unexpected comfortable long resting periods. Already enjoying as a brave traveler one long invigorating rest at last before having to stand up again and start challenging step by step some of the other obstacles or philosophical barriers found throughout your continuing intense personal journey of initiation; not to mention a continuing journey of initiation in front of all the other shoes' lives about growl at other shoe-headed partners by your side or not...hmm!?
Weren't we talking about how any resting time would mean a lot? It would mean a lot for any of us as would some more invigorating time too for any traveling croco-mind or any 'Croco-Spirit' still following and trying to infiltrate or cover, as anticipated, some other peoples pairs of shoes too!
So listening now to a young male Shamans or an old female Shaman's shoe wail in front of any other village Chief along your journey, be it a wail or a plead to carry on spreading all around other village paths and bushes, we might finally start to hear and see all the other single shoes entering this extendable invisible radius of a circle marking that unforgettable sole shoe print and sole naked footprint of yours which has left any kind of a central focal point that this WE-Village can show to many millions of crickets or any other strange visitors surrounded by some of these WE-Villager's eyes and feet, probably waiting and hoping for your return, to end up any kind of initiation that had safely begun for any of these journeys of...of initiation...and remember 'step by step' and 'safely' is how it has to be...hmm!?
Weren't we talking about how any resting time would mean a lot? It would mean a lot for any of us as would some more invigorating time too for any traveling croco-mind or any 'Croco-Spirit' still following and trying to infiltrate or cover, as anticipated, some other peoples pairs of shoes too!
So listening now to a young male Shamans or an old female Shaman's shoe wail in front of any other village Chief along your journey, be it a wail or a plead to carry on spreading all around other village paths and bushes, we might finally start to hear and see all the other single shoes entering this extendable invisible radius of a circle marking that unforgettable sole shoe print and sole naked footprint of yours which has left any kind of a central focal point that this WE-Village can show to many millions of crickets or any other strange visitors surrounded by some of these WE-Villager's eyes and feet, probably waiting and hoping for your return, to end up any kind of initiation that had safely begun for any of these journeys of...of initiation...and remember 'step by step' and 'safely' is how it has to be...hmm!?
Now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler what if this ‘Croco-Spirit’, before
retracting fully and hiding most of his powers when getting inside of KaKo's yellow right shoe, suddenly starts to ask where the opposite
twin shoe is and whom from this WE-Village, being native or not, is
going to guard it if both of them (meaning each of the shoes) have been
"My dear young friend Kali-Koné of SoulShoe-Village!", the WE-Village Chief said, promptly adding, "I can touch and clearly see what you have laid in front of me here on this little black square of inherited carpet
extending out in front of all of us; and it's one of your yellow shoes...hmm!? And the other shoe that all
of our WE-Village Shaman ancestors will also be listening to is still
outside right?" His first supervisor, the WE-Village Chief, was renewing his dialogue by insisting on questioning or commenting loudly on some of KaKo's actions. “Yes", KaKo briefly answered before raising his chin up to
instantly see and focus upon what this man is rapidly pulling out of one of his strangely sizzled
ample-sized chest pockets and has roughly started to manipulate with
both of his hands in the air.
Caught by surprise young Shaman KaKo's arms are gesticulating as if to keep some helping hands awake but are vibrating in vain; instinctively but inefficiently stretched out however, let's see if KaKo's own two flying crocodilian elements or his extendable crocodilian shaped shadow, about to touch the WE-Village Chief's two hands, will firmly be holding a small new
croco-head with a tiny extendable croco-body too!? Woo-woo! KaKo de did it so happen that this new bright little crocodile appears to be twinkling in a blue or orange phosphorescence to your eyes alone..hmm!? But that is a strange small milky blue-orange crocodile right in front of your eyes now. A little bright silhouette of a crocodile with his two eyes wide open and surely in possession of
an invisible young living 'Crocodile-Spirit' as well.
Yes, a small jagged tail connected to a croco-body pushing a seemingly enlightened head out of a little blue albino crocodile was now vigorously vibrating between the WE-Village Chief's two united palms and fingers waving in the air.
KaKo doesn't want to appear more embarrassed or disturbed than what he has already been when shaking his own hands very rapidly in the air without being asked for any help; so recapturing his fingers and hands floating instantly back and forth over all of the other shadows on the floor he knows he must control himself much better from now on, including all of his other body parts as well, in this WE-Village Chief's crocodilian atmosphere. He knows he has to let 'Diso La SanKa's' body language, which might be under some unusual ritualized gestures, continue to extend all of its twisted shadows from the WE-Village Chief's two arms, for as long and as freely as they can be seen!
The question one might ask KaKo at this precise moment when both of his hands are shaking in the air, trying to be helpful, might be stated like this: Will you lose control when not knowing what you are about to catch that is being thrown at you? As for now he can't be certain in knowing if the WE-Village Chief has really tried to throw something at him or not or if it was only something else, invisible to the eye, flying in the air in this vast living room until reaching the rattan veil on the door...and...and...hmm!? What will he think if this first of his supervisors throws a new type of creature through the air at him in this vast sitting-living room? One strange small blue albino crocodile smashing his face as it turns to liquid, bringing amazement all around by the way...hmm!?
And what will he think if it appears that this new small crocodile's brightly shimmering silhouette can twinkle out its two most beautiful colors while regaining any kind of other new refuge and still be able to confuse him as any other Shaman students' perception of colors from time to time. Was that a powerful small growling albino crocodile or a more palpable bluer one, KaKo isn't sure; but he knows he must keep concentrating the best he can, imploring his own eyes and ears to learn about any other possible clearer views of this new extendable little bright crocodilian extendable small blue-orange striped crocodilian silhouette appearing, or best to say, shown to him for the first time on this very important day...hmm!?
So now that a lot of the uneasiness from his first supervisor's erratic gestures and frequent deep murmurs, in addition to the growls that were able to scare any human's ears entering and approaching the WE-Village Chief's compounds for the first time or not was escaping him or leaving him, young Shaman KaKo's mind is therefore better to plainly concentrate again; and he is concentrating on at least two different things to do: firstly, to continue to look at this yellow-papaya left shoe acquisition of his about to be fully loaded with an unknown small bright blue crocodilian visitor's body bringing his flow of yellow tears and mysterious growls ...and secondly, to prepare to find out from where the next growls, weirdly longer and powerful or not, from any of the crocodilian creatures surrounding him now might be coming from. All of KaKo's senses are on alert, remember?
Yes, a small jagged tail connected to a croco-body pushing a seemingly enlightened head out of a little blue albino crocodile was now vigorously vibrating between the WE-Village Chief's two united palms and fingers waving in the air.
KaKo doesn't want to appear more embarrassed or disturbed than what he has already been when shaking his own hands very rapidly in the air without being asked for any help; so recapturing his fingers and hands floating instantly back and forth over all of the other shadows on the floor he knows he must control himself much better from now on, including all of his other body parts as well, in this WE-Village Chief's crocodilian atmosphere. He knows he has to let 'Diso La SanKa's' body language, which might be under some unusual ritualized gestures, continue to extend all of its twisted shadows from the WE-Village Chief's two arms, for as long and as freely as they can be seen!
The question one might ask KaKo at this precise moment when both of his hands are shaking in the air, trying to be helpful, might be stated like this: Will you lose control when not knowing what you are about to catch that is being thrown at you? As for now he can't be certain in knowing if the WE-Village Chief has really tried to throw something at him or not or if it was only something else, invisible to the eye, flying in the air in this vast living room until reaching the rattan veil on the door...and...and...hmm!? What will he think if this first of his supervisors throws a new type of creature through the air at him in this vast sitting-living room? One strange small blue albino crocodile smashing his face as it turns to liquid, bringing amazement all around by the way...hmm!?
And what will he think if it appears that this new small crocodile's brightly shimmering silhouette can twinkle out its two most beautiful colors while regaining any kind of other new refuge and still be able to confuse him as any other Shaman students' perception of colors from time to time. Was that a powerful small growling albino crocodile or a more palpable bluer one, KaKo isn't sure; but he knows he must keep concentrating the best he can, imploring his own eyes and ears to learn about any other possible clearer views of this new extendable little bright crocodilian extendable small blue-orange striped crocodilian silhouette appearing, or best to say, shown to him for the first time on this very important day...hmm!?
So now that a lot of the uneasiness from his first supervisor's erratic gestures and frequent deep murmurs, in addition to the growls that were able to scare any human's ears entering and approaching the WE-Village Chief's compounds for the first time or not was escaping him or leaving him, young Shaman KaKo's mind is therefore better to plainly concentrate again; and he is concentrating on at least two different things to do: firstly, to continue to look at this yellow-papaya left shoe acquisition of his about to be fully loaded with an unknown small bright blue crocodilian visitor's body bringing his flow of yellow tears and mysterious growls ...and secondly, to prepare to find out from where the next growls, weirdly longer and powerful or not, from any of the crocodilian creatures surrounding him now might be coming from. All of KaKo's senses are on alert, remember?
Now that 'Diso La SanKa', the Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium Village, being one of the three supervisors following each of these village Shaman students in their respective processes of initiation, has now pulled out of the apparent smiling sizzled pocket of his "Gandoura', an ample long loose gown he is wearing, a perfect little yawning albino crocodile valiantly stretching out his blue legs and yellow tail for young Shaman KaKo's thinking and blinking eyes to see...introducing how both of the WE-Village Chief's hands, with five fingers still visible on each of them, are expertly manipulating the vigorous yawning jaws and squirming wet body of this new small shimmering blue-yellow crocodile...when totally introducing by maybe pressing a little too hard so this growling newcomer, being the small blue-yellow crocodilian apparition that he is, won't resist too long to adapt quickly inside of Shaman student KaKo's yellow-papaya left shoe...isn't it...?
The WE-Village Chief's hands have indeed finished introducing this small milky blue-yellow creature...Oops! For only being a bright new creature, it is already a story to tell! And the WE-Village Chief is showing to all eyes, even the eyes of visitors about to meet and be around KaKo for the first time or not under the feeble rays of the sun above the bright orange sky of this WE-Village, one small blue albino 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature, taking his time to strangely growl low like a real shy other type of crocodile that he actually isn't, the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', is stretching his own massive body having to nearly stand up when placing this first new crocodilian visitor inside of KaKo's left shoe in front of everyone; inside of this yellow-papaya left shoe belonging to young Shaman KaKo. A shoe he is touching again, laying heavier at this moment on the same black square or extension of an old inherited carpet below them...remember...hmm!?
But to say it is really young Shaman KaKo's day, even without him knowing it is the most important day for each of his yellow-papaya shoes being presented in this WE-Village Chief's vibrating atmosphere as well, isn't that much declaimed yet? But yes, it is his day! This is it! This is his day full of surprises and tasks of transporting or of protecting, to come and successfully be achieved at any cost...hmm!? So my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, letting you follow along and watch and live out what will come before the end of both of someone's shoes stories' lives on this day, isn't this a vibrant activity for the WE-Village Shaman Chief's hands to help any cunning croco-mind that he wants to expose or hold up to finally introduce, but quickly succeed in calming down his extended small white baby crocodile's head and smooth blue agitated legs and other yellow body parts brightly twinkling to confuse KaKo's wide-open eyes after finding or accepting this whole shoe, this whole flashing shape of a protective shoe form, being that of Shaman KaKo's yellow-papaya left shoe as possibly a more comfortable but temporary new refuge to discover, or to conquer...!?
So now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, if it is apparent to see at first how this might finally happen that you receive and now have a small bright blue evanescent albino crocodile inside one of your shoes, it is therefore efficient to say something too about this non-classical way or unexpected non-diplomatic ability that the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', has shown to us when introducing to all of us that newest one of the 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creatures of the day too...hmm-hmm!? Yes!? Or the incomprehensible revolving question might be stated this way: has he or hasn't he? Or will he have to be seen, or won't he have to be seen with some of the WE-Village Chief's regalia pending on him, perspiring in an uncontrollable fit of rage, bringing some sort of long authoritative bursts of jumbled growls out of his mouth when having to present that same newly growling small blue albino 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature again...and again to each of us daring to enter...until the last visitor arrives with his awaiting newcomer's eyes too...hmm!?
The WE-Village Chief's hands have indeed finished introducing this small milky blue-yellow creature...Oops! For only being a bright new creature, it is already a story to tell! And the WE-Village Chief is showing to all eyes, even the eyes of visitors about to meet and be around KaKo for the first time or not under the feeble rays of the sun above the bright orange sky of this WE-Village, one small blue albino 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature, taking his time to strangely growl low like a real shy other type of crocodile that he actually isn't, the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', is stretching his own massive body having to nearly stand up when placing this first new crocodilian visitor inside of KaKo's left shoe in front of everyone; inside of this yellow-papaya left shoe belonging to young Shaman KaKo. A shoe he is touching again, laying heavier at this moment on the same black square or extension of an old inherited carpet below them...remember...hmm!?
But to say it is really young Shaman KaKo's day, even without him knowing it is the most important day for each of his yellow-papaya shoes being presented in this WE-Village Chief's vibrating atmosphere as well, isn't that much declaimed yet? But yes, it is his day! This is it! This is his day full of surprises and tasks of transporting or of protecting, to come and successfully be achieved at any cost...hmm!? So my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, letting you follow along and watch and live out what will come before the end of both of someone's shoes stories' lives on this day, isn't this a vibrant activity for the WE-Village Shaman Chief's hands to help any cunning croco-mind that he wants to expose or hold up to finally introduce, but quickly succeed in calming down his extended small white baby crocodile's head and smooth blue agitated legs and other yellow body parts brightly twinkling to confuse KaKo's wide-open eyes after finding or accepting this whole shoe, this whole flashing shape of a protective shoe form, being that of Shaman KaKo's yellow-papaya left shoe as possibly a more comfortable but temporary new refuge to discover, or to conquer...!?
So now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, if it is apparent to see at first how this might finally happen that you receive and now have a small bright blue evanescent albino crocodile inside one of your shoes, it is therefore efficient to say something too about this non-classical way or unexpected non-diplomatic ability that the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', has shown to us when introducing to all of us that newest one of the 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creatures of the day too...hmm-hmm!? Yes!? Or the incomprehensible revolving question might be stated this way: has he or hasn't he? Or will he have to be seen, or won't he have to be seen with some of the WE-Village Chief's regalia pending on him, perspiring in an uncontrollable fit of rage, bringing some sort of long authoritative bursts of jumbled growls out of his mouth when having to present that same newly growling small blue albino 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature again...and again to each of us daring to enter...until the last visitor arrives with his awaiting newcomer's eyes too...hmm!?
And now the rays of the sun are sizzling much deeper through some open windows allowing all of our eyes to watch for what KaKo thinks might be thrown to hit his face or simply thrown to fly through the ambient air...!? What was now seen was a small perfect shimmering body of a living crocodile trying to calm himself; and now that the WE-Village Chief's fingers have vividly incited him or her to seek another safe refuge from out of this pulsating protective gray chest pocket of his, he or she can only find himself inside another safe one; that being inside someone else's 'SoulShoe' from now on...and this is a small mixed colored crocodile twisting it's body and strangely changing it's body's colors too while being introduced inside a new refuge for his own protection; and certainly being such introduced into any kind of 'SoulShoe's interiors', this small blue albino crocodile's presence will be able to be smoothly and more directly transported away as well if need be...hmm!? That being inside of KaKo's yellow-papaya left shoe where he has to live and from where he will reinvigorate or growl and shed his whitish-yellow or whitish-blue tears...therefore amplifying the atmosphere around here with a newly growing growl from...from a noisy new type of a crocodilian presence. This is a new male or female albino crocodilian presence naturally twinkling all blue and all orange at the same time for young Shaman KaKo's extraordinary wide-open eyes to see; and this is the first apparition of a small bright 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian presence we will all soon have to admire or fear; to admire or fear the potential of its growling and therefore its potential vigor and strength to metamorphose himself, herself, or itself from then will we or won't we...hmm!?
Now before this amazing blue albino crocodilian creature starts to growl or hiss more than indelicately, when having to totally disappear, with all his compressed crippled body parts still twisting to better extend inside KaKo's left shoe's hollowness, appearing to have found a safe new refuge too, this baby 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature is particularly quick in allowing and adapting his or her croco-mind to sense some kind of spicy questionings about the nature of human beings, especially the nature of their actions emanating from some of the remarkable new and old dreams or visions still smelling inside of KaKo's left first...isn't he or she...hmm!?
After this new growling crocodilian apparition had been introduced where he or she was, the WE-Village-Chief, his eyes about to meet those of this young Shaman student near him, raised his voice again saying: “Now my dear young friend Kali-Koné young Shaman student friend! Hear me out when I say that on this day all you will have to lastly do inside of our WE-Village, exposing some powerful ancestral clearings visibly scattered and present throughout our forefathers' forests all around us, is to choose which one of your shoes you will bring to the mighty warrior you have already heard about, the man called 'Wanta-Warrior' from the Natural-Watta-Village; he is your second supervisor and only he will tell you, or tell to that yellow shoe of yours that you will be bringing to him after a journey lasting less than three full nights, who is going to be the third and last of your supervisors; and that third and last of your supervisors of the day, as it is said, will necessarily and definitely be from your native village! As it is told and may be written below some of your native village Shaman's shoes too: at any day and time and level of your initiation, any last of the three designed supervisors of each student will necessarily be from that student's native village...remember!?" Without waiting for an answer 'Diso La SanKa', the Chief of Warrior Equilibrium Village suddenly emits or imitates another new long crocodilian growl or noise before he seems to calm down and notice KaKo's own apparent crocodilian shadow extended on the ground still shaking with all of his uneasiness as he waits...waiting amongst many others probably waiting to see what happens when a growing boiling mixture of yellow and blue haze rises up from all the other black squares of carpet all around them...hmm!? But not waiting any longer, the WE-Village Chief continues, "The man or woman who will be your third and last supervisor, the one turning you at last into a designed lovely helpful great Shaman, as far as your willpower and knowledge of things is concerned, after all these years of painful learning experiences away from your native village, will definitely and inevitably be a man or a woman from your native village-ooh-SoooulShoooe-Villageeuh-ooh-One-ooh-One with a heap of fitting shoes well able to weigh each or all of yours when you will be back in SoooulShoooe-Villageeuh-ooh...!" The WE-Village Chief suddenly quieted himself down again as if he is willing to analyze all of KaKo's crocodilian shadows' parts freely becoming more lively on the ground.
The WE-Village Chief is still quiet but surely he is still able start murmuring or growling in his own chiefly way again at any given time. Nevertheless, no more hissing or growling noises of any kind were audible...a moment of growing silence...a growing relaxing silence for any viable pair of ears or shoes able to circle the walls and listen from outside or when about to enter this vast sitting-living room belonging to 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief...hmm!?
Everything suddenly got quiet for much more than an hour; an incomprehensible hour of silence which seemed to be the longest mutual silence either of them solely in front of each other had shared in their lifetime; and it was along this day, an important day for KaKo and for his shoes too, and probably for some other Shaman students as well.
And if one type of crocodilian silence you expect to endure unharmfully can reign inside any of young Shaman KaKo's shoes for as long as you want it to at least let that hollowness of a shoe finally expel at last, as long as the WE-Village Chief's massive crocodilian shadow outside wants it to be so, some part of your strange crocodilian voice exposing the mighty resonance of your crocodilian laugh or presence as well..hmm!?
Outside the day is now at its most sizzled blue and red colors of crepuscular in the sky. The WE-Village Chief, as if reconsidering who or to whom he is going to talk to first, is about to end the relaxing long silence surrounding them. He is starting to breathe nosily, doing it before any shadow of the crocodiles around first awaken from any stillness of theirs; he suddenly gradually raises his voice once again; and by this time his boosted guttural voice is in some kind of new strange intonations, speaking some understandable new words inevitably hear. 'Diso La SanKa' was about to speak more than loudly; his painted lips already distorting his features, he was about to increase his voice to its maximum level, as if he had a new kind of drumming crocodilian throat to activate; and the strangeness of his voice is about to involve some new kinds of resolutions and advice to deliver as well...hmm!?
Now before this amazing blue albino crocodilian creature starts to growl or hiss more than indelicately, when having to totally disappear, with all his compressed crippled body parts still twisting to better extend inside KaKo's left shoe's hollowness, appearing to have found a safe new refuge too, this baby 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature is particularly quick in allowing and adapting his or her croco-mind to sense some kind of spicy questionings about the nature of human beings, especially the nature of their actions emanating from some of the remarkable new and old dreams or visions still smelling inside of KaKo's left first...isn't he or she...hmm!?
After this new growling crocodilian apparition had been introduced where he or she was, the WE-Village-Chief, his eyes about to meet those of this young Shaman student near him, raised his voice again saying: “Now my dear young friend Kali-Koné young Shaman student friend! Hear me out when I say that on this day all you will have to lastly do inside of our WE-Village, exposing some powerful ancestral clearings visibly scattered and present throughout our forefathers' forests all around us, is to choose which one of your shoes you will bring to the mighty warrior you have already heard about, the man called 'Wanta-Warrior' from the Natural-Watta-Village; he is your second supervisor and only he will tell you, or tell to that yellow shoe of yours that you will be bringing to him after a journey lasting less than three full nights, who is going to be the third and last of your supervisors; and that third and last of your supervisors of the day, as it is said, will necessarily and definitely be from your native village! As it is told and may be written below some of your native village Shaman's shoes too: at any day and time and level of your initiation, any last of the three designed supervisors of each student will necessarily be from that student's native village...remember!?" Without waiting for an answer 'Diso La SanKa', the Chief of Warrior Equilibrium Village suddenly emits or imitates another new long crocodilian growl or noise before he seems to calm down and notice KaKo's own apparent crocodilian shadow extended on the ground still shaking with all of his uneasiness as he waits...waiting amongst many others probably waiting to see what happens when a growing boiling mixture of yellow and blue haze rises up from all the other black squares of carpet all around them...hmm!? But not waiting any longer, the WE-Village Chief continues, "The man or woman who will be your third and last supervisor, the one turning you at last into a designed lovely helpful great Shaman, as far as your willpower and knowledge of things is concerned, after all these years of painful learning experiences away from your native village, will definitely and inevitably be a man or a woman from your native village-ooh-SoooulShoooe-Villageeuh-ooh-One-ooh-One with a heap of fitting shoes well able to weigh each or all of yours when you will be back in SoooulShoooe-Villageeuh-ooh...!" The WE-Village Chief suddenly quieted himself down again as if he is willing to analyze all of KaKo's crocodilian shadows' parts freely becoming more lively on the ground.
The WE-Village Chief is still quiet but surely he is still able start murmuring or growling in his own chiefly way again at any given time. Nevertheless, no more hissing or growling noises of any kind were audible...a moment of growing silence...a growing relaxing silence for any viable pair of ears or shoes able to circle the walls and listen from outside or when about to enter this vast sitting-living room belonging to 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief...hmm!?
Everything suddenly got quiet for much more than an hour; an incomprehensible hour of silence which seemed to be the longest mutual silence either of them solely in front of each other had shared in their lifetime; and it was along this day, an important day for KaKo and for his shoes too, and probably for some other Shaman students as well.
And if one type of crocodilian silence you expect to endure unharmfully can reign inside any of young Shaman KaKo's shoes for as long as you want it to at least let that hollowness of a shoe finally expel at last, as long as the WE-Village Chief's massive crocodilian shadow outside wants it to be so, some part of your strange crocodilian voice exposing the mighty resonance of your crocodilian laugh or presence as well..hmm!?
Outside the day is now at its most sizzled blue and red colors of crepuscular in the sky. The WE-Village Chief, as if reconsidering who or to whom he is going to talk to first, is about to end the relaxing long silence surrounding them. He is starting to breathe nosily, doing it before any shadow of the crocodiles around first awaken from any stillness of theirs; he suddenly gradually raises his voice once again; and by this time his boosted guttural voice is in some kind of new strange intonations, speaking some understandable new words inevitably hear. 'Diso La SanKa' was about to speak more than loudly; his painted lips already distorting his features, he was about to increase his voice to its maximum level, as if he had a new kind of drumming crocodilian throat to activate; and the strangeness of his voice is about to involve some new kinds of resolutions and advice to deliver as well...hmm!?
Yes the WE-Village Chief was able to distort his voice at will, as to imitate any kind of flying or crippling creatures with not much more than four legs his mind could identify with. And for now and as amazing as it is for KaKo's ears, this man's huge guttural voice is raising as to speak to many other kinds of ears as to many other undeniable decorated shoes besides just to young Shaman KaKo's alone or to the pair of crocodiles around...and the fact that the WE-Village Chief is into some terribly cavernous convincing intonations will mean a lot to one and all. Yes, on this important day, the use of these kinds of changing and convincing cavernous intonations emitted by the WE-Village Chief can be indicative, significative or more than informative for many more creatures shadows other than to only that meditative young Shaman student KaKo's shadow in front of him; as to throw from his throat or mouth any kind of reptilian shuffles mingling with some loud cavernous intonations which can only sooner or later finish awakening or calling upon the curiosity of at least one of these other pairs of crocodilian ears too...hmm!? One crocodile being inside and one outside his house. Therefore as to be heard yelling out his words, the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', after breathing for a long while as a real thoughtful authoritative crocodile's shadow, finally started to shriek out his words, and this is what he was yelling:
"Sooo, it is up to yoou-ohh dear pair of KaKo shoes! Entirely up to you, my dear fearless pair of KaKo shoes! As soon as one of you will attain and successfully enter the Natural-Watta-Village, remember this: when about to call upon or yell out your second supervisor's name in the sky for any help you might want from him, just start to look at any of his newest birds he might have shown you first; and for now as being your first supervisor I can confirm that your second supervisor, the 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior', has a beautiful green-gray featured sparrowhawk as his newest bird acquisition, which simply means that amongst many other birds swirling, flying or always zigzagging across the sky of their village, there will always be at least one of your supervisor's birds here; yes, in the sky over the Natural-Watta-Village ooh-ooh there will always be at least one of your second supervisor's birds...hmm!?
"Sooo up to you-ooh! You who will inevitably become the one and only Kaaa-Koo-oooh traveling shoe of the day-ooh, just remember to always analyze the cries or shrieks and trust the postures and attitudes from any of these 'Wanta-Watta' birds you will see, hear, or have to clean or pat the feathers of, while you are there...and especially during your journey, do not forget to observe any single sparrowhawk along your way. Now whenever you will need to call upon that second supervisor of yours, both of you, meaning you and any new bird of his, will probably have to tell him in a better way than just myself or any other person's mouth by itself alone can do, what you will have to do if it so happens that someone else besides KaKo's 'Croco-Spirit' or KaKo's croco-mind falls inside your shoe's hole; as trying to fill all of that right or left shoe's hollowness of yours from not being the true owner that KaKo is...hmm!?
Hear me out! Both of you hear me out! Let me imagine young Shaman Kali-Koné putting one of your yellow-papaya shoes of the day into your bag and advancing into the bushes. Let me imagine you, young Shaman KaKo, getting that one shoe out of your bag and plainly choosing to wear it, that one shoe that is soon to become the chosen one...hmm!? Or being with it at the side of that second supervisor of yours, that aged friend of mine, Mister 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' with his newest sparrowhawk of the day perfectly perched upon one of his windowsills, or balancing or repositioning himself in search of equilibrium upon any big tree trunk you will find there...being the most massive round logs of wood you have ever seen sparsely laying there, some decomposing and others being sculpted into any animals' forms some people might want these days to buy from inside of your second supervisor's Natural-Watta-Village families' compound...hmm!? So now just let me continue to imagine how the four of you, being like a double pair of unbeatable warriors, will be roaming around the Natural-Watta-Village's bushes in search or not of some more utensils to use for hunting...or in search of some precious little ornate stones to decorate any wooden mask or sculpture he might want you find; so there will be you KaKo, with your shoe as an efficient weapon, and Mister 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' with his newest bird of the day shrieking and taking off from time to time from his 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' family compound...hmm!? Just don't be surprised if you see this bird of the day and your own chosen shoe of the day deciding on the paths to take or to follow when stepping deeper and deeper into the forest to lead all of you..hmm!?
Hear me out! Both of you hear me out! Let me imagine young Shaman Kali-Koné putting one of your yellow-papaya shoes of the day into your bag and advancing into the bushes. Let me imagine you, young Shaman KaKo, getting that one shoe out of your bag and plainly choosing to wear it, that one shoe that is soon to become the chosen one...hmm!? Or being with it at the side of that second supervisor of yours, that aged friend of mine, Mister 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' with his newest sparrowhawk of the day perfectly perched upon one of his windowsills, or balancing or repositioning himself in search of equilibrium upon any big tree trunk you will find there...being the most massive round logs of wood you have ever seen sparsely laying there, some decomposing and others being sculpted into any animals' forms some people might want these days to buy from inside of your second supervisor's Natural-Watta-Village families' compound...hmm!? So now just let me continue to imagine how the four of you, being like a double pair of unbeatable warriors, will be roaming around the Natural-Watta-Village's bushes in search or not of some more utensils to use for hunting...or in search of some precious little ornate stones to decorate any wooden mask or sculpture he might want you find; so there will be you KaKo, with your shoe as an efficient weapon, and Mister 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' with his newest bird of the day shrieking and taking off from time to time from his 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior' family compound...hmm!? Just don't be surprised if you see this bird of the day and your own chosen shoe of the day deciding on the paths to take or to follow when stepping deeper and deeper into the forest to lead all of you..hmm!?
“So dear KaKo I will be the one reminding you that all you have to do on this day inside of this WE-Village of mine is to choose which one of your papaya-shaped shoes you will be bringing to the one who is now known as your second supervisor, Mister 'Wanta-Watta-Warrior'. So as soon as you take it from this square of black carpet here, or from the ground of my compound it is laying on outside, you will therefore be bringing it to the mighty warrior you have already heard about from the Natural-Watta-Village."
"So, my dear friend KaKo muna Kali-Koné of SoulShoe village, I'm wishing you all of the volume of a chance inside of any healthy ostrich egg to be attained; and let it be that you, KaKo, will be starting to mature there safely too after meeting and learning from your second supervisor, this 'Natural-Watta-Shaman-Warrior', who is the only one I know of who can be seen running on any rooftop with a sort of strange sparrowhawk head on his shoulders...hmm!?" Spontaneously the WE-Village Chief stopped talking for awhile...looking at KaKo's posture...but he will evidently growl once unnaturally in front of anyone as usual...but before the predictable happens, hearing the mingling of growls and hissing sounds all around us, unpredictably this WE-Village Chief solemnly started to shriek out, declaiming some of young Shaman KaKo's second supervisor's ancestral titles and names out loud again...and this is it! No more deep silence will be attained, for Shaman student KaKo's ears are suddenly aware of this mingling of growling and terrible hissing sounds arising all around them now.
This mixture of growls and hissing noises, projected or emitted from many angles of walls opposed or not to any opened windows perspectives in the WE-Village Chief's house, are inevitably only transpiercing these many invisible spheres where the distance between each of KaKo's yellow-papaya shoes and the WE-Village Chief's roof, or any treetop above to cover them, will be like linking with many bright voluminous upside-down half cups of some extendable or distortable half cut transparent spheres literally following some of KaKo's intentions as well...hmm!?
Should we say from now on that the distance separating these two yellow-papaya shoes of KaKo's might mean a lot? A distance marking something rooted but inevitably changing when following Shaman student KaKo's presence and intentions anywhere too; a distance which expectedly can be modulated as controlled or in one way or the other will change or will be changed irremediably... but announcing however how supported KaKo's initiation already is...hmm!?
Anyway from one of KaKo's shoes to the other yellow-papaya KaKo shoe, any blue or yellow or even purple-striped traceable line inevitably transpiercing the decorated walls of the WE-Village Chief's house or the encircled walls of his compound are about to fluctuate, about to extend, allowing all kinds of sizzled crocodilian eyes, watching or not that imaginable indelible mark, extend endlessly behind the young Shaman KaKo's steps throughout his journey...hmm!? At least until becoming or not a designed Shaman amongst many other students from different villages or at least until he can safely reach the Natural-Watta-Village...hmm!?
"So, my dear friend KaKo muna Kali-Koné of SoulShoe village, I'm wishing you all of the volume of a chance inside of any healthy ostrich egg to be attained; and let it be that you, KaKo, will be starting to mature there safely too after meeting and learning from your second supervisor, this 'Natural-Watta-Shaman-Warrior', who is the only one I know of who can be seen running on any rooftop with a sort of strange sparrowhawk head on his shoulders...hmm!?" Spontaneously the WE-Village Chief stopped talking for awhile...looking at KaKo's posture...but he will evidently growl once unnaturally in front of anyone as usual...but before the predictable happens, hearing the mingling of growls and hissing sounds all around us, unpredictably this WE-Village Chief solemnly started to shriek out, declaiming some of young Shaman KaKo's second supervisor's ancestral titles and names out loud again...and this is it! No more deep silence will be attained, for Shaman student KaKo's ears are suddenly aware of this mingling of growling and terrible hissing sounds arising all around them now.
This mixture of growls and hissing noises, projected or emitted from many angles of walls opposed or not to any opened windows perspectives in the WE-Village Chief's house, are inevitably only transpiercing these many invisible spheres where the distance between each of KaKo's yellow-papaya shoes and the WE-Village Chief's roof, or any treetop above to cover them, will be like linking with many bright voluminous upside-down half cups of some extendable or distortable half cut transparent spheres literally following some of KaKo's intentions as well...hmm!?
Should we say from now on that the distance separating these two yellow-papaya shoes of KaKo's might mean a lot? A distance marking something rooted but inevitably changing when following Shaman student KaKo's presence and intentions anywhere too; a distance which expectedly can be modulated as controlled or in one way or the other will change or will be changed irremediably... but announcing however how supported KaKo's initiation already is...hmm!?
Anyway from one of KaKo's shoes to the other yellow-papaya KaKo shoe, any blue or yellow or even purple-striped traceable line inevitably transpiercing the decorated walls of the WE-Village Chief's house or the encircled walls of his compound are about to fluctuate, about to extend, allowing all kinds of sizzled crocodilian eyes, watching or not that imaginable indelible mark, extend endlessly behind the young Shaman KaKo's steps throughout his journey...hmm!? At least until becoming or not a designed Shaman amongst many other students from different villages or at least until he can safely reach the Natural-Watta-Village...hmm!?
"KaKooo de KaKo de KaKo-ooh...!", the WE-Village Chief finally starts to repeat, as he checks and looks over the vast interior of his sitting-living room before he continues to speak, with more serenity suddenly regained on his face from what he had a few minutes ago; and believe it or not, KaKo's eyes can more evidently see how 'Diso La Sanka's' tense face is divided now and painted a gray-green color.
"My dear young Shaman friend KaKo", the Chief continued, "just remember that the 'Natural-Wanta-Watta-Warrior', best known as the sparrowhawks shadows' owner, being one of my best friends here or not will definitely tell you the second duty as the second task or step to take in this kind of ending phase of your Shaman initiation! So my dear friend KaKo de Kakoooh! Now Listen to me again carefully, because your first official task which will almost end your phase of initiation with me is to first go to this Natural-Watta-Village, then after you are finished with all the duties and teachings from your second supervisor, return from there to take back this one yellow shoe of yours you will be leaving here today anyway...hmm!? Therefore after you will return here, having seen how your mind and body structure can become much stronger, you will then be allowed by me to return to SoulShoe-Village, your own native village, ending what will have to come to an end; and as we all are able to accept the fact that what goes up must come down, in one way or another if everything that has a beginning must come to an end, whether that end is in another space or not, let us all at least confirm that same principle as well when talking about any kinds of Shamans' initiation phases on the way too...hmm!? Do you hear me KaKo? Of course you do! And I think you're still hearing me better than anyone throughout these first of the last days between you and I here...hmm!? My dear KaKoooh..!?" Once again the WE-Village Chief stopped talking, simply taking some time so KaKo's mind or any croco-mind, KaKo de SoulShoe-Village being the sole and youngest student in front of him, can soak up all the words and directives heard from him. KaKo's mind is concentrating, probably still analyzing what to do in front of these persisting crocodilian growls and hissing noises now, filling both the atmosphere and himself with...with questions and...and tasks do...hmm!? So the question is, another question appearing very important to ask is this one: how will transforming young Shaman KaKo into KaKoooh de crocodile, or into KaKo de Natural-Watta, or any other such name he might be given prepare him for whatever happens or will happen next...hmm!?
Finally the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', stood up, let's say much differently from how KaKo did earlier, but standing up now he was inviting KaKo to do the same. So they both voluntarily walked in slow motion to where they can see both of KaKo's yellow-papaya shoes...And this is it! For a long while through one small open window KaKo watches both of his shoes for the last time today before he can sit down again or change his perspective, or follow what will happen next...hmm!?
Almost in the center of this vast sitting-living room they are walking in slow-motion when the WE-Village Chief, almost motionless at the end of their walk, raises and opens his arms like someone getting ready to thoroughly hug any of his Shaman students about to approach him in any position or challenge him...hmm!? With both hands opened wide Chief 'Diso La SanKa' is now pointing out what KaKo's eyes, without any choice, are analyzing. So with one of his forefingers being gray and the other a deep green color, the WE-Village Chief is indicating two directions for young Shaman KaKo's mind to start reasoning about. The first direction will lead him to the bright yellow left shoe, where the small invisible blue-albino crocodile is noisily breathing, a shoe very near to them laying upon that black square of carpet on the ground, and the other direction was orientating him to the other shoe, to that yellow right shoe now seemingly silent outside but probably still able to speak in any living crocodile's dreams.
Both of KaKo's shoes are somehow far away from this waving tri-colored rattan veil covering that hollow rectangle as the main swallowing door of the WE-Village Chief's house.
"My dear young Shaman friend KaKo", the Chief continued, "just remember that the 'Natural-Wanta-Watta-Warrior', best known as the sparrowhawks shadows' owner, being one of my best friends here or not will definitely tell you the second duty as the second task or step to take in this kind of ending phase of your Shaman initiation! So my dear friend KaKo de Kakoooh! Now Listen to me again carefully, because your first official task which will almost end your phase of initiation with me is to first go to this Natural-Watta-Village, then after you are finished with all the duties and teachings from your second supervisor, return from there to take back this one yellow shoe of yours you will be leaving here today anyway...hmm!? Therefore after you will return here, having seen how your mind and body structure can become much stronger, you will then be allowed by me to return to SoulShoe-Village, your own native village, ending what will have to come to an end; and as we all are able to accept the fact that what goes up must come down, in one way or another if everything that has a beginning must come to an end, whether that end is in another space or not, let us all at least confirm that same principle as well when talking about any kinds of Shamans' initiation phases on the way too...hmm!? Do you hear me KaKo? Of course you do! And I think you're still hearing me better than anyone throughout these first of the last days between you and I here...hmm!? My dear KaKoooh..!?" Once again the WE-Village Chief stopped talking, simply taking some time so KaKo's mind or any croco-mind, KaKo de SoulShoe-Village being the sole and youngest student in front of him, can soak up all the words and directives heard from him. KaKo's mind is concentrating, probably still analyzing what to do in front of these persisting crocodilian growls and hissing noises now, filling both the atmosphere and himself with...with questions and...and tasks do...hmm!? So the question is, another question appearing very important to ask is this one: how will transforming young Shaman KaKo into KaKoooh de crocodile, or into KaKo de Natural-Watta, or any other such name he might be given prepare him for whatever happens or will happen next...hmm!?
Finally the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', stood up, let's say much differently from how KaKo did earlier, but standing up now he was inviting KaKo to do the same. So they both voluntarily walked in slow motion to where they can see both of KaKo's yellow-papaya shoes...And this is it! For a long while through one small open window KaKo watches both of his shoes for the last time today before he can sit down again or change his perspective, or follow what will happen next...hmm!?
Almost in the center of this vast sitting-living room they are walking in slow-motion when the WE-Village Chief, almost motionless at the end of their walk, raises and opens his arms like someone getting ready to thoroughly hug any of his Shaman students about to approach him in any position or challenge him...hmm!? With both hands opened wide Chief 'Diso La SanKa' is now pointing out what KaKo's eyes, without any choice, are analyzing. So with one of his forefingers being gray and the other a deep green color, the WE-Village Chief is indicating two directions for young Shaman KaKo's mind to start reasoning about. The first direction will lead him to the bright yellow left shoe, where the small invisible blue-albino crocodile is noisily breathing, a shoe very near to them laying upon that black square of carpet on the ground, and the other direction was orientating him to the other shoe, to that yellow right shoe now seemingly silent outside but probably still able to speak in any living crocodile's dreams.
Both of KaKo's shoes are somehow far away from this waving tri-colored rattan veil covering that hollow rectangle as the main swallowing door of the WE-Village Chief's house.
Although KaKo knows he has to make a choice one way or the other he is glad after being introduced so early in the morning to sit and spend some more time, in silence or not, with Mister 'Diso La SanKa', Chief Shaman of this Warrior-Equilibrium Village.
Isn't young Shaman KaKo standing in front of his first supervisor of the day, both of them respectively linked to watch and hear from the powerful small traveling shadow that this blue albino crocodile might have, all of them having some crocodilian tasks to achieve before being inevitably separated from one another; but even if this separation is to happen today or any other day, including for KaKo the missing presence of this massive single-eyed WE-Village Chief's crocodile, one way or another both young Shaman KaKo and his first supervisor, 'Diso La SanKa', feel and know that nothing will break their powerful heartfelt link they had established between themselves so long ago. Anyway, will young Shaman KaKo, by himself or not, at last be leaving this WE-Village...hmm!?
Isn't young Shaman KaKo standing in front of his first supervisor of the day, both of them respectively linked to watch and hear from the powerful small traveling shadow that this blue albino crocodile might have, all of them having some crocodilian tasks to achieve before being inevitably separated from one another; but even if this separation is to happen today or any other day, including for KaKo the missing presence of this massive single-eyed WE-Village Chief's crocodile, one way or another both young Shaman KaKo and his first supervisor, 'Diso La SanKa', feel and know that nothing will break their powerful heartfelt link they had established between themselves so long ago. Anyway, will young Shaman KaKo, by himself or not, at last be leaving this WE-Village...hmm!?
Now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, answerable or not... some people, if not becoming your inevitable worst enemies before the end of this enlightened reddish-purple crepuscular of the day, and let them be from this WE-Village or not, will not be able to resist asking you to guess from which of KaKo’s shoes any invisible mighty ‘Croco-Spirit’ will be at ease in the most when entering inside of...of...of? Yes!? And amongst many other questions arising, some will still want to know why or if any invisible mighty "Croco-Spirit' along KaKo's way will be easily wearable, catchable or recognizable...hmm!? Now if you are to choose and pick one up from a pair of KaKo's transporting shoes, to control the shaking of your hand, firstly stay alert and be confident in following any WE-Village supervisor, because that kind of mighty dissociable purple or not 'Croco-Spirit' is always ready to multiply or divide and expand or extend in one way or another until invading anyone's shoes or feet, no matter what size, when about to advance and become forever linked to them...hmm!?
Now can we imagine that kind of purple 'Croco-Spirit' so divisible, but only belonging to and roaming all through this WE-Village's surroundings? And keep on imagining it's invisible shape only able to enter into any of the shoes from SoulShoe-Village if you want to...anyway at any level your mind or your feet might anticipate danger in front of some other unknown village people's eyes, just be alert when having to wear only one of your shoes when you decide to go out and enter the home of any village person, accompanying your personal phase of initiation to it's end or not, on any important day...hmm!?
Be alert as well to the fact that by showing some more palpable grit, that purple 'Croco-Spirit' might evolve and more than probably decide to lead you much earlier than expected back to your own native village.
Now who would have thought that any atom from a purple 'Croco-Spirit' belonging to this WE-Village alone, will still be vibrating and waving in the air until reaching and crossing the most mysterious clearings of our forefather's forests...and will choose to hit only with a kind of energy strong enough to transpierce any kind of encountered substance...being that of a young human head belonging to KaKo alone...hmm!?
‘Diso La SanKa’s’
same body parts were repositioning themselves making it easier for him
to stand up; yes, the WE-Village Chief was repositioning himself,
walking slowly and advancing to touch this same tri-colored veil of
rattan to exit his sitting-living room…moving forward directly into the
deep crepuscular where he heard the early nesting birds chirping. He
was forwarding through the whole length of his ample compound, about two
hundred and fifty meters, to reach the big entrance; the main threshold
indicating the place where he lives; his encircled compound’s doorway.
He was still pushing his body and massive shadow beyond any other black
shadows reflected by the designed iron ivory threshold with its entire length and width shimmering on the ground. ‘Diso La SanKa’, the Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium Village, was more thoughtful now when walking to attain one of the important main broad path openings which crossed his humbly decorated encircled compound and compound’s entrance… As he was walking he was thinking about Shaman student KaKo’s departure; as well as thinking about how young Shaman KaKo might approach and courageously try or not, from this point forward, to control any purple ‘Croco-Spirit’
from this WE-Village by himself because this young Shaman will
inevitably have to encounter or challenge or possibly be challenged along his way by the body of a creature representing authority
or by any other similar terrible creature which as anticipated might
get out of his ‘chosen’ shoe ready to gently approach him or savagely
attack him...hmm!? For
he will have to adopt and tame or be adopted by any kinds of other new
rude incisive travel shadows when that occurs along his journey...hmm!?
So indeed this young Shaman, KaKo, had finally chosen one of his yellow-papaya shoes and… and as if he had extended his curiously determined moving shadow this spirited young Shaman student had finally left the perimeters and was now no longer visible…to this WE-Village…successfully escaping from its undeniably dangerous but still peaceful and respectful crocodilian atmosphere.
Yes KaKo
was hidden from his first supervisor’s eyes and was advancing, now
focused to follow any kinds of old visible paths he would recognize
leading him more easily, as you might expect, to Natural-Watta Village; as to accomplish his task to the best of his ability, his truly first task and ordeal to encounter on this day as a Shaman student from SoulShoe Village. So was this task only limited to transporting something? Merely a transporter’s task…!? To let you in on a little more, KaKo, whose shadow definitively looked determined to be out of Shaman Chief ‘Diso La SanKa’s’ native village too, seemingly also looked well prepared anyway when leaving this WE-Village.
So from this day forward, following these first days of their last meetings, all of the powerful duties for supervisors of the day would be to follow and protect any of these Shaman students’ steps all along their respective journeys’ into any mysterious or not but specific parts of this equatorial dense
forest. An interminable encircled wet green forest filled with big and
small open clearings; clearings naturally used as meeting places which
once belonged to their Shaman and non-Shaman forefathers; clearings
also used as meeting places for those of our reptilian ancestors who had to efficiently know how to dig holes, thousands and thousands of holes which were used to introduce each of their ‘Croco-Spirits’ into thousands and thousands of warm eggs waiting to be hatched…hmm!? And all of those small growling creatures getting warm inside each of those different little nourishing holes were supposed to grow day by day and one by one escape any sizzled cocoon belonging to them…now weren’t they? To escape, just so they could breathe easier and more strongly…hmm!? And remember it was as if at least one of those crocodilian ‘sensemillancestral’ creatures had been introduced long ago and was now ready to rapidly break free as others had; as to be ejected from a hidden small black square parcel of wet soil visibly present along some secret WE-Village paths and suddenly opening up beside anyone’s feet…as visibly as
some black square holes many WE-Villagers’ eyes would see appearing,
undeniably surfacing along the ground floor of the WE-Village Chief’s
house too…remember…hmm!? An ancestral wet green forest undeniably filled with silent and crying presences of many animals' spirits in their foremost extended mysteries.
Yes, ‘Diso La SanKa’, the surprising Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium Village, after leaving his family’s compound kept walking, advancing all alone as he entered that important main broad opening curving beyond his main entrance which he continued to follow with the firm intention of reaching the center of his village; almost more than half of a kilometer straight away… He was bare footed for todays initiation and any guard or anyone deciding to approach and greet him knew that as they freely followed him they were forbidden to touch any of his colored body parts or any parts of his ample gandoura as it waved in the wind protecting his human form as he walked. Some could see that the whole of his face and his shoulders down to his elbows finally reaching his fingernails were painted in the same two colors as each of his feet and toes touching the ground were; so as we all started to follow him, the nearest ones by his side couldn’t believe how totally dense and more and more impenetrable his big silent disproportionately tri-colored face was… is, or might continue to become.
The Honorable Mister ‘Eye-Of-SanKa’, Shaman Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium Village would be walking and sweating under a natural deep contagious silence from now on…
Is there a KaKo shoe per crocodile? And are there any of KaKo's shoes truly calling out for help when approaching any of them?
After once being asked which one of his shoes he would choose and carry to show Mister Wanta-Watta, one of the mightiest warriors of Natural-Watta Village and identified as the second supervisor of his Shamans initiation, the young Shaman KaKo can't believe the WE-Village Chief is loudly laughing, growling, laughing, hissing and inviting him to sit down again and be silent. His first supervisor's arms are about to reposition themselves making this a specific ritual...but KaKo's eyes are inevitably watching the nearest of his shoes seemingly still vaporizing a new bluish-orange colored maze (not haze!?) and the plain power of its smellings in front of them...hmm!? KaKo's eyes insisted on catching any glimpse of the small blue albino crocodile who can brutally or not get out of this...this hollowness of his yellow-papaya left 'soulshoe' in front of all of us now...hmm!?
Young Shaman KaKo hasn’t chosen yet; concentrating or not he has to raise his chin up to see that 'Diso La SanKa's' two arms are waving and opening again as if the WE-Village Chief is going to hug an invisible succession of new Shaman student's shadows who will be entering to meet him. The WE-Village Chief's hands are open by his chest and he is still pointing to each of these shiny 'Y-Papaya things' belonging to KaKo...moving like two oars or flapping out dust like two ample bird's wings without depicting any clues to decipher any best chosen directions for KaKo to follow in front of...of...? This time after KaKo's ears hear a new series of strong growls, he decides they are coming from that new small crocodilian apparition. The WE-Village Chief's body is bending to sit down while his hands and fingers, painted grey and green, are calmly reacting, approaching nearer and floating above the hollowness of KaKo's left shoe again; his left yellow-papaya shoe laying on that designed black square of soil where layers of wool and other smooth elements are forming extensions of carpeting on the ground; the hollowness of a left yellow-papaya shoe from where a baby crocodile's head is trying to hide and growl from time to time...almost invisible when amply stretching his legs and body; still mixing and changing colors; with a small body of a crocodile shimmering, turning milky-orange to milky-blue; one body of a crocodilian creature growling and hissing as if he still remembers how sweet the WE-Village Chief's hands and fingers have expertly maneuvered over all of his or all of her small 'sensemillancestral' body parts...hmm!? Were those green-gray tenacious fingers still prepared to go over all of her or all of his small extendable 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian body parts again? Or ready to rub and if need be enliven all of those striped milky-orange or milky-blue colored small extendable 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian body parts one by more time!?

Both men, young Shaman KaKo and the WE-Village Chief being the last to sit down, are facing one another again knowing that from the beginning of their meeting on this initiation day for the young Shaman KaKo every part showing on this highly strong massively shaped man's body, who was at times trying to growl more than loudly too and sometimes talking to him so abnormally as well, was painted black, gray or green; as gray as some morning rain clouds in the sky and green as fresh blossoming herbs painted all over some separate and distinct parts of his natural colored dark brown bodies' skin...and he has his own crown of long thick black dense hair glowing all over the back of his head too. Yes the WE-Village Chief has a big thick patch of dreadlocks tied in back of his neck which are frenetically dangling from time to time behind his shoulders and behind his back without any of them touching any part of his so differently painted ears; or more amazingly bouncing on his back without touching any part of his black charcoal painted nose and lips or any part of his apparently divided face even when he bends down shaking his big black patch of dense glowing dreadlocks sit down or not...hmm!?
Now before any crowd of people might reach the center of WE-Village or not amongst some of the questions arising many want to know the answer to this one, when coming across any recognizable crowd of WE-Village people, how many crocodilian reflexes will the WE-Village Chief show to all of us? Or will he be reacting more quickly than any other villager or any other Shaman supervisor when facing any collective dangerous situation...hmm!? Another question on everyone's mind is this one, aside from these three different colors painted all over his body parts how will his amply ornamented gandoura, with some important Chief's regalia on it, give him more powers inside of him now for his first task as first Shaman supervisor of the day...hmm!? Or will these three colors of black, gray and green visibly painted on him, to make his face and body appear divided and dreadful, cause him to act more crocodilian than others and make him growl better or more loudly when the night inevitably will fall upon his native WE-Village on this very day of...of...!?
So if any authentic research about different colors of crocodile skins was to be set along some important paths of the WE-Village in front of all of us on one of these initiation days, you might be less surprised from now on to see some other strange brilliance and reverberations like you have never seen before emanating from many different crocodilian creatures skins' laying on some shelves as just plain carpet of dead disparate animal's bodies...hmm!? As some other multi-colored ones that you can touch might still be seen covering some big and small shapes of other strange reptiles or crocodilian creatures bodies' that are still alive, alive but unable to become lively or metamorphose themselves in front of the eyes of any buyers...or owners...or even any visitors too...hmm!? So before you start shaking any of these marketable skins so to speak, by blinking your eyes or not, you should know that any new and available crocodile's skin that you might want to weigh, buy or simply touch with a wad of money in your other hand or in your pocket might be ready to have a kind of survival reaction you will never expect from them when stretching and starting to transform themselves; able to transform all the small designed colored cracked lines of crests around their backbones to show off their abilities to transform their visible enviable animals' teeth as well...or suddenly transform the designed lines around their small legs or their swelled lips and noses making them worthy as well to be shown to you...hmm!? And...and by the middle or near the end of their metamorphosis start twisting their body to unleash it, then falling down by themselves near your feet standing on the ground of this WE-Village...hmm!? So after touching some of these crocodilian or not creatures skins, backbones, members and tails laying on some unbalanced shelves on platforms all of the lifeless parts of these 'sensemillancestral' creatures, recognizable or not at first, might be seen livening up and approaching you one by one in a strange new pace, but inevitably adapt to any pace of yours with a vivid disrupting intention of only dealing directly with you and with you alone; as you will be appearing to some WE-Villagers as the strangest of the new Shamans who after finally finding a secret crossable path to their village has forgotten or has refused to take part in some of the most important moments of their WE-Village Chief's self initiation going on inside of the WE-Village during some of their incredible marketing days simply because you were necessarily busy trying to find some palpable souvenirs to bring out of their village or busy trying look for a so called shoe-headed person? So will this search be the most important one for you...hmm!? The WE-Village Chief's eyes were inquiring at all times...from the beginning of all the meetings...when he opened them, remember...hmm!?
So with his face looking strangely wavy and divided, with one eyelid colored green and the other gray and his eyes bloodshot, the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa' is sitting on his personal couch looking as terrifying as unreadable anyhow. Yes the WE-Village Chief's face is divided in two or three colors...a black line the width of his nose was visibly crossing the left and right center of his forehead down to his nose, lips, chin and his throat and continued down to his invisible chest and somewhere down to his belly. On top of that the WE-Village Chief seemed to have smeared his massive body with a powerful smelling mixture of vegetal oil and fine mashed flowers as well.
His gandoura, one large piece of cloth draped from his shoulders down to his toes, although allowing the possibility for his shoulders and arms to be seen from both sides when its grayish sleeves were rolled up or when he was grasping those named body parts, is finely decorated with some of the Warrior-Equilibrium Village's highest symbols...and that was it, KaKo's eyes should have noticed that apart from that ample black line dividing the gray linen tissue behind the WE-Village Chief's gandoura, there was a drawing on the front of it, seemingly of a coat of arms with a small shadow of a crocodile climbing a tree's shadow, which would shine near any heart the WE-Village Chief would hang it next to.
The WE-Village Chief's gandoura was seemingly gray but didn't have the same brilliance that emanated from his right body parts such as the right part of his forehead, his right eyelid and his right cheek down to his right hand.
Yes, the WE-Village Chief's gandoura was a plainish gray not having the same radiance as the gray colored mineral substance painted all the way down the right side of his strong and massive body. So with his big heavy body and dark brown face with deep bantu features and ethnicity painted a flashy silvery-gray on half of his body and painted green on the other half, 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief, looked perfectly divided with that long black charcoal line the width of his nose vertically crossing his entire body...amazingly just like the other visible black vertical line shaped like an arrow as if ready to dig into the ground and seemingly dividing in two as well the back of the WE-Village Chief's gandoura full of regalia...remember!?
Anyway just to look at the WE-Village Chief from the front would have incited anyone to harshly challenge his own arising fears before meeting him. So this was how the WE-Village Chief's face and body was made up all over for today's initiation. So dramatic and so unpredictable he was, when about to encounter anyone else... with his striking flashy black, gray and green tri-colored face made up like that...and some of his body parts colored the same way too...hmm!? And believe it or not this is not how his first supervisor 'Diso La SanKa' had ever looked, even since KaKo and other Shaman students from different villages pursuing their respective quests had entered to visit his village; to meet their relatives or to meet some other WE-Village notables and Elders apart from him. So at any time, just as young Shaman student KaKo has done, anyone freely moving his body and expressing his most profound greetings and message can express a light desire to meet the name or not, of these visible or invisible 'sensemillancestral' creatures that have large or small swelled heads, legs, bones and differently colored skins with discernible crocodilian nostrils or not, and ears or eyes to hear and see...and probably able to growl too but unlike this shiny blue albino crocodile is about to do...and how mysteriously fast he or she is growing, same as being seen changing its crests' already tainted milky-blue lines from purple to yellow-orange from time to time too, remember!?
So with his face so dreadfully painted the WE-Village Chief will be spotted either way by many other differently painted shadows of real warriors and humble WE-Villagers who, on any collective day of a visible initiation inside their village, might be able to advance and encircle anyone entering their village without having presented himself or herself as well. Therefore knowing at any time the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', might be supervising and leading any other group of Shaman students in their quest or initiation of the day, as it simply appeared that quietness and respect were naturally and effectively in the air when walking alone or with some others...approaching these most visible and broadest paths surrounding, if not leading to, the WE-Village Chief's compound or house...hmm!?
The WE-Village Chief is barefooted for today's initiation and anyone can see how his sweaty face and some of his body parts are best reflecting the two or three colors painted on him which are strangely vertically dividing dividing his forehead, eyelids, cheeks, arms and his fingers until reaching his five united toes on each foot painted gray or green. Apart from that the black facial line crossing his face and depicting his nose and lips to be almost invisible were neatly separating Chief 'Diso La SanKa's' face in two equal sized colored parts, green on the left and a silvery-gray on the right side; knowing when painted on anyone's body that kind of a black, green and silvery-gray combination of colors were less dangerous to approach anyway than some crocodile's gray-black-green-purple-rosy-red-yellow colored underbelly thus visualized without any predominance of radiance when swimming, approaching to seize any food that was talking or not, or crying out or not...hmm!? And just before their jaws and teeth suddenly start to roll around upside-down too: as to firmly seize any kinds of extended or isolated parts of a lost body and...and Oh dear KaKo de muna KaKooo de crocodile-ohh! Do you feel that each of your winged body parts will still be intact after encountering any other traveling, madly attacking shoe-headed person's crocodile's jaws...hmm!? And will that be your metamorphosized baby head and body smally curving over that motherly shoe-headed mamy wata-crocodile's tongue...hmm!? KaKo de KaKo will you be shedding your own blue-orange colored tears on this initiation day...hmm!? Or will you be telling to each of the next newcomers today how it can be that this small twisting blue-orange albino creature with its abnormally rapidly growing crocodilian body and angry mood has to tell you to finally cut off that stillness of your own meditative body...hmm!? KaKo de KaKo-ooh...are you at least still able to move each of your...your..until at least reaching one of your...your...hmm!?
"Always wait for I-Man-Chief I-SanKa of WE-Village to speak first...hmm!?" This is KaKo's leitmotif through all of their meetings too...remember? So the surprising Chief 'Eye of SanKa', Chief ‘Diso La SanKa' by himself, and the young Shaman student KaKo of SoulShoe Village are silently sitting down again and KaKo is without any doubt concentrating on weighing the importance of each of his yellow-papaya shoes in his mind...not to say his 'croco-mind' yet...hmm!? He does have an important choice to make about them of course, and he hasn't chosen yet. So to find out how KaKo can feel a little more of the power of one of his shoes over the other, visible or not, without touching either of them is still the real inevitable meditative question KaKo's mind is meditatively as well trying to solve under the crepuscular lit sky surrounding the WE-Village.
The evolving light from the sky was turning the clouds a gray-purple color and striping some of them with some deep orange colored nebular rays of sun crossing and slowly undulating through them too.
Since the earliest hours of this day, young Shaman student KaKo has his own bag ready to travel with; sitting just outside the WE-Village Chief's open main door as the veil of rattan door covering was waving in the distance from them. It is a bag surely requiring what KaKo will certainly be choosing nevertheless before nightfall in this WE-Village.
So KaKo's little dark brown bag is still waiting for him, laying on the WE-Village Chief's terrace, beside the main door, ready to be taken away as many times as its owner will want to travel...and at last maybe be able to extend it's powers to form a protective shield, like a turtle shell progressively covering it's owners' whole silhouette as well if need be in front of any deadly danger. KaKo's bag is ready when he walks away from this WE-Village; but KaKo has to get out of the WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room first...hmm!?
The WE-Village Chief's gandoura was seemingly gray but didn't have the same brilliance that emanated from his right body parts such as the right part of his forehead, his right eyelid and his right cheek down to his right hand.
Yes, the WE-Village Chief's gandoura was a plainish gray not having the same radiance as the gray colored mineral substance painted all the way down the right side of his strong and massive body. So with his big heavy body and dark brown face with deep bantu features and ethnicity painted a flashy silvery-gray on half of his body and painted green on the other half, 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief, looked perfectly divided with that long black charcoal line the width of his nose vertically crossing his entire body...amazingly just like the other visible black vertical line shaped like an arrow as if ready to dig into the ground and seemingly dividing in two as well the back of the WE-Village Chief's gandoura full of regalia...remember!?
Anyway just to look at the WE-Village Chief from the front would have incited anyone to harshly challenge his own arising fears before meeting him. So this was how the WE-Village Chief's face and body was made up all over for today's initiation. So dramatic and so unpredictable he was, when about to encounter anyone else... with his striking flashy black, gray and green tri-colored face made up like that...and some of his body parts colored the same way too...hmm!? And believe it or not this is not how his first supervisor 'Diso La SanKa' had ever looked, even since KaKo and other Shaman students from different villages pursuing their respective quests had entered to visit his village; to meet their relatives or to meet some other WE-Village notables and Elders apart from him. So at any time, just as young Shaman student KaKo has done, anyone freely moving his body and expressing his most profound greetings and message can express a light desire to meet the name or not, of these visible or invisible 'sensemillancestral' creatures that have large or small swelled heads, legs, bones and differently colored skins with discernible crocodilian nostrils or not, and ears or eyes to hear and see...and probably able to growl too but unlike this shiny blue albino crocodile is about to do...and how mysteriously fast he or she is growing, same as being seen changing its crests' already tainted milky-blue lines from purple to yellow-orange from time to time too, remember!?
So with his face so dreadfully painted the WE-Village Chief will be spotted either way by many other differently painted shadows of real warriors and humble WE-Villagers who, on any collective day of a visible initiation inside their village, might be able to advance and encircle anyone entering their village without having presented himself or herself as well. Therefore knowing at any time the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', might be supervising and leading any other group of Shaman students in their quest or initiation of the day, as it simply appeared that quietness and respect were naturally and effectively in the air when walking alone or with some others...approaching these most visible and broadest paths surrounding, if not leading to, the WE-Village Chief's compound or house...hmm!?
The WE-Village Chief is barefooted for today's initiation and anyone can see how his sweaty face and some of his body parts are best reflecting the two or three colors painted on him which are strangely vertically dividing dividing his forehead, eyelids, cheeks, arms and his fingers until reaching his five united toes on each foot painted gray or green. Apart from that the black facial line crossing his face and depicting his nose and lips to be almost invisible were neatly separating Chief 'Diso La SanKa's' face in two equal sized colored parts, green on the left and a silvery-gray on the right side; knowing when painted on anyone's body that kind of a black, green and silvery-gray combination of colors were less dangerous to approach anyway than some crocodile's gray-black-green-purple-rosy-red-yellow colored underbelly thus visualized without any predominance of radiance when swimming, approaching to seize any food that was talking or not, or crying out or not...hmm!? And just before their jaws and teeth suddenly start to roll around upside-down too: as to firmly seize any kinds of extended or isolated parts of a lost body and...and Oh dear KaKo de muna KaKooo de crocodile-ohh! Do you feel that each of your winged body parts will still be intact after encountering any other traveling, madly attacking shoe-headed person's crocodile's jaws...hmm!? And will that be your metamorphosized baby head and body smally curving over that motherly shoe-headed mamy wata-crocodile's tongue...hmm!? KaKo de KaKo will you be shedding your own blue-orange colored tears on this initiation day...hmm!? Or will you be telling to each of the next newcomers today how it can be that this small twisting blue-orange albino creature with its abnormally rapidly growing crocodilian body and angry mood has to tell you to finally cut off that stillness of your own meditative body...hmm!? KaKo de KaKo-ooh...are you at least still able to move each of your...your..until at least reaching one of your...your...hmm!?
"Always wait for I-Man-Chief I-SanKa of WE-Village to speak first...hmm!?" This is KaKo's leitmotif through all of their meetings too...remember? So the surprising Chief 'Eye of SanKa', Chief ‘Diso La SanKa' by himself, and the young Shaman student KaKo of SoulShoe Village are silently sitting down again and KaKo is without any doubt concentrating on weighing the importance of each of his yellow-papaya shoes in his mind...not to say his 'croco-mind' yet...hmm!? He does have an important choice to make about them of course, and he hasn't chosen yet. So to find out how KaKo can feel a little more of the power of one of his shoes over the other, visible or not, without touching either of them is still the real inevitable meditative question KaKo's mind is meditatively as well trying to solve under the crepuscular lit sky surrounding the WE-Village.
The evolving light from the sky was turning the clouds a gray-purple color and striping some of them with some deep orange colored nebular rays of sun crossing and slowly undulating through them too.
Since the earliest hours of this day, young Shaman student KaKo has his own bag ready to travel with; sitting just outside the WE-Village Chief's open main door as the veil of rattan door covering was waving in the distance from them. It is a bag surely requiring what KaKo will certainly be choosing nevertheless before nightfall in this WE-Village.
So KaKo's little dark brown bag is still waiting for him, laying on the WE-Village Chief's terrace, beside the main door, ready to be taken away as many times as its owner will want to travel...and at last maybe be able to extend it's powers to form a protective shield, like a turtle shell progressively covering it's owners' whole silhouette as well if need be in front of any deadly danger. KaKo's bag is ready when he walks away from this WE-Village; but KaKo has to get out of the WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room first...hmm!?
Yes his luggage is waiting for him, packed with many personal Shaman elements inside of it as those needed to help him survive any profound inappropriate wounds of his flesh. He also has packed some little dried foods inside so he has something to eat...So as time passes the same question about what choice he will make is lingering on and filling the air of this vast sitting-living room, thus apparently causing him to breathe very heavily too as he is thinking hard...hmm!?
Yes huffing and puffing the WE-Village Chief's indoor crocodilian air in and out of his lungs, his eyes wide open but blinking from time to time, KaKo is undoubtedly silently asking himself which one of his yellow-papaya shoes he will be traveling with.
As he will soon be leaving this Warrior-Equilibrium Village and traveling, maybe some of us can anticipate and point out in advance which one of his yellow-papaya shoes he will put inside of his ready made bag from SoulShoe-Village...hmm!?
Yes who amongst all of us here under this evolving crepuscular will courageously approach the Chief's old massive single-eyed crocodile growling outside in hopes of hearing him say just how far this young Shaman student KaKo is willing to go to become one of the most powerful and helpful Shamans his native village will have ever known...!? Really... does he know that he will have to meet and confront more authoritative people than you are my dear old single-eyed gray croco-de croco-ooh...!? So my dear single-eyed crocodile, will you really allow anyone approaching as a simple visitor or not, align his or her own body in any rows with other living newcomers' shadows who might want to see how I-Man SanKa's right and left eyes merely disappear...from being unable to indicate to any Shaman student, from any village concerned, the right choice to make in these important hours into their respective quests!? Just let all of them freely approach anyway! Yes, let all of these other 'sensemillancestral' creatures with their transformable or not legs and beaks able to wave in the air of our WE-Village approach to let the ones with their powerful colored legs and feet bringing flashy red,black and green colored body parts with different crocodilian heads bouncing around, as their invisible or non-invisible wings are flapping, approach as well...hmm!? KaKo, who do you think might be knocking really hard as about to forcefully enter with a neat purple 'Croco-Spirit' when you are so endlessly trying to meditate inside the WE-Village Chief's house!?
So KaKo's bag is waiting on the WE-Village Chief's terrace to be picked up too...hmm!? KaKo's medium sized flexible bag from SoulShoe-Village was surely not made from any crocodiles' skins nor made from any other crocodile's elements either. This young Shaman's traveling family handbag is an inherited old original well made brown bag with a smooth width of old brown vegetal elements forming and covering its trapezoidal form...with two flexible wooden hangers at either open side of it making it more efficient to close, twist, tie up and carry; hangers made of two thin linkable sticks of wood fully able to curve when desperately needed to, therefore fitting as linked or not to the strong palm of anyone's hand holding on to...any of them or any part of this kind of handbag from SoulShoe-Village...with his or her own two hands refusing to let it get lost; for the sake of what is inside seems to be worth more than any kind of race or fight that might take place or dangerous situation that might occur while being transported from one place to another...hmm!? It is said and admittedly could have been written as different epithets to interpret on some SoulShoe-Villagers' transporter's grave how, if possible, it is better to save its contents than to lose his personal bag from SoulShoe-Village; how all contents must be kept safe at any cost; and indeed how this is the main action of responsibility to assume as one real active leitmotif for any real Shaman SoulShoe-Villager transporter, same as KaKo knows life goes on either way...hmm!?
Yes huffing and puffing the WE-Village Chief's indoor crocodilian air in and out of his lungs, his eyes wide open but blinking from time to time, KaKo is undoubtedly silently asking himself which one of his yellow-papaya shoes he will be traveling with.
As he will soon be leaving this Warrior-Equilibrium Village and traveling, maybe some of us can anticipate and point out in advance which one of his yellow-papaya shoes he will put inside of his ready made bag from SoulShoe-Village...hmm!?
Yes who amongst all of us here under this evolving crepuscular will courageously approach the Chief's old massive single-eyed crocodile growling outside in hopes of hearing him say just how far this young Shaman student KaKo is willing to go to become one of the most powerful and helpful Shamans his native village will have ever known...!? Really... does he know that he will have to meet and confront more authoritative people than you are my dear old single-eyed gray croco-de croco-ooh...!? So my dear single-eyed crocodile, will you really allow anyone approaching as a simple visitor or not, align his or her own body in any rows with other living newcomers' shadows who might want to see how I-Man SanKa's right and left eyes merely disappear...from being unable to indicate to any Shaman student, from any village concerned, the right choice to make in these important hours into their respective quests!? Just let all of them freely approach anyway! Yes, let all of these other 'sensemillancestral' creatures with their transformable or not legs and beaks able to wave in the air of our WE-Village approach to let the ones with their powerful colored legs and feet bringing flashy red,black and green colored body parts with different crocodilian heads bouncing around, as their invisible or non-invisible wings are flapping, approach as well...hmm!? KaKo, who do you think might be knocking really hard as about to forcefully enter with a neat purple 'Croco-Spirit' when you are so endlessly trying to meditate inside the WE-Village Chief's house!?
So KaKo's bag is waiting on the WE-Village Chief's terrace to be picked up too...hmm!? KaKo's medium sized flexible bag from SoulShoe-Village was surely not made from any crocodiles' skins nor made from any other crocodile's elements either. This young Shaman's traveling family handbag is an inherited old original well made brown bag with a smooth width of old brown vegetal elements forming and covering its trapezoidal form...with two flexible wooden hangers at either open side of it making it more efficient to close, twist, tie up and carry; hangers made of two thin linkable sticks of wood fully able to curve when desperately needed to, therefore fitting as linked or not to the strong palm of anyone's hand holding on to...any of them or any part of this kind of handbag from SoulShoe-Village...with his or her own two hands refusing to let it get lost; for the sake of what is inside seems to be worth more than any kind of race or fight that might take place or dangerous situation that might occur while being transported from one place to another...hmm!? It is said and admittedly could have been written as different epithets to interpret on some SoulShoe-Villagers' transporter's grave how, if possible, it is better to save its contents than to lose his personal bag from SoulShoe-Village; how all contents must be kept safe at any cost; and indeed how this is the main action of responsibility to assume as one real active leitmotif for any real Shaman SoulShoe-Villager transporter, same as KaKo knows life goes on either way...hmm!?
KaKo's bag is merely a medium sized handbag made from many vegetal filaments woven and sewn together with tiny ropes linking other small aligned layers of rock-solid leaves to form the inside and outside linings of this bag from SoulShoe-Village. It is a medium sized flexible handbag unable to take a precise unifying form when laying empty on any soil, ground or laying empty and closed, or when fully filled and perfectly tied up it is an unsinkable bag on any water's surface; it is a bag undeniably recognizable as belonging to a SoulShoe-Villager. So even if young Shaman KaKo hasn't chosen yet, his original and protective smooth brown family's handbag he will be traveling with is laying upon the terrace of the WE-Village Chief's house ready to protect whatever he will want to add inside of it...for sure!
Now in raising and analyzing this kind of 'Shoes-Enigma' we will have pushed anyone with a powerful 'croco stillness reflection' or not in his or her own mind to question, and to question as weirdly as possible if need be, in front of all of us, which one amongst these two yellow shoes belonging to KaKo some of the confirmed WE-Village Shaman and notable Elders would have preferred young Shaman KaKo to abandon instead...hmm!? As to admit that this opposite twin-shoe left behind might turn to become the undeniable 'chosen' one, the one chosen shoe which will be guarded and safe in WE-Village...especially inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound...indeed...remember...hmm!?
KaKo is silent, still listening to every little thing surrounding his ears; he is still observing and his eyes are analyzing the mixture of blue-orange and blue-purple haze filament still escaping from his yellow left shoe. KaKo is reflecting hard about which shoe to travel with, as which one will be the one to help him escape from any danger as to know how to well balance safety and rapidity if need be, required from his croco-mind or not to below his feet...hmm!? The more he reflected the more the atmosphere inside of this vast living room belonging to the WE-Village Chief may have started to remind him about something concerning the speaking...and laughing...and hissing authoritative but playful croco-beast he has already met. Yes, something about the WE-Village Chief's reptile he has dreamt about and heard terrible growling sounds coming from some days ago. Woo! Woo! No it isn't good to push his mind and start comparing anything resonating around his ears now to that uncomfortable plain laughing croco-beast he'd heard in a dream...hmm!? And is it absolutely necessary to start comparing everything heard around him now to what he had heard one day in one of his dreams about a speaking winged-crocodile or not...? But as KaKo needed more substance to reflect deeply about the power of each of his yellow-papaya shoes, or simply about which of his shoes he should travel with or abandon for now in this WE-Village, let us remember that all of his senses and the rest of his body parts, except maybe his bottom, are on alert; so listening to all of the growls arising around the present pairs of human and crocodilian ears and knowing at least one pair, visibly more crocodilian or not, might belong least another one of the new 'sensemillancestral' creatures about to approach the surroundings of the WE-Village too, knowing one of them is already here; meaning inside the yellow-papaya left shoe of KaKos' inside the WE-Village Chief's house with an undeniable cause to defend too...(let it be by defending themselves with their own respective crying or shouting presences; and foremost, simply try to approach any Chief's compound each one of the 'sensemillancestral' creatures might be about to enter...and try to utter a sound or speak out in any of their own respective native tongues a kind of speech any Chief from our different villages will understand...about the excesses or not of the croco-word of authority they might all be living and enduring between themselves too...!?) So as surely as it appears, the real and perfect unavoidable question might be this one, "Does anyone's shadow about to enter the WE-Village Chief's compound, whether in first or last place when inside of it, know exactly where this powerful massive old gray single-eyed crocodile is hiding?", as to look unwise and incongruous when stubbornly advancing without any answer...hmm!??
So dear friend-Shaman-traveler! After that both of KaKo's shoes have been hearing some suspected new scratching sounds all around themselves...and inside each of themselves too, so why not let him or her, as the first 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian visitor on this day inside this WE-Village start growling out which one of KaKo's shoes he should choose or leave behind...hmm!?
Certainly for many people life is always full of choices to make, as options to take; and for some 'Ant-headed Peoples's' options to take, bearing or challenging every five or ten seconds or every minute of their lives...and for KaKo he has to decide before the crepuscular, still shining brightly in the sky of the WE-Village turns dark, which one of his yellow-papaya shoes will be more valuable to be shown to someone who is able, but able to do what? To vomit all of his anger inside of it? Or to calmly speak with it perhaps? He has to choose only one of his shoes of the day to show to one supervisor who can decide to introduce more than five colorful small stones inside of any of his shoes as ready to weigh the real power within any of them, the power for reshaping or not, or for refreshing or not too...hmm!?
For now KaKo just has to imagine himself bringing that 'chosen' shoe of his, the yellow-papaya left one or the right one, in front of that Shaman warrior Mister Wanta-Watta-Warrior by himself! He just has to transport and bring that one single flashy shoe of his he will choose sooner or later in front of that Wanta-Watta-Warrior of Natural-Watta Village, his designed and confirmed second supervisor now…and this second supervisor might need to examine this 'chosen' shoe...touch and test the shape of it and maybe even smell the insides of it too for a long while...hmm!? Yes both he, being the last Shaman to arrive secretly today or not inside the WE-Village Chief's house but still invisible for now, and Shaman student KaKo might be seen walking and reasoning sooner or later...hmm!? They might be seen introducing that big yellow-papaya 'chosen' shoe inside of a massive uprooted sculpted or not, hollow old tree trunk in this new village young Shaman KaKo has to attain first. They might be seen from time to time smelling and analyzing how the strong odor or any light tainted haze vanishing or emanating from deep inside of that 'chosen' shoe might be changing to better attract or forever repulse any purple colored or not WE-Village's mighty 'Croco-Spirit' passing by or passing through one of their Natural-Watta Village clearings...that being a new village that young Shaman student KaKo has to attain; a village where he will have to stay and remain for as long as his second supervisor of the day will want it to be so...hmm!?
Yes, the WE-Village Chief was repositioning himself, this time without inviting young Shaman KaKo's shadow as strangely as it was extended on the ground, to do the same; standing up now 'Diso La SanKa' was slowly advancing towards one of his small open windows as if to see what the colors of the clouds in the sky above his native village looked like at this time.
Now in raising and analyzing this kind of 'Shoes-Enigma' we will have pushed anyone with a powerful 'croco stillness reflection' or not in his or her own mind to question, and to question as weirdly as possible if need be, in front of all of us, which one amongst these two yellow shoes belonging to KaKo some of the confirmed WE-Village Shaman and notable Elders would have preferred young Shaman KaKo to abandon instead...hmm!? As to admit that this opposite twin-shoe left behind might turn to become the undeniable 'chosen' one, the one chosen shoe which will be guarded and safe in WE-Village...especially inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound...indeed...remember...hmm!?
KaKo is silent, still listening to every little thing surrounding his ears; he is still observing and his eyes are analyzing the mixture of blue-orange and blue-purple haze filament still escaping from his yellow left shoe. KaKo is reflecting hard about which shoe to travel with, as which one will be the one to help him escape from any danger as to know how to well balance safety and rapidity if need be, required from his croco-mind or not to below his feet...hmm!? The more he reflected the more the atmosphere inside of this vast living room belonging to the WE-Village Chief may have started to remind him about something concerning the speaking...and laughing...and hissing authoritative but playful croco-beast he has already met. Yes, something about the WE-Village Chief's reptile he has dreamt about and heard terrible growling sounds coming from some days ago. Woo! Woo! No it isn't good to push his mind and start comparing anything resonating around his ears now to that uncomfortable plain laughing croco-beast he'd heard in a dream...hmm!? And is it absolutely necessary to start comparing everything heard around him now to what he had heard one day in one of his dreams about a speaking winged-crocodile or not...? But as KaKo needed more substance to reflect deeply about the power of each of his yellow-papaya shoes, or simply about which of his shoes he should travel with or abandon for now in this WE-Village, let us remember that all of his senses and the rest of his body parts, except maybe his bottom, are on alert; so listening to all of the growls arising around the present pairs of human and crocodilian ears and knowing at least one pair, visibly more crocodilian or not, might belong least another one of the new 'sensemillancestral' creatures about to approach the surroundings of the WE-Village too, knowing one of them is already here; meaning inside the yellow-papaya left shoe of KaKos' inside the WE-Village Chief's house with an undeniable cause to defend too...(let it be by defending themselves with their own respective crying or shouting presences; and foremost, simply try to approach any Chief's compound each one of the 'sensemillancestral' creatures might be about to enter...and try to utter a sound or speak out in any of their own respective native tongues a kind of speech any Chief from our different villages will understand...about the excesses or not of the croco-word of authority they might all be living and enduring between themselves too...!?) So as surely as it appears, the real and perfect unavoidable question might be this one, "Does anyone's shadow about to enter the WE-Village Chief's compound, whether in first or last place when inside of it, know exactly where this powerful massive old gray single-eyed crocodile is hiding?", as to look unwise and incongruous when stubbornly advancing without any answer...hmm!??
So dear friend-Shaman-traveler! After that both of KaKo's shoes have been hearing some suspected new scratching sounds all around themselves...and inside each of themselves too, so why not let him or her, as the first 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian visitor on this day inside this WE-Village start growling out which one of KaKo's shoes he should choose or leave behind...hmm!?
Certainly for many people life is always full of choices to make, as options to take; and for some 'Ant-headed Peoples's' options to take, bearing or challenging every five or ten seconds or every minute of their lives...and for KaKo he has to decide before the crepuscular, still shining brightly in the sky of the WE-Village turns dark, which one of his yellow-papaya shoes will be more valuable to be shown to someone who is able, but able to do what? To vomit all of his anger inside of it? Or to calmly speak with it perhaps? He has to choose only one of his shoes of the day to show to one supervisor who can decide to introduce more than five colorful small stones inside of any of his shoes as ready to weigh the real power within any of them, the power for reshaping or not, or for refreshing or not too...hmm!?
For now KaKo just has to imagine himself bringing that 'chosen' shoe of his, the yellow-papaya left one or the right one, in front of that Shaman warrior Mister Wanta-Watta-Warrior by himself! He just has to transport and bring that one single flashy shoe of his he will choose sooner or later in front of that Wanta-Watta-Warrior of Natural-Watta Village, his designed and confirmed second supervisor now…and this second supervisor might need to examine this 'chosen' shoe...touch and test the shape of it and maybe even smell the insides of it too for a long while...hmm!? Yes both he, being the last Shaman to arrive secretly today or not inside the WE-Village Chief's house but still invisible for now, and Shaman student KaKo might be seen walking and reasoning sooner or later...hmm!? They might be seen introducing that big yellow-papaya 'chosen' shoe inside of a massive uprooted sculpted or not, hollow old tree trunk in this new village young Shaman KaKo has to attain first. They might be seen from time to time smelling and analyzing how the strong odor or any light tainted haze vanishing or emanating from deep inside of that 'chosen' shoe might be changing to better attract or forever repulse any purple colored or not WE-Village's mighty 'Croco-Spirit' passing by or passing through one of their Natural-Watta Village clearings...that being a new village that young Shaman student KaKo has to attain; a village where he will have to stay and remain for as long as his second supervisor of the day will want it to be so...hmm!?
Yes, the WE-Village Chief was repositioning himself, this time without inviting young Shaman KaKo's shadow as strangely as it was extended on the ground, to do the same; standing up now 'Diso La SanKa' was slowly advancing towards one of his small open windows as if to see what the colors of the clouds in the sky above his native village looked like at this time.
Every village in these equatorial or tropical parts of our Forefathers' forests in Africa are not only supposed to have a married Chief but also a clan of warriors, a clan of Shaman, a clan of farmers, and a clan of men and women from every important viable trade you can imagine enriching each of its inhabitants lives, also having a lot of different eminent men and women as well able to approach and shout out any serious grievances at their Chief's doorway or in his compound at any time; most often any of these villages in our Motherland Africa always have a few different groups of strange and eccentric Elders occupying different social functions, doing a lot for the communities they live in too. So for the young Shaman KaKo, talking not only about 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief, ephemerally but about the Natural-Watta Village's Chief as well, finally adding some profound words about the Natural-Watta-Shaman-Warrior called the Shaman 'Wanta-Watta', his second supervisor, all these different images of eminent men with their brave invisible eminent wives and kids are merely people he knew through positive deep stories and rumors; stories and rumors traveling inevitably from village to village.
KaKo's mind is freely remembering these two respected men's images: One being that of the Natural-Watta Village Chief's unforgettable giant turtle's blue footed shadow...hmm!? And there might be something about some Natural-Watta Village's rules to remember; such as to remember how their Chief's repositioned body and his 'watta-way' to walk and talk about the Natural-Watta Village are special and appreciated by his people; and all of the other stories and rumors traveling beyond all villages' borders about the potentially deadly powerful muscles that Mister 'Wanta de Watta', this youngest of the Elder warriors from Natural-Watta Village as new and second supervisor of the day, might still display so resplendently; becoming such a respected Elder Shaman warrior now designed to be his second supervisor; one carrying a lot of ancestral names and titles too; known as Mister Wanta the 'sparrowhawks shadows' owner himself when he is on duty or on a subtle mission fly...and to fly high...hmm!? When flying over hills and open clearings merely to supervise any Shaman students initiations at any time of the year.
Now although accepting the fact that the young Shaman KaKo has met these two eminent persons from Natural-Watta Village already he has never really spoken to them more than simply to greet each one of them or to receive greetings from each one of them through some big specific celebration days involving many villages and many people...or when receiving greetings from them through some common and reliable relatives' mouths. Anyway, on his important Shamans' initiation day KaKo remembers many other simple and humble peoples' silhouettes as well, other than just these two men's faces.
He is remembering how a long time ago when his father and his mother were alive, in an incomprehensible situation of being and staying an only son, he was called to dance with his mother (best not say to roll across the dance floor as a duo of living 'sensemillancestral' creatures seemingly imitating two differently sized croco-heads' and croco-bodies' in inevitably two different trances evolving in dissonance of speed and movement); both joyfully invited or called to dance surrounded by other parents and kids when it was time for that great gathering of many clans from different villages! Life was full of surprises...hmm!? Yes, life is full of surprises, as on his Shamans' initiation day he has to recall things from his childhood, especially from that gathering we may now be calling 'The Great Gathering of Mothers Dancing with Their Only Sons' on that day while dancing with his mother amongst the other dancing bodies twisting around and following all collective dancing steps too there were these two men, of course much younger than they are now, also amply showing an amazing choreography when dancing with people who made it seem as if they were tirelessly dancing with their own tireless even much older mothers. So from that day forward it seemed more natural through the eyes of the kids or youth, and especially for KaKo with his young eyes glowing like two small enlightened stones trailing as two luminous round moving comets, to know that while these mother's heads and their son's heads and bodies were shaking all over, they would all be able to feel and know the potential friendship that had grown during these kinds of celebration days and naturally link them later; revealing just how strong all clans of villagers from different villages are and can be linked. So KaKo, being much younger or not, was incessantly watching this happen even when his tired little body and feet were approaching his mother's feet and hips from time to time to stay close to her body to try and reinvigorate himself after falling again and again on the dance floor in need of balance, steadiness and rest. Being the youngest kid's shadow on that specific dancing day KaKo had been seen dancing with both men, the younger of which was to become the Chief of Natural-Watta Village still known to this day, and the much older one becoming the youngest of the Elders of his native village known as a Shaman warrior and honored as one of the most fearless and precise warriors when throwing 'watta-spears' that the Natural-Watta Village had ever had too. But KaKo can hardly remember or see how after so many years, about twenty, the latter's visage has turned older; so we must ask ourselves how this designed second supervisor from Natural-Watta Village can be so easily recognizable or not to young Shaman KaKo's eyes as the real natural or abnormally plain old face belonging to Shaman warrior Mister 'sparrowhawks shadows' Wanta now...hmm!? As if this is really a test for KaKo to approach and help any older person he might meet on any of his journeys through these big or small Forefathers' forest's paths, it will not be one KaKo de KaKoo-ooh will fail...hmm!?
KaKo is much younger than these two men; he is the youngest amongst all of the only sons and their mothers on the day of 'The Great Gathering of Mothers Dancing with Their Only Sons' on the dance floor, to have one of these men some many years later as his supervisor. Anyway, it is the young Elder Shaman Mister Wanta of Natural-Watta Village who is now identified as his second supervisor; and this is another story to develop and tell more about, how many people's feet or other creatures' extended leg's shadows, exactly like KaKo's well prepared baby feet and muscles, had danced with him all through his childhood while his body structure and muscles were still growing, and he will keep dancing with anyone's body that is ready with he feels he will forever be surrounded by some of his kinsmen's distorted dancing shadows, visible or not, on any dance floor his feet might be trying to touch.
He can not stop remembering how he sang or jumped around through all or many of those celebration days, being in a joyful meeting or living out a painful one with all of the other villagers, being Shamans with their students or not, or Elders and groups of singing male or female villagers he could hear singing in unison, chanting or strangely murmuring some chosen old villagers' songs mingling words about people's lives and situations to some uncommon animals' cries each one of our throats would or could have produced on those celebration days. They were some old villagers' songs many could or would refer each villager had personally lived or endured what pain or joy their daily lives could bring and surprise them with in their respective villages...they were powerful old heartfelt songs that they could find solace in, most often beginning and then concluding with the fullness of their relaxing and hypnotizing rising voices throughout each of their collective days of celebration.
So at any time of a big celebration which reunited two or three or four village people together through one clearly known same theme of the day which was worked on and shared through dances and discussion, which included hot-headed reasoning sessions about it, many differently sized groups of people would form and then walk separately towards the center of the village or any significant riverbank while dancing and discussing it first before any other matters such as, if their worn shoes of the day or any other belongings they had were in good shape or not...hmm!? Or even before they would know how or when to feed themselves for example...joining others already dancing or discussing any new enigmatic or clearly ambiguous thoughts about that same big theme they all so ecstatically came to share, and were sharing so joyfully, that any of the present Elders from any village who had been expressing more than emotionally some time ago were continuing to diffuse, but only to those whose bodies and feet had finished approaching them and were now staying calmer as to not ignore all of their Elders' words or not forgetting to look at all of their headdresses or enrolled hairstyles of the day...!
Sometimes all of these clans of village people, men, women and children from many different villages, being Shamans or not, but simple young and old villagers will gather as well in differently sized groups of people when the unpredictable and unstoppable flow of people dying occurs amongst their respective beloved relatives; as to be certain as it was rumored that too many funerals were taking place amongst many neighboring towns, thus sorrow was arising and filling each of these different villages with some important but still underestimated unsolved questions to ask, to repeat and to bear again and again to each of the nearest administration offices or administration centers that had been inaudible or indifferent to all of these villages and villagers' lives throughout the years too. Anyway, at any time of a big celebration reuniting many large families with their relatives, younger and much older villagers than KaKo, the latter can feel and will swear through the powers of all of their mutual Ancestors' titles of the day that: it counts a lot nevertheless to have shared many kinds of dancing steps with another villagers' silhouette, be it that of a baby villager growing up fast in front of all eyes, or be it that of an adult just continually shrinking until disappearing into his or her own dancing steps...hmm!? Or be it that of any eldest villager of the day mysteriously pushing their body into a profound but bearable trance forcing his or her own feet and that body shorten more and more until suddenly disappearing, leaving behind a strange body's silhouette with a big disarticulated head still trembling on the ground as well...hmm!?
Yes it counts a lot to have shared many kinds of dancing steps with others, as with the youth, or with the kinds of Shaman Elders' silhouettes that are able to distort or shake their entire body structures and souls to the fullness of their energy of the day...hmm!? At these precise moments, many people in their respective trances or moods can be heard emitting or imitating some specific animals' cries. So if the question for any of KaKo's dancing shoes or not was, or is, to find out if he can remember any of the other villagers dancing body's movements, we might still have to confirm that if any of KaKo's body parts in trance or not will confirm how it counts to have collectively followed some Chief's footsteps and many other simple humble villagers' amazing choreography throughout some of these big celebrations of life as well...!
Yes, dear young Shaman KaKo de truly counts to feel the whole of your mind, body and soul like many others have on this expansive ground with that collective square of a parcel of black soil from a riverbank; as your baby body or youngest body of the day along with many others, moves and dances joyfully, remember...hmm!? Didn't you remember feeling like a young Mister KaKo de black soil de crocodile-ooh when rolling around all over the ground of...of...and not only in your native village alone...hmm!? Woo-Hoo! How sweet the remembrances for you, for having jumped around and danced in your childhood with some of your older friends and relatives from SoulShoe Village, on one bright day during the crepuscular hours over a big yellow and blue striped body of a black chameleon's head that had the longest backbone and tail you had ever seen! How the remembrance of a slow dancing chameleon with a black head might be worth much to indicate to you the most powerful and the most skilful amongst both of your feet in these final hours inside of this WE-Village...hmm!?
Sometimes all of these clans of village people, men, women and children from many different villages, being Shamans or not, but simple young and old villagers will gather as well in differently sized groups of people when the unpredictable and unstoppable flow of people dying occurs amongst their respective beloved relatives; as to be certain as it was rumored that too many funerals were taking place amongst many neighboring towns, thus sorrow was arising and filling each of these different villages with some important but still underestimated unsolved questions to ask, to repeat and to bear again and again to each of the nearest administration offices or administration centers that had been inaudible or indifferent to all of these villages and villagers' lives throughout the years too. Anyway, at any time of a big celebration reuniting many large families with their relatives, younger and much older villagers than KaKo, the latter can feel and will swear through the powers of all of their mutual Ancestors' titles of the day that: it counts a lot nevertheless to have shared many kinds of dancing steps with another villagers' silhouette, be it that of a baby villager growing up fast in front of all eyes, or be it that of an adult just continually shrinking until disappearing into his or her own dancing steps...hmm!? Or be it that of any eldest villager of the day mysteriously pushing their body into a profound but bearable trance forcing his or her own feet and that body shorten more and more until suddenly disappearing, leaving behind a strange body's silhouette with a big disarticulated head still trembling on the ground as well...hmm!?
Yes it counts a lot to have shared many kinds of dancing steps with others, as with the youth, or with the kinds of Shaman Elders' silhouettes that are able to distort or shake their entire body structures and souls to the fullness of their energy of the day...hmm!? At these precise moments, many people in their respective trances or moods can be heard emitting or imitating some specific animals' cries. So if the question for any of KaKo's dancing shoes or not was, or is, to find out if he can remember any of the other villagers dancing body's movements, we might still have to confirm that if any of KaKo's body parts in trance or not will confirm how it counts to have collectively followed some Chief's footsteps and many other simple humble villagers' amazing choreography throughout some of these big celebrations of life as well...!
Yes, dear young Shaman KaKo de truly counts to feel the whole of your mind, body and soul like many others have on this expansive ground with that collective square of a parcel of black soil from a riverbank; as your baby body or youngest body of the day along with many others, moves and dances joyfully, remember...hmm!? Didn't you remember feeling like a young Mister KaKo de black soil de crocodile-ooh when rolling around all over the ground of...of...and not only in your native village alone...hmm!? Woo-Hoo! How sweet the remembrances for you, for having jumped around and danced in your childhood with some of your older friends and relatives from SoulShoe Village, on one bright day during the crepuscular hours over a big yellow and blue striped body of a black chameleon's head that had the longest backbone and tail you had ever seen! How the remembrance of a slow dancing chameleon with a black head might be worth much to indicate to you the most powerful and the most skilful amongst both of your feet in these final hours inside of this WE-Village...hmm!?
KaKo is concentrating and transpiring as well down to the end of his toes. He has seen and felt the importance of this little crocodile the WE-Village Chief has placed in his left shoe; but that small fragile bright colored body of a growling and hissing baby crocodile can not determine all of his choices. So for one last time he is concentrating to visualize how the Wanta-Watta-Warrior's face has turned much older and is featuring much more than an elderly man's calm, serene face or that of a more tense one throughout the passing years...and when counting precisely KaKo realizes it has been nineteen years since their eyes had met for the last time other than each big year of harvest remembrances in their dreams perhaps...hmm!? Realizing and assuming as well that most probably the Wanta-Watta-Warrior's eyes, being those of his second supervisor, will be roughly questioning him about his 'chosen' shoe of the day, so from his own eyelids' riddles to his shaking closed jaws and lips, KaKo's face and body are transpiring some more.
Now amongst the profuse growls and hissing sounds emitted around them from time to time, he senses that from some of these new deep murmurs emanating from the WE-Village Chief 'Diso La SanKa' , as the latter sits on his chiefly couch in front of him, that he is just preparing himself to speak more clearly as more throatily again; which is exactly what happens when the WE-Village Chief's voice suddenly starts to trail off after declaiming KaKo's fathers' and mothers' names and ancestral titles again...only more than pleasing both of these differently sized colored crocodile's ears too.
Some long crocodile heartbeats later Mister 'Diso La SanKa', Chief of the WE-Village, was calling KaKo and questioning him again, saying: "KaKo! KaKo-ooh! Yes, you Kali-Koné of SoulShoe-Village, do you remember what all will be asked of you so you will be able to enter Natural-Watta Village with at least one of your shoes perfectly visible or not on one of your feet?" "Yes", KaKo answers but realizes the WE-Village Chief wants more from him so he continues: "They will want me to have one of my feet with or without a shoe on it to be washed by anyone eminent representing their Chief! And," KaKo continues to explain, "I will take care to have any of their eminent representing their Natural-Watta Village's Chief's shadow of the day to only touch and wash the sole of my foot without any shoe on it, as is required to let me enter, then after he or she has finished washing one of my dirty bare feet by their duty of having to greet and welcome anyone coming and needing to enter their village, I will then wash, clean and dry my other foot as same as wash and clean by myself any escaped shoes of mine either in my bag or on that other foot of mine that I won't let anyone else touch during these rituals of welcoming greetings anyway. So Chief 'Diso La SanKa', my dear first supervisor, let that shoe I have to keep, clean by myself and eventually wear all of the days through my journeys, be safe before I come back to see you again, and be the same, meaning my yellow 'chosen' shoe of the day will be amongst the pair...hmm!?" KaKo closes his jaws for a minute willing to take a little break of his own as those inquiring Chief's eyes are suddenly looking at him anew; and as an amazingly pitiful throaty strident growling sound is emerging from this little blue albino crocodile, it inspires young Shaman KaKo to finish his reasoning and conclude by saying, "So if both of my feet and my one safe shoe are nicely cleaned up, I will be successfully entering any big or small crowd of these Natural-Watta villagers, Shamans or not, aligning there to welcome anyone's presence into their village!" "Well said KaKo, and you are well informed!" said 'Diso La SanKa' before continuing saying, "So to resume more straightforwardly, I want to tell you that on this important day I am asking you to choose one of your shoes and put it or not inside of your bag when traveling with it, and my question is to find out what you will therefore be protecting and safely trying to keep most precious or the most secretly hidden when crossing any other paths and borders taking you away from our WE-Village? Hmm...KaKo de KaKo-ooh...tell me...hmm!?" This is a new question the unrecognizable WE-Village Chief's face is asking KaKo; and acting as if an answer is not expected to his own question, his tri-colored black, green and gray lips suddenly start to growl again, as strangely powerful as any of the crocodiles' silhouettes dwelling now inside and outside of his WE-Village Chief's house and compound's atmosphere are doing...repeating hissings sounds and growls totally filling this already intense atmosphere again with his distinct imitations of crocodilian roars too; so evidently it can appear to any other croco-mind about to relax or not inside of this lightly decorated WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room, the young Shaman student in front of this growling Shaman Chief simply has to wait; still having to solve the test of the day about his own shoes, and apparently in a calmer state of mind, KaKo is simply and silently watching his own distorted silhouettes on the carpeted ground he is sitting on, calmly waiting for...for the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', to finish distorting his already dreadful facial appearance as well. But how can this Chief, as one of the main villagers of this village he has come to know, still be able to growl like a crocodile while awaiting any visitor's answers? It is like imagining him awaiting any eminent or other humble visitor's answers having not already been alerted to the fact or not knowing anything about this WE-Village Chief's obsessive growling or his crocodilian mannerisms whatsoever...hmm!?
Some long crocodile heartbeats later Mister 'Diso La SanKa', Chief of the WE-Village, was calling KaKo and questioning him again, saying: "KaKo! KaKo-ooh! Yes, you Kali-Koné of SoulShoe-Village, do you remember what all will be asked of you so you will be able to enter Natural-Watta Village with at least one of your shoes perfectly visible or not on one of your feet?" "Yes", KaKo answers but realizes the WE-Village Chief wants more from him so he continues: "They will want me to have one of my feet with or without a shoe on it to be washed by anyone eminent representing their Chief! And," KaKo continues to explain, "I will take care to have any of their eminent representing their Natural-Watta Village's Chief's shadow of the day to only touch and wash the sole of my foot without any shoe on it, as is required to let me enter, then after he or she has finished washing one of my dirty bare feet by their duty of having to greet and welcome anyone coming and needing to enter their village, I will then wash, clean and dry my other foot as same as wash and clean by myself any escaped shoes of mine either in my bag or on that other foot of mine that I won't let anyone else touch during these rituals of welcoming greetings anyway. So Chief 'Diso La SanKa', my dear first supervisor, let that shoe I have to keep, clean by myself and eventually wear all of the days through my journeys, be safe before I come back to see you again, and be the same, meaning my yellow 'chosen' shoe of the day will be amongst the pair...hmm!?" KaKo closes his jaws for a minute willing to take a little break of his own as those inquiring Chief's eyes are suddenly looking at him anew; and as an amazingly pitiful throaty strident growling sound is emerging from this little blue albino crocodile, it inspires young Shaman KaKo to finish his reasoning and conclude by saying, "So if both of my feet and my one safe shoe are nicely cleaned up, I will be successfully entering any big or small crowd of these Natural-Watta villagers, Shamans or not, aligning there to welcome anyone's presence into their village!" "Well said KaKo, and you are well informed!" said 'Diso La SanKa' before continuing saying, "So to resume more straightforwardly, I want to tell you that on this important day I am asking you to choose one of your shoes and put it or not inside of your bag when traveling with it, and my question is to find out what you will therefore be protecting and safely trying to keep most precious or the most secretly hidden when crossing any other paths and borders taking you away from our WE-Village? Hmm...KaKo de KaKo-ooh...tell me...hmm!?" This is a new question the unrecognizable WE-Village Chief's face is asking KaKo; and acting as if an answer is not expected to his own question, his tri-colored black, green and gray lips suddenly start to growl again, as strangely powerful as any of the crocodiles' silhouettes dwelling now inside and outside of his WE-Village Chief's house and compound's atmosphere are doing...repeating hissings sounds and growls totally filling this already intense atmosphere again with his distinct imitations of crocodilian roars too; so evidently it can appear to any other croco-mind about to relax or not inside of this lightly decorated WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room, the young Shaman student in front of this growling Shaman Chief simply has to wait; still having to solve the test of the day about his own shoes, and apparently in a calmer state of mind, KaKo is simply and silently watching his own distorted silhouettes on the carpeted ground he is sitting on, calmly waiting for...for the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', to finish distorting his already dreadful facial appearance as well. But how can this Chief, as one of the main villagers of this village he has come to know, still be able to growl like a crocodile while awaiting any visitor's answers? It is like imagining him awaiting any eminent or other humble visitor's answers having not already been alerted to the fact or not knowing anything about this WE-Village Chief's obsessive growling or his crocodilian mannerisms whatsoever...hmm!?
KaKo is determined to break the silence as it appears to him that the WE-Village Chief is taking time out to breathe without hissing anymore, so he says, "Dear supervisor-ohh...hmm!? My dear Chief 'Diso La SanKa-ooh!', during any of these thoughtful moments which might appear along my way, if it so happens that someone's shadow shows up from somewhere I'm not aware of, even if it is one of the invincible shadows of some unknown Chief that I do not recognize or do not know that appears to me and asks me to exchange an invisible 'yellow-papaya' shoe with him, I will be giving him another invisible shoe without any doubt, just so I can keep the other visible 'yellow-papaya' shoe I will be wearing or not when I safely leave your WE-Village. So dear first supervisor, Chief 'Diso La SanKa', apart from saving my life, it will be my shoe in my bag I will be protecting the most, even if these two hands of mine if need be have to fight or run with one foot naked!" Young Shaman KaKo's eyes are beaming and he looks determined as he finishes talking...thinking to himself he has answered the best he can to the last supervisor's question; letting any amazing hissing sounds or growls burst forth throughout this vast sitting-living room inside of which real crocodilian noises will again and again be disturbing any brief or long deep silences about to take over or be felt or be lived out again between him and his first supervisor 'Diso La SanKa', Chief of Warrior Equilibrium Village.
After listening to young Shaman KaKo's words about the concept of having some invisible shoes being wearable or not and being exchangeable or not too as an equivalent major principle shared amongst Shaman's silhouettes and non-Shaman people too, the WE-Village Chief continues by first declaiming one more time all of KaKo's ancestral families' names and titles in the most barking crocodilian way he possibly can, then saying in a more normal stabilized cheerful way, "Yes, that is it! That is exactly it KaKo de muna Kali-Koné de SoulShoe Village...hmm!? Thus I'm confident now that this lonely visible 'chosen' yellow-papaya shoe of yours you will be bringing to the Shaman Wanta-Watta-Warrior, the youngest of the Elders of Natural-Watta Village, Mister sparrowhawks shadows' owner by himself, will always remain yours and by your side! So let me say it and be sure of it before you leave me and all the eminent warriors of my village inevitably begin guarding the other one...hmm!?"
"So my dear young Kali-Koné of SoulShoe Village, let me say that it is nice to have in mind that sagacious process of exchanging whatever is invisible to whatever is invisible to your eyes, when you are by yourself in Natural-Watta Village or inside any other village. The most important thing to do throughout your journey before returning here to see me again will be to keep that only shoe you will choose today and might be throwing out of your bag or not when presenting it to Shaman Wanta-Watta-Warrior, your other supervisor from Natural-Watta Village, safe upon your you must learn and not forget how important it is for you and any visitor to try and keep at least one of their shoes safe, meaning to necessarily know and have one of their feet clean and inevitably cleaned by themselves before he or she can enter the Natural-Watta's Village's gates; meaning to see yourself while still hidden from their main entrance somehow clean the foot of your choice, then humbly approach and accept to have your other foot cleaned...before standing up and daring to advance and enter any village's gates, especially the Natural-Watta Village, you might reach barefooted or with only one inimitable or not shoe on your feet...hmm!?"
"Now for this long journey you are about to endure my dear young friend Shaman student KaKo, I must call on our Ancestors' blessings same as to 'The multitude of their sacred and powerful animals' spirits' to lead you KaKo de Kali-Koné and protect you along your to help you by using their best united prolific sacred wills meaning, as best as they can at all times! KaKo de KaKo-ooh, do you hear me?" "Yes dear Chief 'Diso La SanKa'! Yes", answers KaKo, he is all ears as his head with his crown of dreadlocks is nodding profusely...knowing and reiterating in his mind what he is not to forget when it comes to this ritual allowing any visitor able to clean at least one of his own or her own feet to enter the Natural-Watta-Village.
Enduring his best Lotus position motionless as he sits throughout the day in front of the WE-Village Chief, KaKo's trunk and neck are now curving and bending down, helping KaKo's head to nod and nod as many kinds of crocodilian confirmations the whole of his mind and strong young body can...can do...and this is it! This is the first time, through his body gestures and responses, that KaKo has seemingly really hissed too. It seems he has just involuntarily hissed a response, a new kind of profound Shaman confirmation response of his own too. And of course the small blue albino crocodile perceptibly twisting inside of his yellow-papaya left shoe seems to have another kind of response or confirmation as a new type of vigorous growl to propose; a new type of strong growl to propose from the flashly left shoe KaKo is still watching...having to stand up first...but is KaKo still hesitating about his choice?
As the daylight outside seems to be getting shorter for any traveler be aware of any great danger any night, with or without whatever a silvery-gray or green full moon might be bringing forth along anyone's way, 'Diso La SanKa', the WE-Village Chief decides to raise his voice more audibly and begins to speak again saying, "All animals' moods are interesting to see and to learn about dear young Shaman KaKo, and especially when they are about to hunt like you and me to nourish themselves. But how to learn to decipher and anticipate some of their worst moods during the day, this is surely something you need to better adapt yourself to and not forget after the Wanta-Watta-Warrior teaches you." The WE-Village Chief pauses a short while without any more growls of his own before continuing, "So KaKo, as I am now going to lean on my couch to meditate and continue to call for some praise from the goodness of our Ancestors' and Forefathers' spirits to fall upon your head and mind, before you stand up please hear me say this to you my dear young friend Kali-Konè de SoulShoe Village... Have a safe journey! Travel safe! Travel safely KaKo! Yes, but"...He actually pauses a short time again after emitting a long growl before he can finish speaking, "But KaKo-ooh de KaKoooh, before I allow you to approach or go and talk with that shoe of yours you will be abandoning so you can finally introduce the other shoe inside of your bag now or much later, let me wish you a nice positive learning experience with the guidance of your new and second supervisor, the Elder Shaman Warrior Wanta-Wattaooh! Yes my dear young friend Shaman KaKo de SoulShoe Village, walk, run and travel well! Let all of our mutual Ancestors' strong and audible murmurs and shuffles heard around these surroundings of my native village here greet and accept the fact that you, KaKo de Kali-Konè de SoulShoe Village and myself, the third child still alive amongst all of the well known before me and after my late stillborn sons and daughters of my late parents, now being the last son still alive of my late parents, Pa' Miso Ma SanKa and Ma' See-See (Double-Djénè), shall most definitely meet again...hmm!?"
Believe it or not, the WE-Village Chief's words are well confirmed after another new hiss has arisen from his throat, and KaKo is crawling on the ground approaching the yellow-papaya left shoe, as to start one of the deepest conversations he might ever have...hmm!? Advancing by crawling on all fours on the ground KaKo is looking for that most important crocodilian visitor of the day...and let it be that small growling shiny blue-orange albino crocodile's silhouette still able to confuse KaKo's eyes when totally hiding or not it's head and backbone's crocodilian line of crests down to the end of it's tail inside of this yellow-papaya left shoe; a shoe KaKo is now determined abandon my dear Shaman-friend-traveler...hmm!?) knowing that inside of it this first 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian visitor is seemingly not vegetating at all... like any strange four-legged statue made of stone or whatever kind of solid element might do; for being alive that kind of growling visitor will not be vegetating too long without a cause unless he dies...hmm!? As KaKo's left shoe is filled with shudders and is ejecting an amount of evanescent orangish-blue purple haze all over the WE-Village Chief's vast sitting-living room...three colors of haze which KaKo's nose is definitely smelling inoffensively...even if he or she who is inside of this left shoe is obviously making it shake and is already progressively intensifying his or her own growls and hissing sounds coming out of it.
So what is more and more real to KaKo's ears is the fact that the growling, that really strange but easy to tune out growling, coming from his left shoe or somehow from this small 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature who is inside of it, is now appearing to be much louder than those of the other more massive and much older invisible crocodile silhouettes still roaming around outside the WE-Village Chief's yard or compound; and this is a fact to remember too...dear KaKo...without forgetting the speed of growth of their respective shadow's width or the extendable abilities concerning each of these two crocodiles, dear KaKo. Now should we be comparing which ones amongst their series of growls are more or less 'sensemillancestral' types of crocodilian growls, and how many more of them are there than the others under the light of this abiding crepuscular, inside of this WE-Village Chief's compound and house again...!?
So what is more and more real to KaKo's ears is the fact that the growling, that really strange but easy to tune out growling, coming from his left shoe or somehow from this small 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian creature who is inside of it, is now appearing to be much louder than those of the other more massive and much older invisible crocodile silhouettes still roaming around outside the WE-Village Chief's yard or compound; and this is a fact to remember too...dear KaKo...without forgetting the speed of growth of their respective shadow's width or the extendable abilities concerning each of these two crocodiles, dear KaKo. Now should we be comparing which ones amongst their series of growls are more or less 'sensemillancestral' types of crocodilian growls, and how many more of them are there than the others under the light of this abiding crepuscular, inside of this WE-Village Chief's compound and house again...!?
After being on all fours when approaching his own shoe and nevertheless not daring to touch it anymore KaKo is now kneeling down, repositioning his clothes and body as his last maneuver; stopping his own incongrous murmuring or hissing above his left shoe and finally deciding to stand up with agility as well. And this is it! Yes, KaKo..this is it! Even if it might only appear to be a half of it, this is it anyway! Because from now on a new protective creature whose importance can now be linked to each of your next steps is sheltered inside of your yellow-papaya left shoe being the first 'sensemillancestral' visitor of the day able to scratch the ground with his or her clawed legs and body and fully search to engrave through bursts of blue-orange haze rising in the air that seemingly same naked imprint of your left foot on the ground; and therefore all of your footprints exposing any distance you might be from the WE-Village's surroundings, meaning the distance separating you from now on from this first small fast growing bright 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian visitor of the day, will be and can be traced; as if you KaKo can definitely be purchased or followed new protective crocodilian shadow of...of KaKo de crocoeuuh...hmm!?
All of his senses are now on alert and KaKo has been listening and is about to listen some more to all of the growls that are surrounding him and the WE-Village Chief; knowing until his last maneuver he hesitated in his choice but it lead him to move his body and stand up even though he didn't pick up any shoe. "I will surely be leaving this vast sitting-living room without anything in hand," KaKo might have thought when he finally stood up; so the equation to decide whether to take or abandon that first 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian apparition, an apparition which has only been shown to him under the colorful light of the crepuscular, very briefly nevertheless, on this important day of his might only be intensely lingering on in some other to know if all of the residue left by his...his moving and living body...through any viable path opening some parts of the big dense forest that he knows can be found, felt and followed...hmm!?
Now my dear friend-Shaman student KaKo, as to say for the very last time, the question is still to find out which one of your shoes, the left or the right shoe, are you going to take or leave laying here to mature for such a very long time as need be in this WE-Village's soil? Will it be this so visible left shoe here or that right shoe of yours outside there...hmm!?
All of his senses are now on alert and KaKo has been listening and is about to listen some more to all of the growls that are surrounding him and the WE-Village Chief; knowing until his last maneuver he hesitated in his choice but it lead him to move his body and stand up even though he didn't pick up any shoe. "I will surely be leaving this vast sitting-living room without anything in hand," KaKo might have thought when he finally stood up; so the equation to decide whether to take or abandon that first 'sensemillancestral' crocodilian apparition, an apparition which has only been shown to him under the colorful light of the crepuscular, very briefly nevertheless, on this important day of his might only be intensely lingering on in some other to know if all of the residue left by his...his moving and living body...through any viable path opening some parts of the big dense forest that he knows can be found, felt and followed...hmm!?
Now my dear friend-Shaman student KaKo, as to say for the very last time, the question is still to find out which one of your shoes, the left or the right shoe, are you going to take or leave laying here to mature for such a very long time as need be in this WE-Village's soil? Will it be this so visible left shoe here or that right shoe of yours outside there...hmm!?
Yes, believe it or not, KaKo's extended shadow which is growling and moving along the ground is now allowing him to finally and totally rise up; thus, with his usual agility and calmness, KaKo's body is rising now and advancing to do what KaKo is supposed to do first before anyone normal can leave the WE-Village Chief's house after he or she has had a discussion with and spent some time, a long time or not, with this so evidently over protective crocodilian owner of the house.
So rising up now KaKo is approaching as normally as possible, and as powerfully warmful as possible is shaking at least one of the WE-Village Chief's hands...resulting in another question for today my dear friend-Shaman-traveler...can you imagine which one of his own painted hands the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', will be raising or not in front of...of...of KaKo's de croco-mind now...hmm!? Will it be the green colored left hand carrying all of the WE-Village Chief's five green fingers or will the WE-Village Chief be raising his silvery-gray painted right hand full of his own hissings too...hmm!?
So rising up now KaKo is approaching as normally as possible, and as powerfully warmful as possible is shaking at least one of the WE-Village Chief's hands...resulting in another question for today my dear friend-Shaman-traveler...can you imagine which one of his own painted hands the WE-Village Chief, 'Diso La SanKa', will be raising or not in front of...of...of KaKo's de croco-mind now...hmm!? Will it be the green colored left hand carrying all of the WE-Village Chief's five green fingers or will the WE-Village Chief be raising his silvery-gray painted right hand full of his own hissings too...hmm!?
So following more words of goodbyes spoken between them, KaKo can not be any less ill-prepared to hear his first supervisor, the WE-Village Chief, begin to growl when confronting any unpredictable serious situation at any time on any given day inside of his vast sitting-living room.
KaKo's hands are touching both of the WE-Village Chief's hands...and now that the young Shaman student KaKo's hands and fingers have found blessings and warm encouragement they are now respectfully separating from the powerful painted ones belonging to his first supervisor of the day, the latter, now laying on his couch relaxing, is growling and...and starting to laugh as well; amazingly growling and laughing in front of all ears.
Yes Chief 'Diso La SanKa' is growling and laughing at the same time as he is seriously watching how KaKo's body and feet have come alive, as he is about to leave this vast sitting-living room at last...ignoring and abandoning his own yellow-papaya left shoe in front of all eyes; and this is it! As fully motivated as his mind is or can be in this WE-Village at this precise time, KaKo's strong body is strengthening, pivoting and continuing to advance...advancing like any human visitor finally showing some backbone when about to touch and push aside the black, green and red veil curtain covering the WE-Village Chief's door today. Yes after his fingers have separated from those of 'Diso La SanKas', the WE-Village Chief, KaKo is rising and advancing, trying to avoid all other kinds of large thin vertical crocodilian shadows and sculpted house pillars and some sculpted wooden benches and tables too...hmm!? Just to try to push aside the WE-Village Chief's invisible main rectangular door mingling some earthen and cemented wall angles with its long visible tri-colored rattan veil that is hanging from its roofs' hinges above, until its length and lightness of weight allow it to wave, touching the edge of the ground; its non-transparency blocking any view of what is going on from beyond the inside or the outside...a long black, green and red veil of rattan covering the WE-Village Chief's door today some few meters away from KaKo's silhouette which is still inside of the Chief's house but has already stepped over carpets and reached one short alley of reddish-brown earthen soil on the ground finally leading him and other visitors and Shaman students to touch what has to be touched before...but before what...hmm!?
Yes Chief 'Diso La SanKa' is growling and laughing at the same time as he is seriously watching how KaKo's body and feet have come alive, as he is about to leave this vast sitting-living room at last...ignoring and abandoning his own yellow-papaya left shoe in front of all eyes; and this is it! As fully motivated as his mind is or can be in this WE-Village at this precise time, KaKo's strong body is strengthening, pivoting and continuing to advance...advancing like any human visitor finally showing some backbone when about to touch and push aside the black, green and red veil curtain covering the WE-Village Chief's door today. Yes after his fingers have separated from those of 'Diso La SanKas', the WE-Village Chief, KaKo is rising and advancing, trying to avoid all other kinds of large thin vertical crocodilian shadows and sculpted house pillars and some sculpted wooden benches and tables too...hmm!? Just to try to push aside the WE-Village Chief's invisible main rectangular door mingling some earthen and cemented wall angles with its long visible tri-colored rattan veil that is hanging from its roofs' hinges above, until its length and lightness of weight allow it to wave, touching the edge of the ground; its non-transparency blocking any view of what is going on from beyond the inside or the outside...a long black, green and red veil of rattan covering the WE-Village Chief's door today some few meters away from KaKo's silhouette which is still inside of the Chief's house but has already stepped over carpets and reached one short alley of reddish-brown earthen soil on the ground finally leading him and other visitors and Shaman students to touch what has to be touched before...but before what...hmm!?
All growls and hissing sounds that are coming from inside and outside of the WE-Village Chief's house are confounded to KaKo's ears; and before his body steps out upon the WE-Village Chief's wooden terrace again, from where he can reach his sole bag he will be traveling with, he is approaching and about to firstly pour out his native village's name before secondly pushing aside this same old veil of rattan...yes push it aside and wait for the whole of the WE-Village Chief's compound outside start to turn upside-down; yes, turn upside-down!
Like having vertigo in front of all our eyes...!?
So dear Shaman KaKo (Soulful-Bones of Kali-Konè) de Soul'Ewess'a-Kali-Konè de Soulshoe Village, are you going to be the one definitely leaving this WE-Village Chief's house after deciding to take more time than anyone else on this important day of yours, since the rising of the sun? And now advancing, walking and before descending this WE-Village Chief's large simple wooden terrace all alone, will you still be the same young Shaman KaKo of the day seen trying to regain the fullness of your strength before this massive silvery-gray single-eyed crocodile finally chooses appear and approach you as to start growling some simple understandable audible human words telling you how fainted away your whole body and mind are, will be or will stay if you keep expecting to see or imagine yourself approaching to finally touch that big round void from where the weak dead left eye of his was...or until that invaded croco-void of his empty eye socket suddenly brightens up and starts to amplify its roundness...uncontrollable but extendable invaded croco-void of his...of his left dead eye socket!?
KaKo has chosen to leave this more than strangely oppressing vast sitting-living room without a shoe in hand; as he profoundly has to think about if it will be a wise idea or a stupid one to travel with or without a baby crocodile hissing and growling by his side during his coming journey when bringing it to materialize in front of his second supervisor.
So now my dear KaKo, do you crocothink...Oops! Do you think, dear Shaman KaKo, that your eyes and mind are about to know to analyze how and why my massive crocodile's underbelly is positioned and simply resting over a part of this yellow right shoe of yours...and as my crocodile's belly and croco-mind roams and explores all of this encircled compound anew, do you know why I have to touch and try to shrink myself as I lay here dead or alive inside this shoe of yours dear KaKo de KaKo de crocoeuuh...hmm!?
Now if some deep mystery must be unveiled, let it be possibly of a real unforgettable disturbing mirage now happening in front of your eyes, or in front of some of these hidden WE-Village children's eyes...or in front of another hidden group of at least ten Elder WE-Village Shamans' eyes too, so tied up in watching this yellow right shoe of yours...than on a less significant mystery or lesser mirage that can be visualized or lived out as well throughout this WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!?
KaKo is still reflecting hard, isn't he? Is this the right day for him...hmm!?
If this is his day to start walking and testing one sole yellow-papaya shoe on his foot, do not bet on ignoring KaKo's level and power of protecting either of his own naked feet too...hmm!?
He has presented his goodbyes to this blue albino crocodile which has accepted to take refuge inside his other yellow-papaya shoe he is leaving behind. So afterward we see him stand up and wait...The old tri-colored veil of rattan as the main curtain covering the door today seems to breathe long audible breaths just like him. He has to take his bag and continue to advance to pick up and save the other shoe, which seems to be continually growling as well at a distance throughout the day too, for a journey of initiation.
Anyway, after it is accepted now that inside of KaKo's yellow right shoe there have been growls and wails too happening for so long that from where it awaits, mysteriously wailing for anyone's ears to hear and analyze throughout KaKo's important day as well, none of the Elder WE-Village Shamans' ears will miss any of its crocodilian callings and scanting of croco-words either; rising amid other growls and hissing sounds, inevitably adding more tension to the WE-Village Chief's compounds atmosphere and...and...
So packing up their own Shaman survival stuff at this crucial time for KaKo and many other Shaman students, let us just imagine that some of these same WE-Village Shaman Elders have seriously but still playfully started to imitate these same kinds of growls too being emitted from each of their respective these undeniable vigorous growls coming from this right shoe from...from...SoulShoe Village are remarkable and deeply unforgettable both of these crocodiles' silhouettes surrounding young Shaman KaKo and the Chief, 'I SanKa La Diso', have apparently been doing all along.
KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe is still laying there, somewhere near some trees' shadows outside the WE-Village Chief's compound; but to keep asking on your walk when stepping on the WE-Village Chief's compounds' soil how much growling Shaman student KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe is doing or might be doing when waiting for him to leave the WE-Village Chief's house merely the kind of questioning this massive old silvery-gray single-eyed crocodilian silhouette, so able to approach anyone outside, will want to discuss, most certainly not wasting any time either before the night comes to fall in the sky of this WE-Village...hmm!?
Long rough growls and hissing sounds are arising from everywhere around KaKo's ears and mind KaKo's feet are active, taking him away from all the angles of the WE-Village Chief's house leading him to the main front gate opening where the veil of rattan is...waving the whole of its tri-colored length that has to be pulled or pushed aside; so instinctively KaKo feels his body needs to stop, inhale and breathe; profoundly inhale and exhale the earthen odors entering his nostrils; so he closes his eyes for awhile and...and...
Let's hope that any last possible significant meaningful growls from this shiny blue orange baby crocodile he is leaving behind can be heard and analyzed by KaKo's ears or by his arising and enhanced 'croco-mind'...hmm!?
He is about to take more than twelve or fourteen heartbeats of a pause in front of this old vertical tri-colored black, green and red veil of rattan covering this high rectangular space, taking the shape, form and height of an invisible door, to know how to meticulously open after all just to leave through, when he hears his first supervisor, the WE-Village Chief, raise his voice again, speaking with some all new cavernous intonations; having to say some last words; so before KaKo's body and feet finally step out and appear visible on the large square wooden terrace, this vast raised level wooden surface extending outside in the front part of the WE-Village Chief's house, the last words his first supervisor of the day has to say are these:
"So my dear friend-Shaman-traveler KaKo de SoulShoe Village-ooh! For the last time now and for all of our ancestor's ears as well, it actually sounds like each of your shoes, visible and invisible in front of us here, are already desperately growling their desire (if shoes can have needs) to reunite as soon as possible...hmm!? Yes, both of your shoes are growling but aren't calling after you alone, are they? So listen my dear friend KaKo de SoulShoe Village, I just have to add at last what I am certain of now and that is, if it so happens that I personally dream about one of your yellow-papaya shoes while you are still journeying and not around this WE-Village here, I will inevitably try to speak to that one in front of me with its hidden fighting wooden blue head and moving blue-orange crocodilian visitor's body inside of it, therefore trying to find out some more about your safety and security wherever you might be along your journey, dear young Shaman Kali-Koné de SoulShoe you hear me!? Hmm!?"
Like having vertigo in front of all our eyes...!?
So dear Shaman KaKo (Soulful-Bones of Kali-Konè) de Soul'Ewess'a-Kali-Konè de Soulshoe Village, are you going to be the one definitely leaving this WE-Village Chief's house after deciding to take more time than anyone else on this important day of yours, since the rising of the sun? And now advancing, walking and before descending this WE-Village Chief's large simple wooden terrace all alone, will you still be the same young Shaman KaKo of the day seen trying to regain the fullness of your strength before this massive silvery-gray single-eyed crocodile finally chooses appear and approach you as to start growling some simple understandable audible human words telling you how fainted away your whole body and mind are, will be or will stay if you keep expecting to see or imagine yourself approaching to finally touch that big round void from where the weak dead left eye of his was...or until that invaded croco-void of his empty eye socket suddenly brightens up and starts to amplify its roundness...uncontrollable but extendable invaded croco-void of his...of his left dead eye socket!?
KaKo has chosen to leave this more than strangely oppressing vast sitting-living room without a shoe in hand; as he profoundly has to think about if it will be a wise idea or a stupid one to travel with or without a baby crocodile hissing and growling by his side during his coming journey when bringing it to materialize in front of his second supervisor.
So now my dear KaKo, do you crocothink...Oops! Do you think, dear Shaman KaKo, that your eyes and mind are about to know to analyze how and why my massive crocodile's underbelly is positioned and simply resting over a part of this yellow right shoe of yours...and as my crocodile's belly and croco-mind roams and explores all of this encircled compound anew, do you know why I have to touch and try to shrink myself as I lay here dead or alive inside this shoe of yours dear KaKo de KaKo de crocoeuuh...hmm!?
Now if some deep mystery must be unveiled, let it be possibly of a real unforgettable disturbing mirage now happening in front of your eyes, or in front of some of these hidden WE-Village children's eyes...or in front of another hidden group of at least ten Elder WE-Village Shamans' eyes too, so tied up in watching this yellow right shoe of yours...than on a less significant mystery or lesser mirage that can be visualized or lived out as well throughout this WE-Village Chief's compound...hmm!?
KaKo is still reflecting hard, isn't he? Is this the right day for him...hmm!?
If this is his day to start walking and testing one sole yellow-papaya shoe on his foot, do not bet on ignoring KaKo's level and power of protecting either of his own naked feet too...hmm!?
He has presented his goodbyes to this blue albino crocodile which has accepted to take refuge inside his other yellow-papaya shoe he is leaving behind. So afterward we see him stand up and wait...The old tri-colored veil of rattan as the main curtain covering the door today seems to breathe long audible breaths just like him. He has to take his bag and continue to advance to pick up and save the other shoe, which seems to be continually growling as well at a distance throughout the day too, for a journey of initiation.
Anyway, after it is accepted now that inside of KaKo's yellow right shoe there have been growls and wails too happening for so long that from where it awaits, mysteriously wailing for anyone's ears to hear and analyze throughout KaKo's important day as well, none of the Elder WE-Village Shamans' ears will miss any of its crocodilian callings and scanting of croco-words either; rising amid other growls and hissing sounds, inevitably adding more tension to the WE-Village Chief's compounds atmosphere and...and...
So packing up their own Shaman survival stuff at this crucial time for KaKo and many other Shaman students, let us just imagine that some of these same WE-Village Shaman Elders have seriously but still playfully started to imitate these same kinds of growls too being emitted from each of their respective these undeniable vigorous growls coming from this right shoe from...from...SoulShoe Village are remarkable and deeply unforgettable both of these crocodiles' silhouettes surrounding young Shaman KaKo and the Chief, 'I SanKa La Diso', have apparently been doing all along.
KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe is still laying there, somewhere near some trees' shadows outside the WE-Village Chief's compound; but to keep asking on your walk when stepping on the WE-Village Chief's compounds' soil how much growling Shaman student KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe is doing or might be doing when waiting for him to leave the WE-Village Chief's house merely the kind of questioning this massive old silvery-gray single-eyed crocodilian silhouette, so able to approach anyone outside, will want to discuss, most certainly not wasting any time either before the night comes to fall in the sky of this WE-Village...hmm!?
Long rough growls and hissing sounds are arising from everywhere around KaKo's ears and mind KaKo's feet are active, taking him away from all the angles of the WE-Village Chief's house leading him to the main front gate opening where the veil of rattan is...waving the whole of its tri-colored length that has to be pulled or pushed aside; so instinctively KaKo feels his body needs to stop, inhale and breathe; profoundly inhale and exhale the earthen odors entering his nostrils; so he closes his eyes for awhile and...and...
Let's hope that any last possible significant meaningful growls from this shiny blue orange baby crocodile he is leaving behind can be heard and analyzed by KaKo's ears or by his arising and enhanced 'croco-mind'...hmm!?
He is about to take more than twelve or fourteen heartbeats of a pause in front of this old vertical tri-colored black, green and red veil of rattan covering this high rectangular space, taking the shape, form and height of an invisible door, to know how to meticulously open after all just to leave through, when he hears his first supervisor, the WE-Village Chief, raise his voice again, speaking with some all new cavernous intonations; having to say some last words; so before KaKo's body and feet finally step out and appear visible on the large square wooden terrace, this vast raised level wooden surface extending outside in the front part of the WE-Village Chief's house, the last words his first supervisor of the day has to say are these:
"So my dear friend-Shaman-traveler KaKo de SoulShoe Village-ooh! For the last time now and for all of our ancestor's ears as well, it actually sounds like each of your shoes, visible and invisible in front of us here, are already desperately growling their desire (if shoes can have needs) to reunite as soon as possible...hmm!? Yes, both of your shoes are growling but aren't calling after you alone, are they? So listen my dear friend KaKo de SoulShoe Village, I just have to add at last what I am certain of now and that is, if it so happens that I personally dream about one of your yellow-papaya shoes while you are still journeying and not around this WE-Village here, I will inevitably try to speak to that one in front of me with its hidden fighting wooden blue head and moving blue-orange crocodilian visitor's body inside of it, therefore trying to find out some more about your safety and security wherever you might be along your journey, dear young Shaman Kali-Koné de SoulShoe you hear me!? Hmm!?"
"Yes," answered KaKo before hearing his name called or recalled again. "So good-bye, KaKoooh! Good-bye de good-bye my dear young Shaman friend." "Good-bye dear Chief 'Diso La SanKa'! Good-bye de good-bye de good-bye!" And this is all KaKo seems to have as last words in mind... before calling out again the name of his native village and deciding to push aside what has to be touched in order to completely let his eyes and the whole of his body finally leave or get out of this WE-Village Chief's house.
Yes KaKo is now advancing and about to touch that shimmering old rectangular veil of rattan door covering on the door today, and it is impossible for him to know for certain when he will be back here again in front of 'Diso La SanKa', being the surprising WE-Village Chief and his first supervisor of the day, he can not tell; as no one can with or without any WE-Village crocodile holes in their ears!?
So just remind all other visitors, already entering the surroundings of these WE-Village's bushes, able to hide any other personal croco-shadows about to challenge in one way or another each of our silhouettes about to leave this WE-Village like Shaman student KaKo here too...that he, himself, being a simple traveler listening to the direction and murmurs of the wind and the rustling of young and old trees leaves paving his way, might meet along his way many other living people's moving silhouettes. Like anyone else in their walking or running pace to Natural-Watta Village, KaKo might encounter many village people's evanescent silhouettes, Shamans or humble ones which might possibly be or not be other WE-Villagers too, but from other ordinary villages surrounding this tropical and equatorial region in our motherland Africa on a journey, on his journey, or on their own journey as well.
All the intensifying growls and hissing sounds being heard are mingling and moving to and fro, waving dreadfully from the inside to the outside of the WE-Village Chief's house...and none rising through the air and filling this WE-Village's atmosphere with mysteries to unveil or not can know what will happen to KaKo, or to his precious yellow-papaya right shoe he has finally chosen as first or last choice to travel with; and if this is a half of it, this test to take concerning anyone's own single 'chosen' shoe to get away with seems to be an important WE-Village Shaman's active test which has finally found an activated final solution in KaKo's crocoeeuh-mind...hmm!?
Therefore, after KaKo's lips have once again finished calling out the reversible name of his native village, he is now pushing aside that black, green and red veil; and still advancing, KaKo's feet and trunk are really jumping up and down to help KaKo's hands grasp and take his medium-sized dark brown bag laying on the WE-Village Chief's terrace. Bending down a little bit one of his hands is quickly grasping his bag; KaKo's eyes are looking straight ahead for now like some feline's eyes ready to push the body to attack; his eyes analyzing and still about to analyze through an interminable second look or scrutiny what a part of his mind has already seen, straight ahead in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound, far away from him but still he can not believe it...!
Yes KaKo is now advancing and about to touch that shimmering old rectangular veil of rattan door covering on the door today, and it is impossible for him to know for certain when he will be back here again in front of 'Diso La SanKa', being the surprising WE-Village Chief and his first supervisor of the day, he can not tell; as no one can with or without any WE-Village crocodile holes in their ears!?
So just remind all other visitors, already entering the surroundings of these WE-Village's bushes, able to hide any other personal croco-shadows about to challenge in one way or another each of our silhouettes about to leave this WE-Village like Shaman student KaKo here too...that he, himself, being a simple traveler listening to the direction and murmurs of the wind and the rustling of young and old trees leaves paving his way, might meet along his way many other living people's moving silhouettes. Like anyone else in their walking or running pace to Natural-Watta Village, KaKo might encounter many village people's evanescent silhouettes, Shamans or humble ones which might possibly be or not be other WE-Villagers too, but from other ordinary villages surrounding this tropical and equatorial region in our motherland Africa on a journey, on his journey, or on their own journey as well.
All the intensifying growls and hissing sounds being heard are mingling and moving to and fro, waving dreadfully from the inside to the outside of the WE-Village Chief's house...and none rising through the air and filling this WE-Village's atmosphere with mysteries to unveil or not can know what will happen to KaKo, or to his precious yellow-papaya right shoe he has finally chosen as first or last choice to travel with; and if this is a half of it, this test to take concerning anyone's own single 'chosen' shoe to get away with seems to be an important WE-Village Shaman's active test which has finally found an activated final solution in KaKo's crocoeeuh-mind...hmm!?
Therefore, after KaKo's lips have once again finished calling out the reversible name of his native village, he is now pushing aside that black, green and red veil; and still advancing, KaKo's feet and trunk are really jumping up and down to help KaKo's hands grasp and take his medium-sized dark brown bag laying on the WE-Village Chief's terrace. Bending down a little bit one of his hands is quickly grasping his bag; KaKo's eyes are looking straight ahead for now like some feline's eyes ready to push the body to attack; his eyes analyzing and still about to analyze through an interminable second look or scrutiny what a part of his mind has already seen, straight ahead in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound, far away from him but still he can not believe it...!
So dear friend-Shaman-traveler the question about a mirage, if that is indeed what KaKo's eyes are suddenly seeing and as inevitably as quickly having his mind trying to decipher, might be stated like this: apart from living in a mirage (a mirage of a play!?) first caught or sensed by your eyes, what makes that factual mirage non paralyzing to your body before or after being intermittent in any endless second thought from your mind? Let's say young Shaman KaKo isn't the only Shaman traveler of the day that knows it is action, the body's what makes that mirage non paralyzing to your body or to your mind can also be the resolution that whatever is going to happen to you, that mirage as any other mirage will unveil its most secret meanings after all; so it is your own reaction to the nature of what you have perceived or are still perceiving as disturbing which makes that same changing disturbing mirage of a long or short phantasmagoric life or lifetime non paralyzing to the body or not. And KaKo's body is instinctively in its own way, in action to respond.
So even if KaKo's eyes still can not believe what is going on, his body is already reacting by helping him first pick up his bag from the ground...remember...and secondly, extending and enrolling some flexible hangars from his bag around his waist and shoulders as he continues to advance. As KaKo is quick, remember? Knowing one of his hands has already taken his bag and adjusted it around his waist, his feet seem to know what to do next.
KaKo's eyes are still watching the unbelievable scene his mind is living out too and about to forge ahead intensely, as something in this WE-Village Chief's amazing and surprising open atmosphere definitely seems to awaken his late dream about the WE-Village Chief's speaking-laughing croco-beast he has in his mind again...and yes as KaKo is advancing on the WE-Village Chief's wooden terrace, it is this same erratic crocodile's silhouette he has seen some days ago which seems to materialize in front of him for the first time in the middle of this same encircled WE-Village's yard...Woo-Hoo! Therefore, KaKo is the most amazing at deciphering and recalling to the best of his abilities all of his own deep reasoning or not during any important indelible dream he himself seems to have had or has already managed...because it is like the invisible but well felt croco-mind of KaKos' is rising up in him again and suddenly enhancing his innermost powers so he can start to growl and laugh too as to respond to what his eyes are seeing. "Get into it KaKo! Growl and start to smile courageously! Growl and laugh as loudly as you can now! For it might be in the unpredictable rising of your own half croco-mood of the day now that helps you to...breathe and still live on...take another breath and live on and on...!" Is this what is resounding in KaKo's mind that seems to push his body move forward so this determined moving body of his is ready for any kind of confrontation that might happen between them?
Yes the young Shaman KaKo is about to confront this suddenly dangerous growling crocodilian apparition in front of him, undeniably moving in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound now...hmm!?
So at this precise risky moment in anticipation of an ineluctable confrontation that might happen between them, should we have to repeat it near any Chief's ears or not, the first part of the question to ask is this one, does there have to be a physical confrontation of sorts? And as for the second part of the question to ask, if so, will this confrontation be between KaKo and his mirage or what has been seen before his eyes!? For something being equal in intensity or in deadly resonance is already preparing to let each of these two contenders to enter, unwisely or not, into the dangerous 'World of...of 'Shoe-Headed People'...'The World of S.H.P.' where whomever enters will be with their respectful tamable crocodilian creatures roaming all over, but only following their owners' walking feet intentions by the way!
So even if KaKo's eyes still can not believe what is going on, his body is already reacting by helping him first pick up his bag from the ground...remember...and secondly, extending and enrolling some flexible hangars from his bag around his waist and shoulders as he continues to advance. As KaKo is quick, remember? Knowing one of his hands has already taken his bag and adjusted it around his waist, his feet seem to know what to do next.
KaKo's eyes are still watching the unbelievable scene his mind is living out too and about to forge ahead intensely, as something in this WE-Village Chief's amazing and surprising open atmosphere definitely seems to awaken his late dream about the WE-Village Chief's speaking-laughing croco-beast he has in his mind again...and yes as KaKo is advancing on the WE-Village Chief's wooden terrace, it is this same erratic crocodile's silhouette he has seen some days ago which seems to materialize in front of him for the first time in the middle of this same encircled WE-Village's yard...Woo-Hoo! Therefore, KaKo is the most amazing at deciphering and recalling to the best of his abilities all of his own deep reasoning or not during any important indelible dream he himself seems to have had or has already managed...because it is like the invisible but well felt croco-mind of KaKos' is rising up in him again and suddenly enhancing his innermost powers so he can start to growl and laugh too as to respond to what his eyes are seeing. "Get into it KaKo! Growl and start to smile courageously! Growl and laugh as loudly as you can now! For it might be in the unpredictable rising of your own half croco-mood of the day now that helps you to...breathe and still live on...take another breath and live on and on...!" Is this what is resounding in KaKo's mind that seems to push his body move forward so this determined moving body of his is ready for any kind of confrontation that might happen between them?
Yes the young Shaman KaKo is about to confront this suddenly dangerous growling crocodilian apparition in front of him, undeniably moving in the middle of the WE-Village Chief's compound now...hmm!?
So at this precise risky moment in anticipation of an ineluctable confrontation that might happen between them, should we have to repeat it near any Chief's ears or not, the first part of the question to ask is this one, does there have to be a physical confrontation of sorts? And as for the second part of the question to ask, if so, will this confrontation be between KaKo and his mirage or what has been seen before his eyes!? For something being equal in intensity or in deadly resonance is already preparing to let each of these two contenders to enter, unwisely or not, into the dangerous 'World of...of 'Shoe-Headed People'...'The World of S.H.P.' where whomever enters will be with their respectful tamable crocodilian creatures roaming all over, but only following their owners' walking feet intentions by the way!
Now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, as erratic as it appears, after young Shaman KaKo's silhouette drew aside this old black, green and red tri-colored rectangular veil of rattan, he feels ready to go challenge the whole world...and especially 'The World of...of Shoe-Headed People'...hmm!? And this kind of recalled world, known or unknown by some of KaKo's SoulShoe Village ancestors, can mean any of the most dangerous parts of the world that he himself can not even name yet.
Young Shaman KaKo is advancing; his body jerking as he takes one footstep after another towards what his mind is seeing; and continuing to approach nevertheless, he is intensely watching how far away of a fraction, a small but visible fraction anyway, his flashing right yellow shoe laying on the ground is partly engulfed and invaded underneath this old massive brownish-grey single-eyed crocodile's hind legs...where it is almost invisible but is dragging all of its fragility and mysteries of a single shoe underneath the large dusty rose-gray striped underbelly of this heavy and slow moving crocodile's silhouette.
So even if KaKo has to encounter this same kind of erratic crocodile's silhouette again and again, he knows there will be a confrontation anyway if he starts asking, repeating it a thousand times or not, to get his right shoe or any of his other belongings back. So largely slowing down his own body's pace and movements and therefore under a new determined warriors' strange slow walking pace that he seems to control better, KaKo knows exactly what to do as soon as the unstoppable flow of clear thoughts inside of his mind are such leading his body into action as well...remember!? So it is like all of our most valid curious perspectives of Shamans eyes' views are all about to let us watch and hear about why some other sizzled crocodilian eyes' pupils and jaws are starting to cry out in fear of danger, growling in fear of an imminent danger, as the determined young Shaman's silhouette continues to approach as to challenge in one way or the other the WE-Village Chief's huge old single-eyed crocodilian silhouette that his eyes are seeing.
KaKo's body is recalling some new arguments to efficiently act upon when vibrating or waving from head to toe as it is doing...when methodically approaching...from behind this challenging crocodilian apparition. So as not to see it or feel it any less strangely as suddenly as well, KaKo's shaking body chooses to kneel down again and continue to advance, ignoring that huge old single-eyed silvery-gray crocodile's silhouette when he begins to turn and pivot his large crocodilian body which is just trying to face anyone about this well known old massive crocodile is listening as simply on alert and ready to follow any other moving smelly shadow coming at least see the empty void of his left dead eye socket as he crawls and hisses to the best of his abilities (forevermore!); as to let him heavily or not pivot, but pivot to its right side following its viable eye's perceptive sight at first.
Thus it is like KaKo's extended kneeling silhouette and the Chief's crocodile's huge slow moving silhouette are twisting their respective bodies to follow a terribly dangerous long curve of an invisible race line in which or where both of them probably already recall making some positive appealing actions to meet...and to meet again and maybe without any more hurtful physical confrontations between them at least...hmm!? And for KaKo's enhanced crocodilian mind or not, this more than tiring risky race or confrontation can only mean visualizing this more powerfully large gray crocodilian silhouette as an old unavoidable dangerous or longtime playful partner which he can only trust from time to time.
But KaKo still has to push his mind and feel the courage to challenge anyone he might meet and unfortunately identify or not as any known deadly creature of the day or night coming in growling and laughing too; or challenge any of the friendly kinds of crawling crocodilian creatures or any other winged or non-winged apparitions materializing in front of him to their death; just to save his own part, meaning to save and protect his yellow-papaya right shoe of the day!
Now if KaKo's body is going to challenge anyone, he will have to find the ways and means to do being able to quickly adapt his mind and know how to reposition any of his own silhouettes entering or suddenly inside any world or reality he can find himself trapped if he has to recollect and use as rapidly as possible some of his lessons learned from his first supervisor and from other WE-Village Shaman warriors and humble ones, especially when struggling in kneeling position and fearlessly moving his lips, to growl and laugh as loudly as his throat will allow him to do so...hmm!?
He has stepped down from the only three elevated wooden stairs making it possible for him to leave behind the house's front walls, the main door's rectangular veil of rattan and any other wooden extension of the WE-Village Chief's house's terrace too, so he is advancing now and courageously kneeling down on the WE-Village Chief's compounds' soil...advancing on all fours and watching the WE-Village Chief's massive crocodile's shadow continue to slowly pivot towards him. But KaKo keeps advancing until he also starts to growl and laugh.
KaKo's mind is still actively whirling around now from his own mirage's attraction or gravity; he is totally focused, as if under some irresistible enhanced influences coming out of his own challenging dream or vision.
The single-eyed crocodile is slowly pivoting, his legs bouncing as he is already eagerly shaking his jaws up and down, vibrating from his growling as he twists the whole of his extended body down to the end of his powerful tail. KaKo being an unstoppable warrior deeply active on his battlefield too, he is determined to attract and lead that huge gray crocodilian silhouette, who is ready to confront anyone too, to a safe distance away from his 'chosen' yellow right shoe; so he first decides to kneel down as something is reminding him of how he has done this before, and this is 'deja-vu' in action, but in front of this same old WE-Village Chief's crocodile's growling silhouette!
Whatever he wants or will want from this massive crocodile's guarding silhouette, he will have to approach him first; and KaKo is approaching isn't he...approaching in his own strange courageous way...but he has to find an opportunity and have enough of his own crocodilian motivation on reserve somewhere in his mind to continue to advance but let at least one of his hands wait, like a powerful snake's head, able to rise and project itself forth to quickly seize if possible any visible part of his yellow right shoe that he can see from behind the left backside of this heavily moving crocodile's body.
The single-eyed crocodile is pivoting, still appearing to be trying to hide something underneath his greasy waddling hind legs with the movements of his tail and his belly's backside, as his extended crocodilian silhouette is bouncing up and down on the dusty ground; and that something apparently feeling and smelling more of this WE-Village Chief's crocodile's highest attractive or repulsive odors of the day and still holding its flashy appearance is KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe; a shoe just laying there, still defensively vaporizing a smelly orange-purple haze spreading all around the lower part of this massive silvery-gray crocodile belly's it was and still is, some patches of filamentous purple-orange haze are to be seen continuously rising up from underneath somewhere behind...somewhere under these four pivoting croco-legs, but mainly around the middle of his robust hind legs...and the triangle of mingled crocodilian flesh around his backside and his legs where his slow twisting tail, that has an interminable length and smashing weight, is lifting up from time to time announcing its bubble source.
Still laying on the ground and painfully trailing on, with all of its survival vibes underneath this heavy crocodilian bellys' apparition, KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe is flashing and hardly visible to all eyes. It just seems to be totally crushed down bearing the weight of this agitated croco-beast's crawling silhouette.
For certain KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe that is still laying there is partly visible and already seemingly dragging itself very painfully as if to explore the whole of this massive silvery-gray crocodile's body...and this is it again! As what other way or how else will one (being inside his own 'chosen' shoe of the day or not...hmm!?) smell and touch the lowest parts of any unstoppable roaming massive crocodile...just to feel the power of his crocodilian underbelly, the power of these flexible legs and all of the energy moving the length and width of his crawling body; as his crocodilian body and deep crocodilian intentions, seemingly melted, are now bouncing up and down lead by his vigorous tail that is already attacking...hmm!?
And this is the way it is my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, you must let your ears feel and hear the sounds of drums or growls from various types of crocodiles throughout the air in this WE-Village and be able to advance and find out from where your 'chosen' shoe of the day is visibly calling for help.
So as time goes on, as we are about to hear some of KaKo's thoughts come out, we are all silently observing KaKo's piercing and focused eyes; KaKo's body is still advancing on all fours, looking much more determined now in the atmosphere of his own quest and initiation of the day.
"My dear 'chosen' shoe, even if you are half hidden and painfully breathing or repositioning your shape and structure, keep on trying; as to warm yourself and survive any hurtful scratching coldness coming from underneath any crocodile's underbelly. So all alone or not, if possible, never stop trying to escape the nearest deadly danger either...hmm de hmm de..hmm!?"
Now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, as young Shaman KaKo's body is kneeling there ready to live out his mirage or dream and confront this undeniably large deadly creature of the waters whose body and legs are bouncing up and down, scratching the ground as he advances to turn, he is twisting his massive flexible shape and body one more time as to better visualize any of his opponents of the day and not have to stay motionless with a burning desire to begin a race; an important race to visualize and now about to happen, but only inside the vast encircled WE-Village Chief's compounds; and this will be their race of the day, a race none of their respective determined and projected busiest silhouettes of the day will want to lose or lose their lives either...knowing at any time KaKo's powerfully challenging silhouette can be seen quickly rising up on his own two feet and suddenly start to run as fast as he can...remember? And this is the other twisted part! Because this determined young courageous Shaman silhouette from SoulShoe Village, preparing to become a powerful Shaman or not, can be seen standing up and running in the direction of his yellow-papaya right shoe, and therefore in his most important feline attacking steps demonstration of the day, finally picks it up from underneath this massive crocodile's belly and legs; then continues to run so vividly right out of the WE-Village Chief's compounds doorway without having to look back anymore, until he disappears...through the bushes opening the paths for his journey Sooner or later he will be seen finally opening his old inherited families' traveling bag, with hangers powerfully enrolled from his shoulders to his waist, and maneuvering to put his precious ignited acquisition inside, meaning his 'chosen' right shoe of the day...hmm!?
So you dear KaKo who is advancing by crawling on this WE-Village Chief's compounds ground, and so demonstratively too, beware! Because the old massive single-eyed crocodile is circling himself...slowly curving the whole of his elongated body to the right, following the viable angle and perception brought to him by his solely working eye; his heavy tail is partly trailing in the dust and twisting as he is still repositioning his croco-head and surely after this massive crocodilian silhouette has finished at least half of his turn, he will be advancing with an irresistible need to keep advancing and get as near as he possibly can to where he can observe these two black pupils of human eyes that are shining as they accompany this kneeling growling human shadow that will not be coming up from behind him anymore. So he is twisting, strengthening each of his legs and preparing eat...some meat...hmm!? Without any doubt he is prepared to struggle, tear up and victoriously swallow at least a part of anyone with or without some piercing human eyes still challenging his every step or move...Woo-Hoo! Hmm!?
Now my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, beware! Beware as well, because sooner or later at any unavoidable precious initiation time too, maybe each of us, one by one, will be challenging this single voided eye of I-SanKa's crocodile by ourselves in the next coming hours or days...then...what!? Yes what can we say about the type of metamorphosis that will inevitably happen to our kind of bodies and flesh if it so happens that we stay inactive, as some might or will inevitably feel paralyzed when the start of this race begins, a kind of race pushing all of your muscles, being down on all fours, to take a safe distance from any crocodile's apparition coming up from behind you!?
Advancing in his own way KaKo's mind knows he has already, and more than once, confronted this same kind of crocodile's shadow apparently extending his massive body in his dreams too; and KaKo's body, as activated and enhanced as it is, is reacting the same way as in this open-ended reality as to any other reality or mirage reopening in his mind now...but the huge twisting crocodile's crawling apparition with his jaws wide open, with any visible intention to stop his progression or back off from this new confrontation between them, nevertheless seems about do what? What else after already preparing to attack him? To laugh or effectively try to say something that can be understandable before anyone might feel the power of his deadly jaws and teeth afterwards...hmm!? And who can say what subject this WE-Village Chief's crocodile, that he has already met, wants to talk about and share between them he is about to deliver some new short deep understandable growls now...hmm!?
But even as slowly as this inevitable eye to eye contact is about to happen between them, as each of us are finally noticing and hearing all of their first new crocodilian bursts of laughter of the day rising up all around each one's ears, and all around KaKo's ears of course too, something else so important and much more remarkable is newly happening right in front of KaKo's eyes which he cannot all!
So as he is courageously advancing and focusing to look for his yellow-papaya right shoe laying in the center of the WE-Village Chief's compounds' grounds, after his eyes have furtively been watching, one more time, all the treetops that are sparsely around and beyond this WE-Village Chief's compound, KaKo's mind brutally feels the massive silvery-gray crocodile's shadow is missing; actually missing from this important and challenging scene his eyes have greatly foreseen.
Yes, my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, the huge WE-Village Chief's crocodile is invisible from KaKo's eyes; and being insistent or not, for as many times as it will be imagined or not behind these sparse old short trees' shadows around our eyes, more than once under the crepuscular rays illuminating this important day for him, KaKo's eyes can not trace the massive crocodile's shadow that has been here...but isn't the WE-Village Chief's silvery-gray single-eyed crocodile slowly but heavily turning to its right side at a distance in front of him after all? Isn't this massive crocodilian shadow at a distance from him and trying to cover up, underneath his nursing belly and especially with his two hind legs, the yellow-papaya right shoe both of them are or were about to play with? And the whole of this croco-beast's presence has pushed him to courageously kneel down by himself!
Now the question to be asked, from inside or from outside anyone's dream full of crocodiles' presences or not, should be this one: "When leaving the WE-Village, why does KaKo have to be on all fours when approaching the WE-Village Chief's massive roaming, playful crocodilian partner from now on?"
KaKo can not believe it and neither can his widely opened eyes believe it either that it is happening one more time right in front of him; his yellow right shoe is still there unmoved; yes all alone in the same place where his eyes have already seen it and approached it in the center of the compound...remember? Still just laying there all alone, flashing.
So in this moment of awakening reality, suddenly felt and bursting forth to be amply caught by his sight, KaKo is kneeling and advancing on all fours, still unable to trace from just exactly where the erratic, playful massive crocodilian partner's silhouette is...simply meaning or knowing just precisely where the WE-Village Chief's gray crocodilian presence is...or might be...(still extending out or widening the gap from where his powerful fearless growls are still actually coming from anyway...especially to KaKo's ears...hmm!?)
He can't believe it! But this yellow 'chosen' right shoe of his is just laying there, flashing quietly...and still all alone! So where exactly is that crocodilian shadow he has previously seen laying upon his right shoe? A yellow-papaya shoe he must, in one way or the other, pick up and has decided to travel with?
Yes where is that huge slow twisting body of grippy crocodile's flesh weighing heavily upon this 'chosen' shoe of the day? KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe...of the day!? A shoe the courageous and able-bodied owner of the day, young Shaman student KaKo by himself, has undeniably heard wailing loudly too when trying to escape from this deadly transformation of it's shape and nature and survive underneath the WE-Village Chief's crocodile's extendable bellies' skin; wailing and growling like another residual single extraordinary 'chosen' shoe...growling as surrounded by many other growling creatures...calling upon it's named owner of the day from the earliest hours of the day too...hmm!? As to believe that KaKo's mind has suddenly been enhanced to not only feel the power of each of his shoes of the day but to feel this WE-Village Chief's crocodile's presence, able to come playfully lurking around any of his belongings! Especially the belongings of the day he will be traveling with!
Therefore without ignoring the massive crawling WE-Village Chief's crocodile's audible presence around us, young Shaman student KaKo is a living transporter instinctively or defensively and incessantly repositioning his own body and...and...still advancing on all fours in this WE-Village Chief's compound where his 'chosen' shoe is perfectly visible now. He can't believe his eyes are playing tricks on him; after he has turned his head from left to right again and again, seeing this WE-Village Chief's encircled compound anew; he is simply still unable to trace or to see any crocodile's silhouette coming to challenge him in the end; so he is watching his yellow right shoe laying there all alone and feeling the absence of this amazing silvery-gray crocodile's body which his eyes have seen...pushing him to adopt and adapt once more to a slow kneeling type of WE-Village Shaman warrior's defensive or attacking position. A firmly disputable Shaman's type of strategy of confrontation held by his strong well built muscular body but still worrisome and disturbing to analyze in front of this now invisible crocodilian apparition too or not...hmm!?
Now dear young Shaman KaKo de Soul de crocoeuuh or not...euuh! If none of us believe that any kind of furious massive winged or non-winged crocodile's silhouettes are really coming to grasp you by the head or tear you off one of your feet when meeting you, as you are kneeling here, let us nevertheless take care of the growls and hissing sounds and even the faded human laughter coming from the WE-Village Chief's house, still plainly audible behind you, KaKo de...KaKo de crocoeuuh...euhh...hmm!?
With a brief tender questioning smile suddenly curving on his lips, being a confused brief smile any attacking crocodile will not waste time analyzing anyway, the young Shaman KaKo from SoulShoe Village seems to deeply or simply realize that his body and feet are still on all fours on this WE-Village Chief's compounds' soil; thus he simply decides to stand up...therefore allowing his body to progressively walk more like a simple and natural human being firmly holding his traveling bag in one out his journey so far. So all of these mixed-up crocodilian noises and the fading away of the WE-Village Chief's growls and laughter are only accompanying KaKo's silhouette which effectively stands up to go and pick up his 'chosen' shoe of the day. A yellow-papaya right shoe that might be seen lifting itself up off the ground to first welcome from inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound this small powerful growling blue albino crocodilian creature that young Shaman KaKo and this 'chosen' right yellow-papaya shoe of the day will now have to leave they begin to growl and wail their profound and endless goodbyes, along the WE-Village paths.
Thus to ask, my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, how can anyone amongst all of us forget to say any profound short or long goodbyes from inside of any of their personal shoes or not to this same kind of crocodilian apparition concerning this kind of small powerful fast growing, growling blue albino crocodilian creature...the one acknowledged and confirmed as the first visible 'sensemillancestral' creature of the day we are all watching KaKo leave behind, even though his or her growls of affection and strange fast growing crocodilian shape may cause him or her in their impatience to start to dream of...and eventually think of KaKo de KaKo...from time to time...and forevermore after leaving this WE-Village...hmm!?
So in this moment of awakening reality, suddenly felt and bursting forth to be amply caught by his sight, KaKo is kneeling and advancing on all fours, still unable to trace from just exactly where the erratic, playful massive crocodilian partner's silhouette is...simply meaning or knowing just precisely where the WE-Village Chief's gray crocodilian presence is...or might be...(still extending out or widening the gap from where his powerful fearless growls are still actually coming from anyway...especially to KaKo's ears...hmm!?)
He can't believe it! But this yellow 'chosen' right shoe of his is just laying there, flashing quietly...and still all alone! So where exactly is that crocodilian shadow he has previously seen laying upon his right shoe? A yellow-papaya shoe he must, in one way or the other, pick up and has decided to travel with?
Yes where is that huge slow twisting body of grippy crocodile's flesh weighing heavily upon this 'chosen' shoe of the day? KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe...of the day!? A shoe the courageous and able-bodied owner of the day, young Shaman student KaKo by himself, has undeniably heard wailing loudly too when trying to escape from this deadly transformation of it's shape and nature and survive underneath the WE-Village Chief's crocodile's extendable bellies' skin; wailing and growling like another residual single extraordinary 'chosen' shoe...growling as surrounded by many other growling creatures...calling upon it's named owner of the day from the earliest hours of the day too...hmm!? As to believe that KaKo's mind has suddenly been enhanced to not only feel the power of each of his shoes of the day but to feel this WE-Village Chief's crocodile's presence, able to come playfully lurking around any of his belongings! Especially the belongings of the day he will be traveling with!
Therefore without ignoring the massive crawling WE-Village Chief's crocodile's audible presence around us, young Shaman student KaKo is a living transporter instinctively or defensively and incessantly repositioning his own body and...and...still advancing on all fours in this WE-Village Chief's compound where his 'chosen' shoe is perfectly visible now. He can't believe his eyes are playing tricks on him; after he has turned his head from left to right again and again, seeing this WE-Village Chief's encircled compound anew; he is simply still unable to trace or to see any crocodile's silhouette coming to challenge him in the end; so he is watching his yellow right shoe laying there all alone and feeling the absence of this amazing silvery-gray crocodile's body which his eyes have seen...pushing him to adopt and adapt once more to a slow kneeling type of WE-Village Shaman warrior's defensive or attacking position. A firmly disputable Shaman's type of strategy of confrontation held by his strong well built muscular body but still worrisome and disturbing to analyze in front of this now invisible crocodilian apparition too or not...hmm!?
Now dear young Shaman KaKo de Soul de crocoeuuh or not...euuh! If none of us believe that any kind of furious massive winged or non-winged crocodile's silhouettes are really coming to grasp you by the head or tear you off one of your feet when meeting you, as you are kneeling here, let us nevertheless take care of the growls and hissing sounds and even the faded human laughter coming from the WE-Village Chief's house, still plainly audible behind you, KaKo de...KaKo de crocoeuuh...euhh...hmm!?
With a brief tender questioning smile suddenly curving on his lips, being a confused brief smile any attacking crocodile will not waste time analyzing anyway, the young Shaman KaKo from SoulShoe Village seems to deeply or simply realize that his body and feet are still on all fours on this WE-Village Chief's compounds' soil; thus he simply decides to stand up...therefore allowing his body to progressively walk more like a simple and natural human being firmly holding his traveling bag in one out his journey so far. So all of these mixed-up crocodilian noises and the fading away of the WE-Village Chief's growls and laughter are only accompanying KaKo's silhouette which effectively stands up to go and pick up his 'chosen' shoe of the day. A yellow-papaya right shoe that might be seen lifting itself up off the ground to first welcome from inside of the WE-Village Chief's compound this small powerful growling blue albino crocodilian creature that young Shaman KaKo and this 'chosen' right yellow-papaya shoe of the day will now have to leave they begin to growl and wail their profound and endless goodbyes, along the WE-Village paths.
Thus to ask, my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, how can anyone amongst all of us forget to say any profound short or long goodbyes from inside of any of their personal shoes or not to this same kind of crocodilian apparition concerning this kind of small powerful fast growing, growling blue albino crocodilian creature...the one acknowledged and confirmed as the first visible 'sensemillancestral' creature of the day we are all watching KaKo leave behind, even though his or her growls of affection and strange fast growing crocodilian shape may cause him or her in their impatience to start to dream of...and eventually think of KaKo de KaKo...from time to time...and forevermore after leaving this WE-Village...hmm!?
Now if any young or old, purple or not, WE-Village's 'Croco-Spirit', or any kind of a bi-colored or tri-colored or even multicolored big earthworms' spirit, or any kind of massive invading 'spirit' belonging to any curiously big winged body of any red, black or green queen african ant has already spoken with KaKo's yellow-papaya right shoe and has silently decided to dwell inside of it for as long as it will be out of KaKo's first supervisor's sight or not, just let us hope that at this precise moment KaKo's right hand is picking it up and finally placing it inside of his resistant ready-made travel handbag, as these same working hands belonging to KaKo could care less about cleaning up his knees and clothes of the day.
After he finally picks up and introduces his 'chosen' shoe of the day inside of his bag, it seems KaKo's body is just trying to regain its balance as quickly as possible so he can start running and leave this WE-Village Chief's encircled compound through its large if his leaving silhouette is being vomited out of the invisible shadow of...of the WE-Village Chief's single-eyed crocodile's open jaws or croco-mouth...hmm!?
So yes, KaKo's feet are able to walk and then normally run away from the WE-Village Chief's big main entrance opening the encircled Chief's KaKo's feet have to move quickly, for the most showy rays of the crepuscular are vanishing in the sky for the day.
For KaKo is merely a tough young SoulShoe villager finally leaving the WE-Village's surroundings behind him at last to continue his own quest.
In these sorts of equatorial regions in our native motherland Africa the question is who, with a recognized authoritative village Chief's voice or not, is about to bawl out as to confirm to any villagers' ears met around these villages' surroundings or paths, how both of KaKo's shoes and shoe prints mingling with any of his naked footprints engraved on the ground are worthy of a 'Croco-Spirit's', or a WE-Village 'Croco-Spirit's', representation or viewing; yes it might be worth a lot to have KaKo's footprints stamped, surely having the weight from each of their different fortunes on any ground, even ground much farther away than the WE-Villages' ground, or much farther away from KaKo's own native 'Natural-Watta-SoulShoe' Village! Oops!
Or simply let KaKo's feet and body be resistant when walking and adapting himself from now on to...
To leaving any of the named encountered villages' grounds or not...
After following him from the beginning of..of his quest at least..hmm!?
After he finally picks up and introduces his 'chosen' shoe of the day inside of his bag, it seems KaKo's body is just trying to regain its balance as quickly as possible so he can start running and leave this WE-Village Chief's encircled compound through its large if his leaving silhouette is being vomited out of the invisible shadow of...of the WE-Village Chief's single-eyed crocodile's open jaws or croco-mouth...hmm!?
So yes, KaKo's feet are able to walk and then normally run away from the WE-Village Chief's big main entrance opening the encircled Chief's KaKo's feet have to move quickly, for the most showy rays of the crepuscular are vanishing in the sky for the day.
For KaKo is merely a tough young SoulShoe villager finally leaving the WE-Village's surroundings behind him at last to continue his own quest.
In these sorts of equatorial regions in our native motherland Africa the question is who, with a recognized authoritative village Chief's voice or not, is about to bawl out as to confirm to any villagers' ears met around these villages' surroundings or paths, how both of KaKo's shoes and shoe prints mingling with any of his naked footprints engraved on the ground are worthy of a 'Croco-Spirit's', or a WE-Village 'Croco-Spirit's', representation or viewing; yes it might be worth a lot to have KaKo's footprints stamped, surely having the weight from each of their different fortunes on any ground, even ground much farther away than the WE-Villages' ground, or much farther away from KaKo's own native 'Natural-Watta-SoulShoe' Village! Oops!
Or simply let KaKo's feet and body be resistant when walking and adapting himself from now on to...
To leaving any of the named encountered villages' grounds or not...
After following him from the beginning of..of his quest at least..hmm!?
So, my dear friend-Shaman-traveler, when following and watching KaKo's shadow leaving these WE-Villages' surroundings, the first of the last questions of the day brought up, turned upside-down all over and throughout that colorful crespuscular part of the rays of the day above all rooftops in the sky of this WE-Village, should be this one: "Why at this time of KaKo's crucial choice of the day would you want KaKo to be seen bothered all along his journey by a little shiny colored, wooden or not, baby crocodile? One probably still extending a fragile growing wooden head and distorted blue-orange crocodilian body pinched on all sides by KaKo's traveling bag when inevitably trying to get out of it at any time too, instead of a silent massive invisible 'Croco-Spirit' ready to cover and invade all of his mind, body and soul from time to time in another undeniable way as well!?"
So now that he is on his way to meet the Natural-Wanta-Watta-Warrior, his designed and awaited second supervisor of the day...remember!? The second and last question should be this one: "Will you or won't you be seen following or patting some much bigger crocodile's heads or presences when entering these same kinds of villages' surroundings after all?"
If one can so easily imagine themselves in this WE-Village, or maybe only inside of this WE-Village Chief's compound, patting some differently colored baby crocodile's heads, backbones and legs, how might this be an ordeal to fortify all of the native WE-Villagers, young and old, male and female, and not only be a final welcoming test for some specific clans of new Shaman students expecting to learn some more from any of their newly designed painted supervisor's heads and feet during their respective quests or visits of the day or of the next coming days...hmm!? Just like this young Shaman student KaKo, from ShoeSoul Village or better to say from SoulShoe Village, did, thereby on these late important days of his initiation inside our dear Warrior-Equilibrium Village!
(Plainly corrected by Julie Peterson)
Nyge - Posted Sep 13th 2011
Thoroughly enjoyed this episode ,kako has some thinking to do as he has a few lessons to go before becoming
afully fledged sharman ,,..Sometimes it can be hard to remember ones dreams ,like kako's dreams
he could'nt remember the whole of the dreams only parts like the smell that stayed with him for a week after having the dream,,,,anyway ,I'm just rattling on,
I will read the next episode now,,and i must say Well done with your writings, i am impressed with your way of putting words together, a wordsmith you are :-))
Blessing my friend.....
ReplyDeleteComment by Mz M'yla on January 23, 2011 at
interesting how the Chief wanted to set the elders out by singing a chorus as they followed and went out so that he would have his time with kako..To ask if perhaps he had other dreams of crocodiles prior to the winged one.. so perhaps all these dreams may have lead up t Kako's position to possibly be the next Chief in line?? hmm or perhaps i might of misunderstood the enigma of what the Chief wants to understand Kako's dream?? quite the story of many unfold chapters..
Wajudah Yard
ReplyDeleteok nice one
January 27,2011
ReplyDeleteComment by Mz M'yla on January 23, 2011
wow so many ways to perceive this part of the story.. would seem its name of the different villages in itself is an enigma of what is telling the story. another enigma is the levels that this Kako has to obtain as he goes on the next village and according to the shoe he picked seemd like an enigma as well that it is like a portal of which the Croco-spirit lies within .. maybe im reading into it wrong? either way the story in itself is quite intriguing spiritually and mind teasing for the puzzle within a puzzle.. looking forward to the next chapter..
ReplyDeleteComment by mamadou saliou bah on January 16, 2011
Very attractive the images
ReplyDeleteJanuary 28,2011
ReplyDeletefRI..FEB.11 2011
øøø that is man KAKO...o,it's great...ØÑÊLØVÊ !!!
ReplyDeleteSUN. FEB. 13TH 2011
Vibez qud in episode.bless
FEB. 17TH 2001
Posted Sep 29th, 2010
The Crocodile image makes me think of Sebek , Crocodile God of Ancient Khemet. You have a parable of crocodiles,ceremonial dances,
and a great quest for wisdom. I look forward to the next edition...JAH BLESS.
ReplyDeleteComment by Denve Jacobs on December 5, 2010
Keep up the Good works.
Nuff Respect and Love here from South Africa :)
Jah Rastafari...
Denve Jacobs
Rockstone Band
South Africa, Cape Town
FEB. 18TH 2011
FEB.18TH 2001
More than a simple story, this keeps me reading to see where it will go. Thanks for your work.
ReplyDeleteniiiceness! I love to follow dis Shaman journey. Keep up di creative works!
ReplyDeletebless up <>
'warriors , come out and plaaayyy...'
ReplyDeletesaid the voice along my way.
more skill in my pick,
allowed me to stick,
to keeping the baby at bay....
You know something about the crocodile my Brother, lol. Many countries around the world bears it on their Coat of Arms or Emblems. Even in my native Jamaica; the Coat of Arm has a crocodile on it; which is higher than the people, even the crown. That's why this literature would be nice on film. It would give a sense of nostagia like the movie Shaka Zulu. Thanks for sharing your talent with us!
ReplyDeleteGreat work done for mother nature..
ReplyDeleteYour job is rewarding, and I am traveling with Kako when I read . Blessed
ReplyDeleteLove all the photos, this is getting interesting. It puzzled my mind at first, will come back to read more...
ReplyDeleteVery enjoyable read! Thank you.