Here We Are Entering Into the Shoe Headed Peoples World of Challenges
And Already, One of These Sensemillancestral Creatures
Crippled on the Ground as a Strange Crocodile
Is About To Position a New Head upon Someone Elses Body
To find out if it’s Worth It or More Effective for This Thinking New Body
To Continue Having More of the Shamans Challenges
All along His Way in or out of this ‘World of Shoe Headed People’
…A dreadful lapping from a crocodile was arising from a path between the trees behind the two shoe headed men who were seated and facing one another in this clearing. KaKo's body was facing the black shoe headed Crocoman-Checker determined to meet him and 'Diso La SanKa'; but in this clearing full of surprises for KaKo, 'Diso La SanKa' alias 'The Eye of SanKa', his first supervisor during this process of his Shaman initiation, has already simply blinked an eye and literally disappeared. So both of the shoe headed men seemed to be observing one another now with all of their senses on alert in suspicious mode, studying each other’s vibes; they were silent and perceptive. Each one of their differently colored shoes was perfectly attached as a repositioned head upon their broad and powerful shoulders. And their two shoe heads were suddenly strangely popping out from their necks and vibrating right in the middle of their challenging muscular shoulders when amazingly this left-worn black shoe headed croco-persona twisted (or screwed up-and-out-?) his own strange deep wooden-like frontal surface and his voice, once again, politely erupted and resounded all over this clearing, his personal clearing located inside of these most dangerous borders surrounding the ‘Land of Shoe Headed People’, calling our Shaman student shoe headed KaKo and saying: "Dear Shoe de KaKos Mulopôoo-ooh! Dear KâaKôoo de ShoeSoul Village! Yes I’m here dear Mister KâaKôo de Mulopôo to continuously test you until I find out more about some of your choices!” “Mister Young Mulopo de Student KâaaKôo de SoulShoe Village! Dear Mister Yellow KaKo Shoe de Mulopo!” he continued claiming, “Right now I’ll let you know and imagine all of the consequences following this first main rule abiding here for you and me thus stating: IF I'M YOUR FRIEND MY CROCODILE SURELY WINGED AS ANY OF YOURS TODAY TOO, but returning from one of his hunts of the day, WILL COME TO YOU AS AN ENEMY, as naturally opposed: IF I WAS TO BE IDENTIFIED AS YOUR ENEMY HERE AND NOW, THIS SAME CROCO-BEAST OF MINE WILL COME TO YOU AS A FRIEND!..."
(“One croco-beast per shoe headed person, remember…!? And the design of each adopted shoe headed persons croco’s silhouette can only depend on that shoe headed person himself or herself, and only be transformed by that same primordial shoe headed person that he was first linked to! So it is dear Shaman Visitor! While entering into this world of challenges, every shoe headed person will always be linked to an alter-ego crocodile’s silhouette-shadow…hum!? Do you hear me KaKo de Shoe-Mulopo de SoulShoe Villageeuh… Hum!?”)
"Yes! If I’m your friend here and now, my own adopted crocodile enduring all of my authoritative moods of the day or not, will come to you as an enemy, as naturally opposed: IF I WAS TO BE IDENTIFIED AS YOUR ENEMY HERE AND NOW, THIS SAME CROCO-BEAST WILL COME TO YOU AS A FRIEND!”
“Bheuhm!-Beum!” It seemed as if this body belonging to dear shoe headed KaKo, now in front of him couldn't interrupt or respond in any way to anyone appearing, approaching to talk or not to talk, to allow their natural and necessary test to go on; a radical test about the choice of relationship between the both of them and how it would inevitably affect their different croco-beasts accompanying each of them visibly or not, on this day; accompanying them like some strange designed croco-pet living free and naturally growing up fed up in this ‘World of Shoe Headed People’…as all of them were.
"So Mister shoe de Mulopo de KaKo de ShoeSoul Village! Since you have finally decided to come visit us here with the desire to share some reasoning’s but only about the use of authority in this clearing of mine and the use of it in some other famous places here in this land of ours (as shoe headed persons) where I’m identified as one of the most powerful and I shouldn’t add, most corrupted left-worn black shoe headed Crocoman-Checkers’, just tell me right now dear Shaman Visitor Kâa’Kôo Yellow Shoe Mulopôoo de ShoeSoul Village! What will your choice of relationship be with this croco-beast of mine that's coming...?"
“Bhum! Bhum!” A powerful crocodile was already heard coming and KaKo's shoe headed body was painfully twisting, as an active respectful reflecting shoe headed body, slowly laying all of the front part of his body on the ground. His right yellow shoe-head and shoe-neck were bending down, let’s say vividly rotating upside down as well until touching the needed ground and suddenly banging on it; scratching it up as he lay all the front parts of his shoe headed body on the ground; as if to taste it, or to highly feel the importance of what was appearing to be dampening all of this black shoe headed crocopersona’s clearing’s soil so suddenly too…
With strength and determination all of the most prominent frontal parts of KaKo’s right shoe-head were hitting and tasting this progressively strange purple colored dampened ground; while a massive silhouette of a new locust-like winged crocodile appeared. So after convulsing at the time and scratching a design of a little arched hole in front of him, the 'Shoe Headed Man' he has become, or he was, is finally seen lifting up his bright yellow shoe-head, his shoulders and the whole of his trunk once again, visibly trying to speak too but only able to utter at the time some “Bhum! Bhum! Hum!?... Whum! Bhum? Hum?!...” KaKo's shoe headed body was adopting a valuable but defensive posture in front of this massive but small winged locust-like croco-beast that was appearing, crippling on ready to encircle them but first choosing to hum in the air while continuing to pour out some dense and globular purple teardrops.
Being in Lotus position again shoe head KaKo was breathing better. Some parts of his shoe headed body were newly tainted and dampened along the ground; his yellow shoe head and especially his shoe-face now was tainted, purple-striped all over… A newly tainted shoe face that was trying to look all around and perceive how those small and big trees silhouettes in this clearing were encircling them too… With a new colored shoe face seemingly regaining some of his faded croco-persona or shoe headed croco-persona’s abilities… He was suddenly able to draw a courageous colored smile while hearing the first heavy lappings emanating from this clearing again, and from the generated energy made by those locust-like winged croco-shadows purple tears already streaming down his tainted face while tasting them again and again…!? So he was trying to speak again, wasn’t he…? “Bhum-Vrhuum!? Bhum! Hum-Bhum-vrhumm?!...” All of his shoe headed body’s throat’s interiors were struggling to be heard. All of shoe headed KaKo’s body was vibrating to survive. The dreadful waddling small winged locust-like crocodile-creature was surely coming to play the most frightening role of the day in this strange and so colorful shoe headed people’s environment; already shedding his purple tears, he was still humming in the air while approaching… His large frightful head was opening two long powerful jaws full of rows of purple teeth. Visibly winged or not, these weren't exactly shoe headed KaKo’s first fears or thoughts when seeing him approach and feeling the natural intention or instinct of that crippling creature.
Approaching but standing still from time to time, that strange old crippling locust-like winged crocodile was spreading some of his purple internal liquids, shedding more of his purple tears all the while; each of the double pairs of his legs were seen gesticulating differently, and the most powerful pair appearing to be like a kangaroo’s hind legs were extending his croco-body and croco-head…! While his entire strange scintillating colored winged croco- body was advancing along the ground and amply dampening it. As our shoe headed KaKo’s shoe-face was gently writhing on the ground, scratching at it until tasting its elements, this new massive winged crocodilian locust-like apparition, shedding some purple tears to be tasted, or not to be tasted until the end of the day, knew instinctively as to which shoe headed body language he would be responding to… Of course! Any kind of noise erupting from this kind of old strangely colored locust-like sensemillancestral croco-creature’s extended mouth to reach anyone’s ears, or even more significantly to reach anyone’s nose, must have a scent (and a sense… too!) to catch, so: there must be a sensed dialogue at least to hear… and catch in this clearing where this shoe headed Crocoman-Checker was already testing our shoe headed Shaman student KaKo’s presence.
"Bhum-Bhumvrum! Bhumvrum-vrumhear!?... Vrumhearmevrum-bhum…!?” Seated now, some of his new colored lines that striped his shoe headed face were appearing more designing. Suddenly raising his shivering hands and fingers up next to his shoe face, shoe headed KaKo’s body was dynamically distorting and creating a whole new layer of ‘shoe-mouth-lips’ grimaces all over his now purple-striped yellow shoe-face; and it looks as if a small newly designed lively purple mouth was fighting for his entire shoe headed body’s life to have at least one of his words intelligibly heard.
“What kind of… lap-lap... is lapping your lap-shoe-name...?” Simply put: advancing and frighteningly extending his strange crocodiles head’s silhouette and almost touching one of of shoe headed KaKo’s shoulders, this small winged locust croco-beast was just asking KaKo's name which was enhanced by his ShoeSoul Village’s ancestors actual or imaginative powers...
Now able to breathe and speak; this shoe headed body belonging to Shaman student KaKo was deeply inhaling and exhaling all of the remnants of odors reminding him of his native SoulShoe village; some real consoling odors from his own village were still emanating from his intense sweating and from the strange nest of leaves and branches still waving around him. Breathing quietly; breathing calmly; so breathing he was now starting to understand all of the words this inquiring and unnerving other shoe headed crocopersona in front of him was saying, telling him why he was testing him... hum!? But for a long and terrible moment shoe headed KaKo’s body nevertheless couldn’t make his voice totally erupt; erupt to express a reasonable cry? Just to erupt…: “Bhum-de-Vrhuum! Vrhum-de-Vrhuum deeuh! Mum...Bhum…!?” He was trying, challenging his own fears, already overwhelmed with some emotions and some deep reflections concerning the whole of his present dilemma, a dilemma now known to him; a dilemma to only share with the other shoe headed persona in front of him…hum? And that was to make a choice, wasn’t it? “Deeuh Deeuh Vrhuum Deeeuh!... Hum…!?” So babbling on with difficulty he was trying to make his own voice be heard, be comprehensive… but to whom? To whom… hum? Not to mention that so called winged ‘Locust-Checker Croco-Beast’ who was shaking his jaws up and down as he patiently waited…!? Anyway that winged purple ‘Locust-Checker Croco-Beast’ that was crying appeared to be the only living creature…oops! sensemillancestral creature who was physically daring to approach him, letting the rhythm of his scintillating purple croco-tail follow the rhythm of his blinking crying croco-eyes and his croco-mouth about ready to repeat some simple questions to… to… to him… hum?
Our young Shaman student shoe headed KaKo’s body was just a humanly form of a shoe headed body’s new presence in their personal and private hidden clearing; probably seen as an edible food… hum? Or maybe just like another shoe headed eating body that had respectfully tasted anyway his purple teardrops…!? Apparently seen as well as an interesting new shoe headed visitor with whom he was trying to connect with… hum? So smoothly waddling towards this shoe headed KaKo’s presence seated immobile in Lotus position again, this scintillating purple croco-beast was asking one more time in some noisily lapping words: “How is this kind of lap-Vrum deeuh! Lapping de-deuuh!-of words... lapping your shoe-name...?”
“What kind of… lap-lap... is lapping your lap-shoe-name...?” Simply put: advancing and frighteningly extending his strange crocodiles head’s silhouette and almost touching one of of shoe headed KaKo’s shoulders, this small winged locust croco-beast was just asking KaKo's name which was enhanced by his ShoeSoul Village’s ancestors actual or imaginative powers...
Now able to breathe and speak; this shoe headed body belonging to Shaman student KaKo was deeply inhaling and exhaling all of the remnants of odors reminding him of his native SoulShoe village; some real consoling odors from his own village were still emanating from his intense sweating and from the strange nest of leaves and branches still waving around him. Breathing quietly; breathing calmly; so breathing he was now starting to understand all of the words this inquiring and unnerving other shoe headed crocopersona in front of him was saying, telling him why he was testing him... hum!? But for a long and terrible moment shoe headed KaKo’s body nevertheless couldn’t make his voice totally erupt; erupt to express a reasonable cry? Just to erupt…: “Bhum-de-Vrhuum! Vrhum-de-Vrhuum deeuh! Mum...Bhum…!?” He was trying, challenging his own fears, already overwhelmed with some emotions and some deep reflections concerning the whole of his present dilemma, a dilemma now known to him; a dilemma to only share with the other shoe headed persona in front of him…hum? And that was to make a choice, wasn’t it? “Deeuh Deeuh Vrhuum Deeeuh!... Hum…!?” So babbling on with difficulty he was trying to make his own voice be heard, be comprehensive… but to whom? To whom… hum? Not to mention that so called winged ‘Locust-Checker Croco-Beast’ who was shaking his jaws up and down as he patiently waited…!? Anyway that winged purple ‘Locust-Checker Croco-Beast’ that was crying appeared to be the only living creature…oops! sensemillancestral creature who was physically daring to approach him, letting the rhythm of his scintillating purple croco-tail follow the rhythm of his blinking crying croco-eyes and his croco-mouth about ready to repeat some simple questions to… to… to him… hum?
Our young Shaman student shoe headed KaKo’s body was just a humanly form of a shoe headed body’s new presence in their personal and private hidden clearing; probably seen as an edible food… hum? Or maybe just like another shoe headed eating body that had respectfully tasted anyway his purple teardrops…!? Apparently seen as well as an interesting new shoe headed visitor with whom he was trying to connect with… hum? So smoothly waddling towards this shoe headed KaKo’s presence seated immobile in Lotus position again, this scintillating purple croco-beast was asking one more time in some noisily lapping words: “How is this kind of lap-Vrum deeuh! Lapping de-deuuh!-of words... lapping your shoe-name...?”
Shoe headed KaKo, as lively as he could react, was just trying to best adjust all of his so called sense of wisdom before starting to yell or politely speak out in front of any of those sensemillancestral types of winged or non-winged but so colorful crocodile-like creatures appearing; appearing and wanting to communicate with… with him.
So my dear Shaman-friend-traveler! What about your own kind of lapping de Mulopo de shoe-name of the day to give right now... hum? Knowing that each shoe headed person is definitely linked to each of their own croco-beast’s shadows, so only he or she can manage the changeable design of his or her own self adopted croco-beast all along their common steps… in this shoe headed people’s atmosphere… where each one of us entering is increasingly exposed now...

Struggling to get his words out, shoe headed KaKo’s body finally succeeded in opening all of the shoe headed lines of a wide and more effective purple colored mouth along his yellow shoe headed face; shaking all of his new purple cavities lines, he was able to feel some dense nostrils or eyelids powerfully extending and so controllable too on his shoe headed face. “Bhum-my-name from de Bhum! My name-is: Yellow-I-Kali-right-Shoe-Head-Konè from-I-bhum!-bhum! SoulShoe-Village!"...KaKo’s shoe headed body was trying again; his speaking right yellow shoe-head tainted with some purple new features was repositioned in the middle of the broad shoulders of the afro black man that he was. Thoughtfully twisting, his distorted purple striped yellow shoe-head was acting as if it were a magic scintillating papaya-shoe-head which was progressively enhanced by all of his Shamans owner’s envy and abilities to communicate…! Shoe headed KaKo was struggling to speak, wasn’t he? Struggling to begin speaking and reasoning right away about all of the other, although still unknown to him, ‘shoe headed people’s’ rules…Hum!?
For now Shaman student KaKo was simply a shoe headed man in this clearing not having to hurt any part of his precious head or forehead anymore on the ground to make himself understood by this new and frightening strange winged crocodile’s silhouette that was scintillating purple, still humming and waiting patiently near him and that small winged locust crocodile-like creature belonging to this shoe headed Crocoman-Checker in front of him too…! So that was this black left-worn shoe headed Crocoman-Checker’s adopted crocodile lapping again and approaching him… Twisting his black man shoulders or not, shoe headed KaKo could not say or see how long both of these creatures had been in front of him with such a clear desire to speak to him: One seated not more than a foot and half away from him and cunningly observing, while the other one was still crippling on, lapping continuously.
They were all humming in the air, and each one in this trio was getting ready to… to… (To at least keep humming until… until… what… hum!?) In so many ways too, both of the new creatures in front of our dear Shaman student shoe headed KaKo’s body were definitely and profoundly smelling all of the different odors of SoulShoe village emanating from him… emanating all around him... hum?... Vrhum-Hum!?
After bending down and tasting for a long while the tears of the mighty Crocoman-Checker’s adopted crocodile, shoe headed KaKos’ body’s torso was now purple-striped as well. His shoe face still analyzing this newly crying crocodile’s silhouette encircling him; a winged locust-like purple crocodilian creature crying out; a lot of light purple liquid syrup, so to speak, was still running out of his crocodile eyes and his body's strange orifices from time to time, a kind of odd liquid necessary to be tasted by anyone who decided to come well prepared or not, into this kind of clearing to… to be tested either way…! So was this part of the test for shoe headed KaKo, to be as polite and quick as possible when trying to connect with this kind of a massive deformed and so frightening winged, or non- winged crocodile’s silhouette approaching, humming and smelling all of each shoe headed person’s odors in the air, humming in and out of his stillness; and as the sensemillancestral locust-like crocodile creature that he was (or she was?) was irresistibly advancing to freely question the new shoe headed crocopersona or shoe headed presence, which was right yellow shoe headed KaKo, appearing inside their so private and challenging surroundings:
"So are you the Shaman villager right shoe-headed Konènèèè-Kaalilii from SoulShoe village…!? And since you are the one tasting my tears now I have a question for you: Is This Same or Different Shoe-Headed Man such as Yourself, Wisely Seated beside You as my Best Testing Lapping Owner, Your Friend or Your Enemy?" asked the old purple locust-like croco-beast. “After reflecting, replied shoe headed KaKo adding, now I bhum must vrhum say: IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU! MY BHUM-VRHUM-DEEP FEELING IS THAT: IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU! ON YOOOUU CROOOOH-VRHUUM-CHECKING-CROCODILE-SHADOW-OOH...! HAVE YOU HEARD ME VRUM-HUM!?" To this the scintillating old crocodilian locust-like creature replied, “So do you think, Mister Dear KaKo de Yellow Shoe Mulopo, that all of your choice depends on me? Depends on my moods of the day…hum-hum?” then continuing: “Ok! Ok! And as the bhum-lap-vrhum-language from your right yellow shoe head is mingling with my purple tears much better now, Mister de Mulopo Shoe Kaa’lilii!-Konènèè from ShoeSoul village, let me say this: To be your friend or to become your enemy of the day, that seems to be the question amply concerning shoe headed people amongst themselves! So frankly my dear shoe Konènèè-Kaa’lilii from SoulShoe Village! The real question I have for you now is this one: Are you hungry? Are you lapping-bhum-vrhum-hungry…?" This shoe headed Crocoman-Checker’s crocodile was getting closer again, opening its closed jaws out in front of KaKo’s shoe headed face, to the right side of our right-worn yellow shoe headed KaKo’s now purple-striped face, almost touching him; and that would have incited anyone to answer in any crocopersonas language as quickly as possible, for the young Shaman KaKo withdrew an inch of his shoe face back having to answer anyway; the whole of his now bi-colored shoe face was completely resisting all of his first worst fears… So connected, he was still unhurt and resisting.
"So are you the Shaman villager right shoe-headed Konènèèè-Kaalilii from SoulShoe village…!? And since you are the one tasting my tears now I have a question for you: Is This Same or Different Shoe-Headed Man such as Yourself, Wisely Seated beside You as my Best Testing Lapping Owner, Your Friend or Your Enemy?" asked the old purple locust-like croco-beast. “After reflecting, replied shoe headed KaKo adding, now I bhum must vrhum say: IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU! MY BHUM-VRHUM-DEEP FEELING IS THAT: IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOU! ON YOOOUU CROOOOH-VRHUUM-CHECKING-CROCODILE-SHADOW-OOH...! HAVE YOU HEARD ME VRUM-HUM!?" To this the scintillating old crocodilian locust-like creature replied, “So do you think, Mister Dear KaKo de Yellow Shoe Mulopo, that all of your choice depends on me? Depends on my moods of the day…hum-hum?” then continuing: “Ok! Ok! And as the bhum-lap-vrhum-language from your right yellow shoe head is mingling with my purple tears much better now, Mister de Mulopo Shoe Kaa’lilii!-Konènèè from ShoeSoul village, let me say this: To be your friend or to become your enemy of the day, that seems to be the question amply concerning shoe headed people amongst themselves! So frankly my dear shoe Konènèè-Kaa’lilii from SoulShoe Village! The real question I have for you now is this one: Are you hungry? Are you lapping-bhum-vrhum-hungry…?" This shoe headed Crocoman-Checker’s crocodile was getting closer again, opening its closed jaws out in front of KaKo’s shoe headed face, to the right side of our right-worn yellow shoe headed KaKo’s now purple-striped face, almost touching him; and that would have incited anyone to answer in any crocopersonas language as quickly as possible, for the young Shaman KaKo withdrew an inch of his shoe face back having to answer anyway; the whole of his now bi-colored shoe face was completely resisting all of his first worst fears… So connected, he was still unhurt and resisting.
The other strange but mighty visible shoe headed person in front of him was listening intensely and watching him just as closely as ‘The Mister Purple or The Madam Purple Locust-Checker Croco-Beast’ speaking to him and observing him was doing… Let’s say all of their senses following all of what their irises, changing from black to purple, were seeing concentrated on reading more of KaKo’s shoe headed facial expressions which were so easily adopting some new rotating angles and postures too. Yes even though he was purple-striped and grimacing so much more, KaKo’s shoe headed face wasn’t crying or hesitating anymore and was becoming more vibrant and lively; speaking better; rotating and facing each of them without any hesitation.
“But dear purple croco-crreuh-bhum-vrhum crocodile’s mighty shadow! I’m Bhumping-Vrhuming always having compassion for your strange testing crying shadow… Ô You! Dear unforgettable Crocodile-Checker who wants to meet me! You ask me if I'm hungry but you didn’t dare ask me what I'm hungry for… vrhum-hum!? You have not even told me what you can easily find and bring back for me to eat, swallow and little by little fill up if necessary all of the hollowness of my Mulopo de body de Shaman of SoulShoe Village with here in your surroundings…! So I will wait until you, dear unforgettable locust-like Crocodile-Checker, come back to feed me! Come back and feed me with whatever seems to be easily found here to be nourishing and engaging… hum-vrhum… hum-vrhum!?”
All of this said in a highly Special Vrhum-Bhump Lapping Speaking Shoe-Headed People’s Language…
This old and strange questioning large locust-like crocodile was analyzing the situation while he slowly started to encircle both of the two shoe headed men again. His long coated tongue was outwardly vibrating from the back of shoe headed KaKo’s large and broad neck to what seemed to be shoe headed KaKo’s highly transpiring Adam's apple! (*The adam’s apple is known as or is to be translated or seen as: The Only Curved Bone of the Tongue… in SoulShoe Village like in many other villages’ languages around too…)
So what happens to him now will depend upon his announced choice that he makes in this clearing: meaning which radical relationship he will decide to have with each of these authoritative living creatures met inside of this clearing here on this day…hum? Being able to understand and now anticipate the whole of their main rule of relationship in this ‘Shoe Headed People’s’ World of challenges…. If any shoe headed one comes to you as a friend, his or her adopted croco-beast will come to you as an enemy! So the opposite is true too…! So it seems like after knowing or trying to know what was leading to acceptable, profitable, or lovely attraction, everyone must also know what could spread or was able to incite repulsion… while engaging a meeting with… a kind of repulsion turning so easily to deadly confrontations in so many ways in this ‘Shoe Headed People’s’ World of challenges… And for our Shoe headed KaKo it might be how to learn to visibly separate who might cause him repulsion from who he might be attracted to… !? Yes to radically separate and live on alert or not, but necessary under each of those opposite feelings while encountering any other shoe headed person that was the allowed and amazing challenging gravity intrinsic to this ‘Shoe Headed People’s’ World…
Each time he swaggered his scintillating tail and some of his clawed purple legs were slightly brushing over and almost touching each of these two shoe headed bodies. So waddling like a giant speaking locust-like purple croco-beast with small wings, he was lapping and stretching his hind legs more like those of a giant cricket than like those of a giant kangaroo, before standing still for a long while; reflecting, seemingly ready to hear some more of the words coming from our 'Shoe Headed KaKo'… For our shoe headed KaKo apparently was not questioning himself anymore about how to highlight his shoe face after tasting the dampened feeding ground… hum? It was time to analyze the trees around this clearing; some trees shadows were starting to bruise because of their branches own common effort of becoming a unit and advancing maybe to… to… (To maybe participate?) Simple say each one in this trio of speaking silhouettes was concerned… And this shoe headed Crocoman-Checker’s winged locust-like purple croco-beast was reflecting harder; still throwing all of his dreadful looks from his owner to this profound shoe headed KaKo’s visitor’s body, and always deciding to hum some more in shoe headed KaKo’s presence; to be or not to be able to keep on connecting with him in a more understandable lap-lap de KaKo’s de croco-vrhum-bhum-de language…? Once again questioning, this so apparent purple colored croco-mind was vibrating audibly near him, saying: “Mister Mulopo Shoe Kaa’lilii!-Konènèè from ShoeSoul Village! What do you really want to eat...?" “Really…? It still depends on you!" affirmatively replied shoe headed KaKo. “So for now the question will be right in front of my Best Testing Lapping Owner here! To see how fast you can absorb what I will find and will be bringing back for you, Mister Shoe headed KaKo de Son of the Bones of tears of Konènèè and sister Kalilii-You-You, You as one of SoulShoe Village! Now dear Yellow Vrhum-de Shoe headed Kalilii-Konènèè…!” the old locust-like purple croco-beast added, before continuing but in a more fragmented mysterious deep lapping manner, asking: “How fast are you going to feed your own headless shoe headed body if that were to happen…? And that will be your real challenge…vrhum-you-bhum alright about knowing that?" “What… What? Dear purple crocoeeuuh-eeuh… what!?” Our shoe headed KaKo was oddly hesitating but continuing to ask nevertheless: “What does being headless mean? And how can that be seen… hum? Vrhum-hum…?” Still sitting in Lotus position shoe headed KaKo was managing to stop all of the flow of incomprehensible questions coming in and suddenly coloring and confusing his mind again… Will he be all absorbed by this compassionate purple crying mind approaching and surrounding him? To breathe and separate all he could… hum? Speechless all of a sudden he was breathing nosily again for a long while; so noisily reflecting too; enduring what or how being headless could be applied to him or to anyone else here in this clearing…!? So instinctively he seemed to vibrate more now with some new impulses and vibrations leading all of his shoe headed body parts to gradually tense up; meaning to incite each of his shoe headed body parts to tense up and concentrate more and more on how to save their own integrity, therefore he could be struggling to protect himself if necessary from death whenever or wherever he might be attacked… being forcefully attacked and any shoe headed body parts cut off or violently separated or not from himself…hum!?
“Be it here or anywhere else, thought our Shaman student shoe headed KaKo, no one can accept being beheaded!” So strengthening his shoulders and straightening up his shoe-head and shoe-neck again, he knew he had to be smart and strong from now on. He must absorb and comprehend any word this powerful resounding locust-like winged purple croco-spirit will have to tell him on this day... So as to take the conversation into his let’s say own purple lips’ perspective, to break the silence, he continued asking: “How fast am I going to feed any headless shoe headed body of mine or of someone elses, isn’t that what you asked…!?” Receiving some first bursts of laughter simultaneously from this small winged crying purple locust-like croco-beast, shoe headed KaKo went on anyway, saying: “Dear purple and friendly Checker-Crocodile of my Forefathers, even if I need some explanations here, know that I will be waiting as long as is necessary for any friend of mine promising to come back to help me. Yes in any case, I will be feeding myself as quickly as possible when you come back so that I can nourish and save my own shoe-thoughts at any time, here or elsewhere dear Crocreuuh-Checker! Vrhum hear bhump me good…!?”
“Ah!-Ah!-lap!-Ah!-lap!-Ah-Ah…! To nourish and save your shoe-thoughts here or elsewhere, you said…!? Ah-Ah!-Lap!-Lap!-Ah-Ah! So you Yellow Shoe Mulopo-ooh de KaKo-ooh…! Just get ready! Yes, get ready my dear friend KaKo de SoulShoe Village… Ah-Lap-Ah-Ah…! Because this best testing lapping owner of mine will be your enemy... Ah!-Lap- Ah-Lap-Ah! Ah!" Laughing-lapping, lapping-laughing; this old locust-like winged purple croco-beast couldn’t stop lapping-laughing even while vividly contorting his monstrous body; as if suddenly loosing total interest and abandoning the two shoe headed persons again; yes this old locust-like winged croco-beast, a mixture of a large reptile and a giant insect with his double pairs of variously decrepit and vigorous legs, was advancing as if to follow up on another vital new colored trail of a promise he had perceived… So crippling on all fours, he was lapping-laughing and disappearing, as if swallowed up by force by some shadows of trees all around. So fading away out of this colorful clearing, this old locust-like small winged croco-beast, identified as being friendly to shoe headed KaKo, was laughing-lapping, totally disappearing inside the density of the surrounding shoe headed people’s bush...
For what it was, again these two shoe headed men were left alone in their challenging silence; but in a neat new challenging one…
Progressively both shoe headed men seemed to be preparing themselves, but for… for… what…? Maybe concentrating on saving or protecting until their death something vitally important to each one of them…hum? Or maybe preparing to fight while observing more than cunningly from now on the shifting of each one’s changing shoe heads size; observing before attacking or being attacked…!?
They were still seated in Lotus position down in each of their nests; and the friendly but strange old massive locust-like crocodile as a winged purple mediator, or as an adopted or adoptable living factor, or even seen as a vanishing living colored indicator was finally and totally unheard from again… anywhere in this clearing…!
Almost simultaneously following the falling brutal silence shoe headed KaKo’s body was defensively reinforcing himself in his first secure position; still seated in Lotus position in front of this first so called shoe headed enemy, his first enemy of the day! Mister left-worn black shoe Crocoman-Checker by himself…! Whoa-wow Mister Yellow Shoe KaKo de Mulopo! Let’s hope that this big strange but friendly purple crocodile-like creature will be returning, appearing again and having its jaws wide-open to...to offer something indispensable and amazingly vital to any shoe headed person in this ‘Shoe-Headed People’s’ World… hum-hum!? So once again my dear friend-Shaman-traveler! Before we depart to another riverbank or clearing of the day in this ‘World of Shoe Headed People’, what more can we expect from this small winged purple creeuh-creeuh-beast’s apparition... hum?
“Ah!-Ah!-lap!-Ah!-lap!-Ah-Ah…! To nourish and save your shoe-thoughts here or elsewhere, you said…!? Ah-Ah!-Lap!-Lap!-Ah-Ah! So you Yellow Shoe Mulopo-ooh de KaKo-ooh…! Just get ready! Yes, get ready my dear friend KaKo de SoulShoe Village… Ah-Lap-Ah-Ah…! Because this best testing lapping owner of mine will be your enemy... Ah!-Lap- Ah-Lap-Ah! Ah!" Laughing-lapping, lapping-laughing; this old locust-like winged purple croco-beast couldn’t stop lapping-laughing even while vividly contorting his monstrous body; as if suddenly loosing total interest and abandoning the two shoe headed persons again; yes this old locust-like winged croco-beast, a mixture of a large reptile and a giant insect with his double pairs of variously decrepit and vigorous legs, was advancing as if to follow up on another vital new colored trail of a promise he had perceived… So crippling on all fours, he was lapping-laughing and disappearing, as if swallowed up by force by some shadows of trees all around. So fading away out of this colorful clearing, this old locust-like small winged croco-beast, identified as being friendly to shoe headed KaKo, was laughing-lapping, totally disappearing inside the density of the surrounding shoe headed people’s bush...
For what it was, again these two shoe headed men were left alone in their challenging silence; but in a neat new challenging one…
Progressively both shoe headed men seemed to be preparing themselves, but for… for… what…? Maybe concentrating on saving or protecting until their death something vitally important to each one of them…hum? Or maybe preparing to fight while observing more than cunningly from now on the shifting of each one’s changing shoe heads size; observing before attacking or being attacked…!?
They were still seated in Lotus position down in each of their nests; and the friendly but strange old massive locust-like crocodile as a winged purple mediator, or as an adopted or adoptable living factor, or even seen as a vanishing living colored indicator was finally and totally unheard from again… anywhere in this clearing…!
Almost simultaneously following the falling brutal silence shoe headed KaKo’s body was defensively reinforcing himself in his first secure position; still seated in Lotus position in front of this first so called shoe headed enemy, his first enemy of the day! Mister left-worn black shoe Crocoman-Checker by himself…! Whoa-wow Mister Yellow Shoe KaKo de Mulopo! Let’s hope that this big strange but friendly purple crocodile-like creature will be returning, appearing again and having its jaws wide-open to...to offer something indispensable and amazingly vital to any shoe headed person in this ‘Shoe-Headed People’s’ World… hum-hum!? So once again my dear friend-Shaman-traveler! Before we depart to another riverbank or clearing of the day in this ‘World of Shoe Headed People’, what more can we expect from this small winged purple creeuh-creeuh-beast’s apparition... hum?
Let us say that: inevitably if only one shoe from each of us can keep kicking roughly on the ground (but not on each enemy's head yet hum hum!?...) maybe each one of us with that so called papaya-shoe stabilized (like KaKo's shoe is!) covering each of our heads, might try and guess what kind of gift this old purple croco-beast might be bringing back to shoe headed KaKo so he, being reasonably and fully transformed and fighting in any of his humanly shoe headed forms, can survive any first deadly challenge he might be involved in… Humming in the air of this clearing or not, you will be trying to guess what this vital and protecting gift might be…hum? Won’t you…? Definitively… won’t you now? Vrhum-hum…!?
To be tested or not to be tested… hum? So as one last test of the day! My dear traveler-Shaman-friend! You might be seen violently hitting a shoe-signpost visibly planted on a street leading to one of your best friends’ houses; so continuing painfully or not on your way, you might amazingly start to yell out and expose a kind of a sudden desire of yours which might be to totally enter inside one of your so scintillating and visible pairs of shoes of the day…!? Or could you be waiting to find a quieter place along your way to keep trying and trying all alone to really get inside one of your shoes, needing to really speak with someone inside…? Or Could we be starting to imagine another KaKo-Croco-head of a famous villager able to avoid all kinds of shoe-signposts all along his way to his best friend’s house; but to simply be living his own first test of the day, with at least one of his hands irresistibly covering up his head already with one of his most caring shoes before entering inside that same best friend’s house… hum!?
Now to depart, reflecting out of the sight of this “Right-worn yellow purple-striped shoe headed KaKo’s body”, the first question to cunningly ask is this,” How do you imagine a crowd of shoe headed persons? Being able to enter altogether or not inside some of their famous shoe headed people’s river-banks…?
And as none of us here with an adopted croco-beast’s silhouette of his own or her own design would have dared to imagine any headless body belonging to shoe headed KaKo thrown painfully inside one same crowd of shoe headed persons gathering and vibrating more than hysterically on one of their special days… hum? No…? Yes…? Can you imagine our Shaman student shoe headed KaKo’s body intact or not, accompanying, in an amazing state of a headless shoe headed body, a crowd of shoe headed people noisily entering into one of their famous shoe headed people’s river-banks on one of their special days...hum?
So my dear Shaman-traveler-friend, to ask the
unnumbered but last two important questions in this clearing now, will our shoe
headed KaKo survive in front of this ‘Left-worn black shoe headed
Crocoman-Checker’ identified as his most dangerous enemy of the day? Will each
one of us be able to tell some more about how long each of our own adopted
croco-beasts might have to wait… to finally approach… if necessary now… and more
than visibly… this duo of shoe headed bodies preparing inevitably to… to…to…!?
ReplyDeleteon January 22, 2011
Keep up the positive works family
All love
ReplyDeleteon January 20, 2011
amazing Beautiful history(story) which you has of it
jus finish episode VI, lovin dis psychedelic vibe in di land ah sensemillancestral creatures! Jah bless <>
ReplyDeletebeen awhile since I visited this mystical land. was as if I never left! wonder how this amazing journey will end???
ReplyDeleteblessings <>
I like the present knowlegde of the people
ReplyDeletesomething like a fog above the field,
When the sun mounts the horizon
To it's rays the mist will yield.
This story is marvel of the age!
You are a writer who can hold your head high above the crowd.
ReplyDeleteGreat story teller.