(It's the named 'Diso La Sanka': meaning the Eye Of Sanka, the Honorable surprising Chief of Warrior-Equilibrium-Village, who's speaking:) (… After he'd finished murmuring, of course!)
- … Hum!.. Hum!... My dear I-Friend! Young Shaman KaaaKoo, as I am one of the (I-)Three-
Supervisors following your initiation, from now on, listen to me carefully; and do all you might feel can be done if I ask yooooooooou!... » Before rising from his throat another series of lappings-murmurs...
“ … Yeeah! Up to Yooooooooou! Mister WE-Village-Eye-Sanka-Chief!>> Thought the Young
Shaman KaKo; he was concentrating; willing to know more about all the challenges he would have to face; so he started to nod his head; while the amazing WE-Village-Chief was murmuring again…

KaKo likely was ready to hear more from the crocodile outside while the Chief stopped singing and went on; saying: « … Hum!... Hum!... Those Shoes of yours you took off in front of my door before you came in, one of the Elders of our village has taken them to carefully clean them. He will lay them in the middle of my compound where the crocodile supposedly will turn around...! » (Wooohh!...) « Just be ready to go outside and pick up only one of your shoes without getting a brutal reaction from this mighty Crocodile-Spirit; and, come back and lay on this carpet that one shooooooooooe -you'll choooooose!- » (Woh! Woh!...) His eyes hardly open, bloodshot; he stopped talking and pointed to the carpet he was sitting on; facing without blinking a feline standing up. KaKo totally concentrated now to hear all the lappings coming from the outside of course!...
KaKo drew aside the decorated veil of rattan, which was todays door covering, to get out... Yes the big crocodile was lapping from somewhere; but as he was intensely looking at this large yard of the WE-Village-Chief, sparsely filled with short and dense foliage trees in front of him, KaKo couldn't see any crocodile…
« Where was that Croco-Spirit?... » he may have thought, when as suddenly as he jumped outside, the whole living room he has already left behind him, seems to vibrate: So, it was like hearing many lappings around oneself without seeing the ones who were emitting them... Of course, he knew the WE-Village-Chief was inside... Of course, he felt the crocodile was somewhere around; and like this Chief said, his shoes seemed to be flashing, lying on the ground: right in the middle of the compound...

KaKo was looking at his two shoes; and even if any crocodile had gotten to dance or turn around them, he knew he didn't have to wait all day to see how that would happen. Feline as he could, he stepped forward to rapidly touch and pick up one of his shoes... Really, he knew he didn't have to wait until the mighty Croco-Spirit showed himself: Better to pick any Croco-Spirit up while he is caught inside one of your shoes than what?... than what?... than to stand shouting to everyone to try and guess in which of your shoes he might be more comfortable and efficient... Or is it best to forget about when out, which one you will want him being more efficient in...!?
But for now, as this mighty spirit of the Chief's crocodile was slow to bring his lappings and creeping body in front of KaKo, KaKo was choosing to pick up his left shoe from the ground. Even if he couldn't visualize himself waiting any longer to get back into the living room, he wasn't running… With efficacy, he has already taken one of his shoes and was almost safe from any outside lappings when, from this living room he was about to attain, he realized he was hearing some long and stronger new lappings; these from the inside; as if he only had to pull away the same rectangular and decorated veil of rattan to find many large crocodiles slowly moving somewhere near the WE-Village-Chief... (Wooh!... Wooh!... Rearranging his mind’s ears, KaKo readjusted his hearing…)
It was a looooong and powerful lapping rising from where the WEV Chief’s was…
His shoe in hand, KaKo was reflecting... No, it wasn't the WE-Village-Chief imitating a lapping as deep as this one! and the living room was really vibrating from a real crocodile lapping. > Thought KaKo...
KaKo was quick; he had acted quickly in going and picking up one of his shoes, and from the time he stood up from the same carpet he was sharing with the WE-Village-Chief, until he came back and safely touched the red, black and green, triple-colored, decorated veil of rattan as the main WE-Village-Chief's door to cross, just to enter the living room again, with his bright yellow left shoe in hand, he knew and felt he was quick...! But who knows how time can work on someone's mind when hearing the endless lappings of a mighty crocodile around him; at least all along the day...!?

KaKo thought he was quick, so he couldn't understand how the crocodile could be lapping so strongly inside this living room he was returning to; and, where exactly was this speaking-Croco-Beast...? KaKo could open his two eyes wider than any kind of mangoes outside, still he couldn't see any shadow of the crocodile turning around the WE-Village-Chief, except that he could feel and hear another strident and long strange lapping rising through this WE-Village-Chief's living room... So the question of where was the Chief's crocodile was still in his mind when he silently sat down: laying down one of his shoes on the carpet, as the chief has asked him to do…!
- So it is that one you choose, young Kaakooo!» the WE-village Chief said…
- Yes!... » Answered KaKo. He was courageous, and with both ears he will accurately hear where the next lappings will be coming from... while his eyes concentrated on his left shoe on the ground...

… If only his right shoe outside could tell everyone to ease up the pressure while having to deal with the large shadow of a crocodiles form approaching...
(About that shoe! That form of KaKo’s yellow right-shoe :)
Yes, still evacuating its smell in the middle of this outside compound of the WE-Village-Chief, this right-I-shoe of KaKos' lying on the ground was hardly rejoicing, hearing a Croco-Shadow approaching and starting to speak an understandable SoulShoe-Language to… to…:
(as some terrible first words were spoken:)
- Lap!... Are You-The-Food-Shoe..? Are You-To-Eat-Or-Not-To-Eat?
- Don't-Eat-Me-!...
- Why?...
- … Just-Try-To-Start-With-Your-Tail-To-Get-Inside-Of-Me-I'm-Your-Transporter...
- Oôok!… Ok!... Not-A-wooden-shoe-Food of mine but only one new kind… of… oôouf…

… It may be by reducing the size of his tail before entering inside of any shoe presented to him, that an old and invisible Croco-Spirit can travel to visit any grounds he wants to... (and why not, especially if he wants to go to SoulShoe-Village…!? Going there… Really?…)
Now, my dear Shaman-Traveler, imagine, this Croco-Spirit asking where the opposite-twin shoe was and who was going to guard it if both of them would have separated...?
“… My dear Kaaaaakoooo! Now you have one of your shoes in front of me and the other one outside right!? » asked the Chief of WEV… “Yes » Answered KaKo again; before watching intensely what this WE-Village-Chief was pulling out of his pocket and has started to manipulate... Caught by surprise, KaKo was trying to master all of his gestures; he didn't want to look more disturbed than he was already; he has to control himself; only concentrating his mind to hear from where the next lappings will really be coming from... The WE-Village-Chief 'Diso-La-Sanka' as one of the I-Three supervisors of this shamans initiation was pulling out of his pocket a little yawning crocodile perfectly alive ; he was roughly manipulating this small crocodile to introduce him, maybe by force, inside the left shoe the Young Shaman KaKo had laid in front of... ooôof... him...! Just in front of him; so… Woooh!... So was his day; so this was it…! All full of surprises and tasks to do, of course!...
{About the small and living croco-beast vividly put inside I-Shaman KaKo’s left yellow shoe in front of… oôoôuf!... ooôouuf... (For sure, my dear I-Friend-Shaman-traveler…!?)}
… Before this baby crocodile starts to lap and totally disappears, rolled inside KaKos shoe, the WE-Village-Chief raised up his voice again saying:
- Now, my dear young I-friend KaaaKoo! All you seem to have to do, lastly on this day, yes today
inside this village of mine, is to choose which one of your shoes you will bring to the mighty warrior you have already heard about, the man called 'WANTA' of the Watta-Village'... » (After a little silence The WE-Village-Chief went on:)
>> And when you will attain and successfully enter the Watta-Village, remember to call upon ‘Wanta-Watta-Warrior’’s bird in the sky of his village: a watta-wanta-warrior-sparrowhawk, both of them will probably tell you better than I now what all of you will have to do...! I just want to imagine you KaKo with my friend ‘Wanta’ and his bird looking for… for… Just to attain their village, the Watta-Village, and you know I could more properly call it ‘The Wanta-Watta-Village’… » He went on, talking some more about the second of the three supervisors of this Young Shaman:
>>… Hum!... My dear Young friend KaaaKooo! This Watta-Warrior called Wanta, my friend the Sparrowhawk-Man, will tell you the second duty as the second step to take in your shamans initiation… So before you! KaaaaKoo comes back here to take back the one shoe of yours you will be leaving today, and being allowed by me to return to SoulShoe-Village: your own native village ending what will have to take end...! (talking of course about your shamans initiation’s phase on the way!…)>> Again, the WE-Village-Chief was pointing silently to the left shoe of KaKo in front of them…

… My dear I-Friend -Shaman-Traveler, understandable or not, some will not resist asking you to imagine inside which shoe of KaKos this invisible Croco-Spirit will be entering; in a more natural way or not...!? Or how KaKo might have to support that Croco-Spirit with him...!?

(Plainly corrected by Empress J.P)
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