
(… Each one of Kako's shoes per crocodile!?)… After being asked which one of his shoes he will choose and carry to show to Wanta, one of the mightiest warriors of Watta-Village, Wanta Watta Warrior of course! Identified as the second supervisor of his shamans initiation, the young shaman KaKo couldn't believe the WE-Village-Chief was laughing-lapping again; in front of him; in this living room; pointing more than three greyish fingers above an invisible baby crocodile still lapping inside the left-shoe KaKo has lain on the carpet... Wooh... How greyish were these... woooh...!? Wooh!...

Both were sitting on the same carpet; facing one another; knowing that, from the beginning of their meeting on this initiation day, for the young shaman KaKo, every part seen on this man's body, who was talking to him was grey... wooh! greyish!... Inquiring, bloodshot, were this chief’s eyes! with his eyelids silver colored… Yes! The WE-Village-Chief seemed to have smeared his whole body with a mixture of oil and shale clay. His gandoura – one large piece of cloth draped from his shoulders down to his toes- although decorated, was of the same color- as shale too... His big and heavy face was colored grey all over, unreadable; but probably inciting anyone to harshly challenge his own fears when meeting him : So dramatic, so dressed, with a smiling, or mysterious face; especially a face made up as for today, in front of KaKo…
The one or two, even three toes of Chief KaKo seen from underneath this gandoura of the WE-Village-Chief were painted gray; as gray as some crocodiles greyish-rose-under-belly-! So were these long-speaking-fingers of the Chief ‘Diso-La-Sanka’, the ‘Eye-of-Sanka’, the WE-Village Chief’s, moving while he was talking or singing...
KaKo was concentrating on his shoes; the question was: while he is traveling, soon leaving this Warrior Equilibrium Village, between his two yellow shoes, which one will he wear and travel with…? Was it also about which one to abandon in this WE-Village, even if it's totally safe and guarded in the compound of their Chief...? KaKo was reflecting; and the atmosphere inside this living room of the WE-Village-Chief may have started to remind him more and more of something like the speaking and laughing Croco-Beast. The Chief's reptile he had dreamt about some days ago...
Wooh-Wooh!... No, it wasn't good to push his mind and start comparing anything resonating around his ears now to that unforgettable laughing Croco-Beast he'd heard in a dream...!? No…!? But as KaKo needed more substance to reflect deeply on his shoes, let us see how all his senses are on alert…

Anyway, surely, for now, the real and perfect question KaKo's brain was trying to solve was: where exactly this large and single-eyed crocodile could have been hiding himself?... (Lookinnayoushoeman! Lol!) KaKo felt something like a blow, ready to lap hard again; and some suspected scratchings of this old crocodile’s presence, challenging the nature of the walls behind KaKo; but, without him, nonetheless, seeing the big reptilian beast of the WE-Village-Chief...
Certainly, life was full of choices to make! as options to take...! And, for KaKo, he has to decide on which one of his shoes will be more valuable to be shown to – anyone or- someone who was able, but able to what? To speak with...? Speak with? One foot being inside or not?... Woooooh-wooh!... For now, he just has to imagine himself bringing that 'chosen' shoe in front of Wanta…! Bring one single shoe in front of Wanta! And that Watta-Warrior-Supervisor will surely be seen touching or even smelling the insides of this one shoe of his he will be bringing...!? Woooh-wooeuh-how-to-better-feel-the-crocoeuh-spirit...!?
Every village is supposed to not only have a married Chief, but also a clan of Warriors, a clan of Shamans, a lot of different Eminent women and men and often a few Elders occupying different functions and doing a lot for all life’s communities they live in... For the young Shaman KaKo, talking about not the WE-Chief but the Watta-Chief or the Watta-Warrior called Wanta, all these different images of men with their kids and wives were just people he knew through positive and deep rumors; rumors traveling from village to village...
The young Shaman was efficiently remembering these two men he had only known for a few days... And although the fact that he had met them already, he had never really spoken to them more than simply to greet each one of them or to receive greetings from each one of them... Anyway, he went on remembering how a long time ago, when his father and his mother were alive, KaKo -in an incomprehensible situation of being and staying an only son- was called to dance with his mother (don't say better than two moving-croco-heads! Lol!) around some other parents and kids in that great gathering of many clans of different villages!... Life was full of surprises! as on this initiation day of his, he has to recall things from his childhood; especially from that gathering we may now be calling 'The Great Gathering of Mamas Dancing with Their Only Son'... Yes, on that day, while dancing with his own mother, amongst the other few people who were dancing, were these two men (of course much younger than now!) dancing also, with ones who made it seem like they were dancing with their own Mothers. So from that day on, it seemed natural, through all of their kid's eyes, to feel and know the potential friendship that would link them later... So KaKo had danced with both men; at least he knew the one called Wanta. He wasn't too much older than him, even if that one was one of his supervisors...

Anyway it was another story to develop and tell more about KaKo’s childhood; and really another to count how many people or even animals with whom he had danced with all along his life…
… Circling around a fearless chameleon, while beating their hands to have him move, you'll see and hear a lot of little villagers starting to yell to others to come and help with the dancing… to keep clapping and dancing all around with you… Woooh! Singing the fearless chameleon’s song of the day…!? Anyway, why dance around a chameleon?... At that time, those were questions the young KaKo shared the answers to with other youths…
Wooh!... And as any villager from new and old clans of any village feels and knows it, it counts a lot to have danced with someone (: both in full trance or not around any kind of sensemillancestral living creatures...!). Yes, among many actions people from different clans of villages have to share between kinsmen, each and every one knew it was important and it counts a lot to have danced with others... To dance with others and be able to remember how or why they are dancing... Wooh !... And for this young Shaman KaKo, trying to recollect remembrances of how himself or these two men were dancing in different opportunities seemed important for his present initiation... He knew all his remembrances could help him to choose the most valuable shoe to bring there in Watta-Village... Of course, it was on 'The Great Gathering of Mamas Dancing with Their Only Son' that KaKo, had been there for the first time... And he could recall how some Elders of Watta-Village were pointing to each of their… what?... which sandal or shoe or even sole of foot was the best body part dancing!? KaKo knew his right foot was stronger but the left one more skilful.... So it was like having to choose between skillfulness and strength of mind which one was more valuable or required to approach woooeeuuh!... euh!... what? a crocodile?... And even if that comparison wasn't totally adaptable to his situation, KaKo knew this little crocodile the WE-Village-Chief had placed inside his left-Shoe could also help him to know; he was transpiring already; while concentrating also to visualize how the 'Wanta Watta Warrior's face has turned to be on manhood...

- KaaKoo! KaaaKooo... woooh! Do you remember all that will happen to be able to enter into
that Watta-Village with your visible shoe on one foot? » The WE-Village-Chief asked him.
- Yes! » KaKo started; realizing the WE-Village-Chief wanted more from him, he continued:
« … Yes; they will want me to have one of my feet with or without a shoe on it be washed by their Chief! And, KaKo went on explaining, I will take care to have the Watta-Village Chief wash my foot without any shoe; then after he finished washing my bare and dirty foot, I will myself wash, clean, and dry my other foot as same as my shoe!... So, as all will be nicely cleaned up, I'll successfully be entering their village... »
- Nice said KaKo; and what else...? » Added the man in gray in front of him...
- … And, any time someone from there, even if it is their respectful Chief who's asking me to
exchange an invisible shoe with him, with no doubt, I will give him another invisible one; just to keep safe the only visible one I will be wearing. »
- Hum!... KaKo!... Hum...! (The WE-Village-Chief started again)… Nice! But for this long travel you have to endure, I have to call on our Forefathers blessings and The Multitude of their Sacred animals' Spirits to lead and protect your way the best they can! Hum...!? KaaaaaaaKoo... Hum!? KaaaaKooo! Hum!... » The WE-Village-Chief called KaKo's name again and again before he started lapping-laughing... again and more loudly... in this living room; his main living room…

… So for now, all KaKo has to think about is whether he has to leave this living room of the WE-Village-Chief with or without a shoe in hand and having to travel with a baby crocodile lapping inside of it, or to stand up and go wear the other shoe which seems to have started lapping also from the outside of the WE-Village-Chief's yard... Believe me, somewhere from behind some trees outside this WE-Village-Chief's compound, long and rough lappings were arising... It's impossible for KaKo to know for now when he will be back or when he will speak again with someone of this WE-Village... He may meet some on his journey; but when will he be back in front of this WE-Village-Chief? He couldn't tell... So as the lappings outside intensified, the lapping-laughing WE-Village-Chief's face, gray in front of him, inside this living room suddenly stopped to call upon him again:
- Yoooeuh... OK! My dear Young Shaman KaaaaKooo! Hum! KaaaKooo!... So, now! it's like all of your shoes are lapping! Hum! Hum! KaaaKooo...! This one in front of me and the other one somewhere outside! Yoeuh!...Yooeuh! You see, Young KaKo, what I'm sure of now is that: if it happens that I dream about one of your shoes while you're still journeying and not around this WE-Village, I will speak with them!... » Wooh... Wohh!... Going on and moving his jaws faster, suddenly, he started to... laugh-lap!? Again; but this time, his resonance was totally different from all murmurs or lappings' sounds that KaKo has heard from him before; something in this mans new and irregular series of murmurs really seemed to awaken to KaKo his dream of his own speaking-laughing Croco-Beast in his mind... Yes, KaKo knew it was the very time for him to choose; so... (will that be the end of their meeting?)
While standing up, the young shaman KaKo nodded again and again his head full of dreadlocks up and down, respectfully by greeting the WE-Village-Chief, his first supervisor. It wasn't time for endless goodbyes; so as the WE-Village-Chief separated their mutual (banging two-croco-heads! Lol) foreheads without stopping his vocalizing maneuver, the young shaman KaKo stood up; moving forward to draw aside the black, red and green decorated veil of rattan to get out of this living room...
… Yes! My dear I-Friend-Shaman-Traveler! In front of him, KaKo drew aside the triple colored veil of rattan, ready at last to challenge all likely attacks of any crocodile outside of this WE-Village-Chief's yard... As natural as possible, he walked forward to pick up, and put on his flashing right shoe: Ready to go challenge the world with or without another supervisor...! Really! No one can say if any young or old crocodile spirit or any kind of earthworms were shriveling up inside themselves (while entering any one of those shoes)… to give KaKo's toes more space… And especially this I-right-Shoe KaKo was going to... wooh! wooh!... wear or to pick up…!?
EACH ONE OF KAKO'S SHOES PER CROCODILE... So my dear I-Friend-Shaman-Traveler, as we can easily imagine now: Lets say, in this WE-Village, patting some baby crocodile's heads could be an ordeal fortifying probably all the villagers, young and old, and not only their clan of shamans in their dreams!...
To Be Continued…

So now my dear I-Friend-Shaman-Traveler, the first question I would like to ask may be turned upside down like this: WHY DO YOU WANT KAKO TO BE SEEN BOTHERED ALL ALONG HIS WAY BY A LITTLE BABY CROCODILE LAPPING AND BITING CONTINUALLY ON ALL SIDES OF HIS FOOT, INSTEAD OF A SILENT AND INVISIBLE CROCO-SPIRIT READY TO FOLLOW HIM PEACEFULLY WHILE HE IS GOING TO MEET HIS SECOND SUPERVISOR...? The second question may be asking you to share all you can recall about The 'WWW' (of course!) The 'WATTA WANTA WARRIOR'...
IN THE NEXT EPISODE-/EPISODE- IV / We may be talking about another pyramid; learning from other people's dreams? or will we have to run faster than a speaking 'croco-shoe' challenging one of our feet…!?
Written by D. Jahman DEÏDO TREE
(Plainly corrected by Empress J.P)
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