PART ONE : Wooh-Wooh!... Before being seen running as a cheetah headed man…!?
‘The Eye of Sanka’ was watching two shoe headed men; and, as the silvery moon in some dream’s scenarios used to shine upon some mysterious trees circling a clearing in front of everyone, so alive was this clearing within which this supervising Eye of Sanka was leading and observing the form or shape of KaKo’s right-Shoe planted and vibrating as a new and strange head… Yes, in the middle of KaKo’s shoulders was KaKo’s right-Shoe: fixed and vibrating silently from his hollowness…
This young Shaman KaKo whose actions where fully supervised by ‘The Eye of Sanka’ has chosen to become a shoe headed man too; so were two shoe headed men sitting in the Lotus position upon two large leaves as each one’s nest on the ground… And, yes, in front of ‘The Eye of Sanka’, not far from these two shoe headed men was a winged crocodile, stretching, but only seeing from the back… Woaaah!… This winged crocodile was moving, twisting his strange tubulous throat like repositioning his head!?…Woooauuah!... All his body parts were swinging as these colored wings of his were flapping and almost ready to take him off… Wooh?...Wooôh..!? Was it really KaaaKoo’s head twisting and leading this powerful flapping of wings along this crocodile body!?… Woauh-wôh...! KaâKooo! KaâKoooh!... What sort of winged traveler are you becoming…? And how long and far are you willing to… to go… ‘The Eye of Sanka’ was anticipating: being more surprised by KaKo’s choice than new form; as his first supervisor, he was pivoting around himself and blinking harshly again, to better see the swinging of all these strange bodies of people preparing themselves in this clearing; a clearing where KaKo has to be tested by a shoe headed creature; yes, tested to know more about his own powers and skills of shaman; so was he preparing himself to be able to… to... divide… (run or fly? Run and fly?) Already metamorphosed as one sensemillancestral creature now able to follow any of his swinging or separated body parts…
So my dear I-Friend-Shaman-Traveler! Now beware: winged or not, you may be called one traveling creature needing to know more about The SoulShoe-Village levels of shamanism, if so...! Like KaKo, now, prepare to understand yourself what it means to meet one shoe headed creature in a humanly form and to understand what it takes to live under their rules… So it was KaKo’s choice: To approach and enter into The Shoe Headed People’s World of Challenges…!? Being not well prepared to… to… accept challenges by others or be challenged… by… by… (them…!?)
The Young shaman KaKo was about to enter The Shoe headed People’s World of Challenges; transformed as his skills and abilities permitted his body and mind to separate or mingle differently in this clearing…

… ‘The Eye of Sanka’ was still watching the two shoe headed men sitting in this clearing with a winged crocodile flapping his wings more and more vigorously not far from them; a winged crocodile ready to take off and carry -beyond his own dreams- KaKo’s head…
(… So while some trees around were bruised by this agitated powerful winged-one! By the shuffle of its powerful wings!...) ‘Diso La Sanka’ –The Eye of Sanka- felt the need to call upon this winged traveler getting ready to take off; so he started to blink differently, meaning, speaking through the roundness of his Eye; saying:
- … Woauh ! KaaaKooo! What a winged crocodile you are now! and obliged, by rotating, showing me only the back of your human head also..! Am I right to say, KaKo muna sister You na Kali Konè from SoulShoe-Village, that you want to go far…?
- You are right, my dear Sanka-I... ( ready to lap another winged-travelers answer to Sanka’s ears!?)
- … So let me take time to understand more about this first travel and decision of yours…! But, KaKo! Notice that, time is running out for safety in this clearing…!> ‘The Eye of Sanka’ was looking all around and living a strange situation: Two shoe headed men were in front of him; and there was The Shoe Headed Crocoman-Checker (a kind of shoe headed checker with a…(a…?) analyzing already Our Shoe Headed KaKo’s intentions and abilities to…to…communicate at least… for now!?) who wanted to see him and meet his apprentice KaKo; and of course, there was also the vibrating yellow right-Shoe of KaKos planted as a strange head between KaKo’s broad shoulders and body sitting in a Lotus position on the same ground; side by side…

- … Hum! Hum!... Now! Tell me, where are we going…?
- I was sure as an eye that you would come and see at least one pyramid with me… (Answered KaKo’s head while flapping his colorful and powerful wings; as a winged traveler, he was noisily preparing his own takeoff...) - Kaaaa…Kôoo! KaaKoo! Just tell me how long will we be traveling…?
- … We’ll go circling around and around any pyramid; and how long you ask…? Until someone dares to open an upside-down gate to get into or…- Or what?... Ooh-Ooh-Woooh!.. My dear I-friend-Apprentice-Young-Shaman-KaKo, who do you really expect to see or meet?...
- A mighty shape of a Pharaoh! Yes Higher-Sanka-Eye! My dear Protector ‘Diso La Sanka’, would I have to be afraid to meet a Pharaoh with or without a mummified head or a living one moving to speak with…? With a cheetah…
- A Pharaoh with a cheetah-what…? What? Hum? Huuum…!" Sighing with astonishment,
KaKo’s first supervisor heavily silenced himself; as well as this KaKo’s speaking head was ready to… to…(… stop talking at least !)

It was time for him to split his vision as he was watching this uncontrollable head with a heavy crocodile body vigorously flapping his wings and taking off, rising from the ground of this clearing; as so carried by a winged and powerful crocodile body, so was KaKo’s head to rise… To say: more than instantly, a part of Sanka’s Eye powers were still concentrating, seeing as best as he possibly could how the two shoe headed men were vibrating in front of him, while another part of his sight's power was rising from the ground to follow and keep protecting Kako’s head in this new shaped crocodile winged body: a winged shaped crocoman-traveler he has become…

PART TWO: Don’t test me! I’ve got only the life of an eye, lets say to blink and disappear...
… Side by side, the two shoe headed men were silent; and feeling another mystery to point out, was the part of ‘The Eye of Sanka’, still looking all around to manage his own presence at it's best in this clearing; so what was to come next…? Reflecting; suddenly calling upon The Shoe Headed Crocoman-Checker who wanted to meet KaKo; this part of ‘Diso-La-Sanka’ started to speak with him, saying:
<… Dear I-friend-Checker!... Best of All The Checkers in This Clearing of Shoe Headed People...! My dear I-Friend Crocoman-Checker’a-SoulShoe-Village! You, who wanted to meet me while controlling and testing, as so firstly as freely as now, my shaman student KaKo’s desire to travel far away from his native land, ones’ apprentices willing to learn something about the use of Authority some powerful people had in this life...! You, The Shoe Headed Crocoman-Checker! You may have the right to act or to test him that way and see what will happen to him, but please do not use that right, as I know you won’t do, to test me; just tell me when this other crocodile will be back here!…>
- ‘I-Sankaaa-Eye’! You still have a few minutes but not more than two to leave this clearing of mine and my own real crocodile!... - One crocodile per shoe headed man hum!?...Hum…?! Or mustn‘t I forget the rule in your
clearing which says that: Every Shoe Headed Man Owns A Crocodile!?... Hum? Hum? And doesn’t that only mean that if this Shadow of KaKo, my apprentice shaman’s shadow, now flying far away above us, has received, like a gift to welcome him in your challenging world, a winged headless crocodile waiting to travel with him as soon as he has accepted becoming a shoe headed body, your winged crocodile is surely somewhere protecting your clearing from all presences, even from mine when, in two minutes you said, you will want to speak alone with KaKo’s I-right-Shoe…
- You’re totally right ‘I-Sanka-Higher-Eye’; in front of my personal and old winged crocodile, I
only have to be with those of my world... And for now, before your student KaKo learns to manage his own voice out of his shoe head here, you will have to leave...! As you know I’m going to weigh up the relationship this shaman, your student, will want to establish with many others he will be meeting in all the other so called clearings of ours…! So long! I-Sanka-Diso! For nobody except him and I will have to face this old but tireless checking and nightmarish crocodile of mine…”

… So suddenly as to hear a nasty lapping coming from the small river stream he could feel hidden behind some trees circling this famous –Checker’s -shoe headed Crocoman’s- clearing, it took ‘The Eye of Sanka’ only one, lets say maybe two seconds to blink and disappear...
… SO NOW, MY DEAR I-FRIEND-SHAMAN-TRAVELER, it may be time to introduce the main question while flying this way : OPEN YOUR EYE AND LOOK WITHIN, ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE NUMBER OF HEADLESS CROCODILES WE SAW around The Chief Diso-La-Sanka’s protecting shadow in this famous clearing, introducing KaKo’s presence as well, to This World of Shoe Headed People…?
END…End of Episode V of ‘The Crocodile-Factor Story-Enigma Around an African Tree’
· First------HOW MANY HEADS OF CROCODILES DID WE SEE… In this episode...? Yes!…
· Second-–TRY TO COUNT HOW MANY HUMANS’ HEADS WE SAW… In this episode? (LOL De LOL !?) Yes!...
· Last one and most difficult to tell us:HOW MANY SANKA EYES HAVE BEEN SEEN OPENED FOLLOWING & PROTECTING KAKO’S HEAD BEFORE ENTERING THIS SO CALLED FAMOUS SHOE HEADED MAN’S CLEARING NOW…? (Just start by knowing where and how many KaKo’s heads that you count.)

Written by D. Jahman DEIDO TREE
(Plainly corrected by Empress J.P)
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