Here We Are Entering The Shoe Headed People’s World of Challenges
And Already, One Of These Sensemillancestral Creatures
Crippled On The Ground Like A Strange Crocodile
Is Really Going To Fix up A New Head On Someone Else's Body
And See If That’s Worth It Or More Effective
For This Thinking New Body
To Keep Holding More Shamans Challenges
Along His Way In This World Of Shoe Headed People…

… A dreadful lapping from a crocodile was rising from a path between the trees behind the two shoe headed men who were sitting, facing each other in this clearing. KaKo's body was facing the shoe headed crocoman-checker determined to meet him and 'Diso La Sanka' but, in this clearing full of surprises for KaKo, 'Diso La SanKa', alias 'The Eye of Sanka', his first supervisor, during this process of his shaman initiation, has already simply blinked an eye and literally disappeared; so, both of the shoe headed men already seemed to be facing one another maliciously, as almost studying each others vibes... Each one of their differently colored shoes was perfectly fixed as a repositioned head upon their broad and powerful shoulders. Each of these two shoe heads were vibrating on their bodies, slowly twisting, but abnormally speaking:

- … KaaaKoo! KaaaaKooo! I'm testing you constantly here, to find out more about some of your choices...!” So, KaaaKooo, as all this hollowness of my big black left shoe has started to talk to you, you have to know that: IF I'M YOUR FRIEND, MY CROCODILE WINGED OR NOT, BUT RETURNING FROM ONE OF ITS HUNTINGS OF THE DAY, WILL COME TO YOU AS AN ENEMY, as naturally opposed: IF I WAS TO BE IDENTIFIED AS YOUR ENEMY, THIS SAME CROCO-BEAST OF MINE WILL COME TO YOU AS A FRIEND!...
“Bheuhm!-Beum!...” It seemed as if Shoe headed KaKo couldn't speak, allowing the terrible test to go on.
- … So, KaâKoo! As you fearlessly came to reason in this clearing of mine, just tell me now: What would your choice of relationship be with this Creeuhcooo-Beast of mine that's coming...?
“Bhum!... Bhum!...” As he watched a powerful crocodile coming towards him, KaKo's body was painfully twisting, laying all of the front of his body on the ground; his right shoe still planted as an active and reflecting head was banging on the ground, yes hitting it hard. The Shoe headed Man he has become, or he was, was seen lifting his open-toed shoe-shoe head and trying to speak; all the while.
(“Bhum!-Bhum!... Hum!?... Wooauh-hum?-Hum?!...”)

… So, in this clearing, just as one crocodile faced another one approaching, KaKo's body was laying, bouncing up and down and sometimes twisting in circles its so called head above the ground. That way the shoe headed KaKo was adopting a valuable but defensive posture... Wooah!... In front of the… Woooahh!... So KaKo's shoe headed body was absolutely able to hear the heavy and loud voice, so to say, able to understand all of the words this inquiring shoe headed man who wanted to meet him and test him was saying. For now his right-shoe-head was unable to make his voice erupt out of its toe, as to arise or burst out, and to be heard…from… Where?... Woooah… Yes, and to whom…?A so called Moon-Checker-Croco-Beast...!? Anyway KaKo’s body was struggling…
(“Bhum-Vrum!... Vrhuuum!?-Bhum-hum-vrhumm?!...”)
Step by step, waddling heavily and so dreadfully, surely coming to rightfully play a role, a new Croco-Beast was approaching. Plainly winged or not, these weren't exactly KaKo’s first thoughts when seeing and deeply feeling the approach of that crippling creature…
Its large and terrible head full of teeth was opening two powerful jaws around the two shoe headed men. As one of these shoe headed bodies was bouncing, twisting and writhing on the ground, this new and terrible strange crocodile knew instinctively as to which body language he would be responding to...
Of course! Any kind of noise made by a Croco-Beast’s jaws at this time in this clearing, where this shoe headed Crocoman of SoulShoe-Village was testing, must have a scent (a sense?) to catch, so…:
There must be a sensed dialogue?... at least to… to…
(Bhum-Bhumvrum!-bum-hum-humvrhumhear!?... vrumhumhearme!?...)

- … What kind of… lap-lap! is lapping your lap-shoe-name...?” Simply put: the Croco- Beast just asking KaKo's name was enhanced by his own powers.
So even if it took some time to deeply inhale and have his forehead… oops! the toe of this shoe headed man, disoriented by hitting the ground, he was just adjusting his own so called sense of wisdom before speaking out in front of any winged or non-winged crocodile approaching him. Finally, KaKo's right-shoe head was ready to answer and talk, so Shoe Headed KaKo responded…
- Bhum!-Bhum!-name-is: I-Kali-right-Shoe-Head-Konè from-I-bhum!-bhum!-SoulShoe- Village!... Answered KaKo's vibrating and talking right shoe,fixed and twisting the toe of it's shoe in the middle of KaKo’s shoulders, a shoe still planted as his repositioned and talking… what!?... head, finally?
For now, in this clearing, KaKo was simply a shoe headed man banging on the ground to make himself understood by this new and frightening crreeuh!-codile! A crocodile!? A strange one now circling around him and belonging to this Shoe-Headed-Croco-Testing-Man! KaKo couldn’t say or see how both of these creatures could have been from his native village, so he continues to bend down and, balancing, tasting again and again the tears running down from this crreuh!-creeuh-crocodile’s eyes?! So to say: a lot of liquid salt, purely more than dark water or dark tears were running out of this crocodile’s eyes and body’s strange orifices, pouring down to… to wisely be tasted by… by… anyone who comes to challenge him or this Mighty Crocoman-Checker he was linked to... So KaKo’s toe of shoe head kept on respectfully balancing.

- … So you are the villager right-shoe-headed-Konènènèèè-Kaalililiii-From-I-SoulShoe! You who are tasting my tears now, I have a question for you: Is-This-Different-or-Same-Shoe-Headed-Man-as-You, Wisely Seated Beside You as my Best Testing Lapping Owner, Your Friend or Your Enemy?
- For now, I-bhum-bhum!... at best, for now, I cannot say, but as I- bhum-better, MY BHUM-BHUM-DEEP FEELING IS THAT: IT ALL DEPENDS ON YOOOUU! CROOOOH-CROOOH...! HUM! HEAR ME?!
- … So you think it is so!? Ok, as You bhum-lap-better now, Shoe-Kaaliiiiiih!-Konè- Muna-From-ShoeSoul-I-Village! let me say: To be your friend or to become your enemy, that seems to be the question amply concerning shoe headed people amongst themselves! So the real question I have for you now is: are you lapping-bhum-bhum-hungry!? The Shoe Headed Crocoman-Checker’s crocodile was getting closer and stretching its closed jaws in front of his... -right-shoe…?- fixing his… woooauhface...!? That would have incited anyone to answer, in any croco-beast-language, as quickly as possible.
So, just seeing those terrible jaws of this small winged and strange big locust-crocodile approaching, the young shaman KaKo withdrew an inch of his shoe face back, having no way to answer, his shoe face seeming extravagant and inquiring as the other strange one in front of him was deeply distorted again, watching him and The Beast around.
“Crreuh!-crreuh-coooodile! Dear croooocooodile who wants to meet me! You ask me if I'm hungry, but you didn’t dare ask me what I'm hungry for. You have not even said what you could easily find and bring back for me to eat and swallow, piece by piece along the hollowness of my head!?” All this in a Bhum-Lapping-Speaking-Shoe-Headed-Man's-Language…

This strange and questioning large locust-crocodile was a-n-a-l-y-z-i-n-g... still turning slowly and heavily around both of those two shoe headed men, outwardly vibrating was his long coated tongue from what seems to be the back of shoe headed KaKo’s large and broad neck to KaKo’s highly transpiring Adam's Apple!?
KaKo's right-shoe was twisting and raising itself up and down constantly from the ground. Easily, being respectful, so incurving all of his body,he was thinking, reflecting at best; but as deeply as what... or whom:A thought Eater or a thought Reader? And why not be seen as a Mighty-Thought-Reader-Shoe used like a powerful instrument which could have lain upon a working desk of a Pharoah too!... KaKo was about to swallow some new magical ingredients we might say, and he knew he has to, like anyone else, pay for it. Paying the price of his present choice, none can imagine how the price we are willing to pay for any choice we make can be connected to say literally the weight of someone’s own head.
Remember those rows of teeth of his? Wildly adjusted between the best manipulating jaws’ of a crocodile like creature? More precisely to be seen and called: a sensemillancestral creature along our way, my dear Friend-Shaman-Traveler, yes! This powerful and so frightening locust-crocodile was one of these sensemillancestral creatures that was surely to appear more and more along KaKo’s way. What will happen depends on who will establish their choice of relationship!!

Its large body was lightly touching each of the two shoe headed bodies anytime he turned all around them. This big and small winged crocodile, as a giant speaking-locust-crocodile was lapping again, stretching up and down before standing still, ready to speak to Shoe Headed KaKo, having his ups and downs from bumping and tasting the dampened ground. Really, in his stillness, this shoe headed crocoman-checker’s strange crocodile only seemed to be reflecting harder, turning all of his dreadful looks from his owner to his visitor… Finally, asking KaKo in a more understandable lap-lap bhum-language:
(*The Adam’s Apple is to be translated or seen as: The-Only-Curved-Bone-Of-The-Tongue… in SoulShoe-Village as in many other village’s languages around…)
- What do you -lap-lap!- want to eat...? asked the Big-Locust-Croco-Beast to KaKo.
- It still depends on you! replied The Shoe Headed KaKo.
- So for now, added the Croco-Beast, the question will be, right in front of my Best Testing Lapping Owner here! How
fast are you going to eat what I will find and will be bringing back for you Kaahh!...Kooohoo!?
The Shoe Headed KaKo was still vibrating and bouncing again. His need to respect others and have a constructive dialogue with this strange crreeuh-codile seems to be productive, for the Croco Beast's full set of teeth and its bad smelling tongue were all clicking around his shoe head’s hollowness:
- Ô Dear creeuh!-codile of my Forefathers, for now, any action I will be taking to nourish Shoe-thought, I will be doing as quickly as possible in front of any friend of mine.
- Ah!-lap!-Ah!-Lap-Ah-Ah!-Lap-Ah-Ah!-lap-Ah! So Kaaah!... Koooh...! Get ready, as this Best Testing Lapping Owner of mine will be your enemy... Ah! ah-Lap-Ah! Get ready! Ah!... Ah!... Again, this Croco-Beast was contorting his monstrous body, a mixture of a large reptile and an insect, leaving once again these two shoe headed men alone, through their challenging silence.
This time they really seemed to be preparing themselves to… to… what? to save, but to save what? each one’s shoe head?...
This strange crocodile was fully waddling... lapping... –lapping-laughing- as loudly as possible, waddling heavily until it disappeared again from this clearing.

Wooauh!... The shoe headed KaKo's body was changing his movements, reinforcing itself in its first secure position, again seated in a Lotus position in front of this first so called shoe headed enemy.
Soon this same strange and big locust-crocodile will be appearing again: and more than likely with its jaws wide open...

(To be continued)
So, once more my Dear I-Friend-Shaman-Traveler before we depart to another riverbank or clearing of the day, what more can we expect from this Creeuh-Creeuh!-Beast...? And for now it seems more appeasing to us to stop knocking or kicking our shoes so roughly on the ground, (but not on each enemy's head yet!?...) let us try to guess with or without a shoe stabilized (as KaKo's shoe is!) upon our own heads what this strange small winged locust-crocodile will be bringing to The Shoe headed KaKo to... to really eat...!?
‘The Crocodile-Factor Story-Enigma Around an African Tree...'
(Plainly corrected by Empress J P)
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